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Tucker Carlson Tonight (2022.12.07) [x265]

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TuckerCarlsonTonight.20221207.x265.mkv 39m3s 1280x720 HEVC AAC

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Zelensky wants to punish practising christians.......
no, no he does not. he's pretty pissed off at russian orthodox church as they are pretty much an arm of the russian state and have been deemed to be acting subversively. so yeah, he might ban the russian church,the ukrainian church is now not under the russian patriarch's rule.
To say he's banning christianity is just plain fucking rediculously hyperbolic bollocks

You're cutting down a straw man you created. Carlson never claimed Zelensky banned Christianity.

Are you OK with Zelensky closing ANY church? What about opposition parties and media?

ConCen wrote:

You're cutting down a straw man you created. Carlson never claimed Zelensky banned Christianity.
Are you OK with Zelensky closing ANY church? What about opposition parties and media?

if was in in the Ukraine's position and there was a church (Russian orthodox) working against the state it the way it has been.
for example if it was the UK and it was a time of war then axcts like this would be considered "treason" and the folks could by law still be hanged for it in the UK till 1998. Not now though but a big fuck off sentence would follow being caught.
there have been many variation of the headlines from "banning christianity" to banning churches etc. He's cracking down on a russian state church that is fully in the control of the krelin and thus is pretty much a branch of the Russian state.
but Tucker tows the Kremlin line , word for word and not for the first time by a large margin

Why can't people decide for themselves which church they want to pray at? Why did Zelensky ban political parties and media?

If Carlson toes the Kremlin line, then why is he against the invasion of Ukraine?

ConCen wrote:

Why can't people decide for themselves which church they want to pray at? Why did Zelensky ban political parties and media?

If Carlson toes the Kremlin line, then why is he against the invasion of Ukraine?

Here's what Gary kasparov thinks.. he's quite an intelligent bloke and chess grandmaster.

here's the independent with a report

some interesting quotesd and info here
and here
and here
and hre
i fully expect "oh but they are all leftist outlets and MSM" then again fox is VERY MSM and globalist in nature with the old cunt Murdoch in control and family . there are many more showing examples including the mixed messaging around the actual invasion. He was cheerleading for Russia previous to the invasion then about faced but still promotes Russian propaganda.
I don't buy whay tucker is selling.
poin to note, tucker says "The Ukrainian church is more than 1000 years old" .. nope
While there were russian orthodox churches there starting in 988 under The auspicies of the Patriarch of Constantinople it then went on to be Russian orthodox and the ukrainian church as it's own entity wasn't a thing till 1990 but STILL under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox church as a Moscow Patriarchate.
Also if you are at war and there's an organisation within your country actively working against your country then that is treason, certainly in the UK and i would guess other jurisdictions.

I will try once more. If you ignore this one too, the "conversation" is over.

If Putin says water is wet, am I a Russian propagandist for agreeing with him?

ConCen wrote:

I will try once more. If you ignore this one too, the "conversation" is over.
If Putin says water is wet, am I a Russian propagandist for agreeing with him?

as a variation on broken clocks ring true twice a day...
You a russian propagandist? nope, just someone with a different point of view who look at things at different angles to me.
nothing wrong with that.

Thank you. Now can you answer my other questions?

ConCen wrote:

Thank you. Now can you answer my other questions?

i already did. the russian orthodox church branches in The ukraine were/are actively working against and subverting the Ukrainian war efforts. this woud put them at odds with the law in shitloads of countries around the world.
It's not so much the worrshippers but the clergy that are at issue due to their allegiance to Moscow and the grand patriarch there. In times of war doing what they are doing under many jurisdictions that is treasonous behaviour.
As for the people... praying and worship doesn't require a church really.
those political parties that were banned. there were 11 of them all with solid links to moscow.. same as above with the move on the Russian orthodox church's Ukrainian branch. simple really.
Now let's look at Russia.. what happens to political opponents there? how many jailed? how many poisoned, blown up, shot? quite a few to say the least.

Thanks for admitting that you support totalitarianism.

ConCen wrote:

Thanks for admitting that you support totalitarianism.

that's not even remotely true.
russia though is pretty much a totalitarian state. if you are in opposition there jail is the very least of your problems. That's the opposition that gets tolerated .. not much though.

pax wrote:

ConCen wrote:
Thanks for admitting that you support totalitarianism.

that's not even remotely true.

You support banning churches, political parties, and media companies. That's totalitarianism.

pax wrote:

russia though is pretty much a totalitarian state.

In other news, water is wet. Do Putin's crimes excuse Zelenski's?

ConCen wrote:

pax wrote:

ConCen wrote:
Thanks for admitting that you support totalitarianism.

that's not even remotely true.

You support banning churches, political parties, and media companies. That's totalitarianism.

pax wrote:
russia though is pretty much a totalitarian state.

In other news, water is wet. Do Putin's crimes excuse Zelenski's?

oh so what Putin does is ok then? genuine question
When your country is at war having been invaded by another country you have to look out for the "enemy within", people actively working against the country and it's interest, security and safety. this is not rocket science and you only have to look back at WW1 and WW2 for examples. until 1998 is was still a literal "hanging offence" in the UK.
It's not hard to understand at all.
It doesn't matter to me that we have differing opinions, that's life, but to say i am a supporter of totalianarianism because i don't agree with yourt take on it is kinda bewildering to be honest.
I support no political parties, never ever been a member of any. I only vote SNP as they are a means towards an end which is Scottish independence.
I am of the opinions that all politicians are bellends to say the least.
I do not support totalianarianism is any of it's flavours at all.
What i do understand though is that when a country is at war and there are elements within your country actively subverting and working to undermine the country's efforts then that can be seen as a legitimate thing to do as has been done for rather a long time by pretty much most countries if not all.
the clerics and parties affected are ALL connected to Russia and actively working against the ukrainian efforts. It's a pretty simple.
I just don't buy what Tucker is peddling. I understand why Ukraine has done what it has done as it's a time of war, they've been invaded. it really is a simple as that.