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FLUVID-19 (2022)

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Did the plannedemic not help your neighbor WAKE UP?!
"FLUVID-19" is the simplest way to help them
understand that COVID-19 was a HOAX.

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or is it full of stuff that normies will just fart at.

Nobody seems to be talking about that. IMO that's the smoking gun which proves that the entire project was planned from the start. For the perpetrators, it will make the difference between prison or a death sentence.

The virus may well have been developed in a petri dish, but, definitely NOT a hoax!
I lost a brother and a sister, amongst several friends. I had the damn virus, myself, for 9 weeks and because my immune system was in decent shape, I lived.

I agree, if they are saying that the virus doesn't exist at all that isn't very smart.

There is ample evidence it was made in a lab.

There are also many effective treatments which were ignored, in favour of waiting for vaccines which don't work, and in favour of ventilators and Remdesivir, which is toxic.

If you lost a brother and sister and had covid for 9 weeks, we didn't do a very good job in getting the truth to you. Sorry about that.

Sorry if I appeared to be crying. Not.

From everything that I saw, I did conclude that it was/is a designer virus.
My temperature was 102 for days at a time and then 100 for days; Repeat; When it crawled into my lungs, it was very unpleasant for about 6 weeks. No real sleep, the entire time; Never-ending phlegm. I dragged ass for a many months and I'm really not myself, yet; Might not ever be.
No, I never took ANY so-called vaccine! Both of my siblings were "fully vaccinated and boosted".
It may have damaged my digestive tract. (Always perfect digestion, until last April.)

The problem is, These bastards who developed/spread this virus are still amongst us. What, if anything, do they have planned?

How was your health when you contacted it? Did you have any underlying conditions? I didn't think that covid had such a profound effect on healthy people?

I might watch this, even though it clearly covers a lot of ground that's already been done to death. Looks like it has an interesting take.

It's from the people who made "Level". So flat earthers. Maybe I won't watch it.

But do you have evidence of this "curve"?

On a related note, I inadvertently uploaded an Eric Dubay FE video. Within two hours, a swarm of bots had found the video, and begun watching it at 2x speed in a loop. I watched this for a couple of days as they racked up several thousand views, before I pulled the plug and deleted the video.

So when you see popular flat earth media, realize that there are state level actors propping it up.

The whole reason we can predict sunset, sunrise times, seasons, etc. This is all because we understand the orbital model.

The cycles of nature arise from the dance of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth. To think the Earth is flat is to be separate from Nature. That's what "they" want.

conspyre wrote:

But do you have evidence of this "curve"?
On a related note, I inadvertently uploaded an Eric Dubay FE video. Within two hours, a swarm of bots had found the video, and begun watching it at 2x speed in a loop. I watched this for a couple of days as they racked up several thousand views, before I pulled the plug and deleted the video.
So when you see popular flat earth media, realize that there are state level actors propping it up.

there is a preponderance of evidence for the globe model. there's absolutely fuck all credible for flat earth

its funny how so called truth seekers will deny something so quickly because of existing indoctrination. "flat eathers" as you call them are the only true truth seekers. they QUESTION EVERYTHING!! where as most easily dismiss proof of at least deception. alex jones woke up a shit ton of people to 9/11, and is most likely paid opposition. joe the toe rogan did this as well before he sold out and went back peddling on his early views. people still listen to his shill ass. but to dismiss information before you even look is pure ignorance. if you were truly open minded you would question everything. including where and what this realm is. true earth has been around for 8 years now and is one of the only censored topics next to all the fake shootings which is what alex jones is getting hit for. but its not true of course but it still needs censoring? history to............. its all lies, deciet, but you just keep on beLIEving your indoctrination.............peace out

There's only one reality, one truth. You can test it.

zoopenhoff wrote:

There's only one reality, one truth. You can test it.

I 100% agree with the one truth................test the truth?? if that was the case everyone would know the moon landing was fake and so is "space". but 53 years later people still believe we went to the moon and came back. if the truth could be tested they could prove the nonsense that nasa puts out. or they could prove or disprove bigfoot. there is only one truth and disbelief does not change that............peace out

All I can say about the moon landings is that I don't know, for sure.

However I CAN build robots and small rockets, calculate orbital trajectories, fuel consumption, etc.

We can verify that mirrors were placed at the apollo site.

I do believe that, given the resource of 1960s NASA, I could put you on the moon and probably bring you back.

Space isn't fake. The stars and planets obey the same laws we can verify right here on Earth.

who can verify mirrors were put on the moon?? you?? me?? no only state or government funded sites can. and i know your gonna say they shoot lasers at these "mirrors"..........but if you even did 5 minutes of real research you would see they claimed to have bounced light off the moon like 5 years earlier than they even talked about going to the moon. so why did they need so called mirrors? they didnt because space is fake and the moon is not a ball you can walk on. as far as i am concerned believing is the moon landings and space is the same as believing in Narnia and santa claus.............peace out

I thought there were some interesting things they discussed in this doc, especially the cdc statistics for the flu, looks like they blamed all the flu related incidents to boost the positive covid cases and deaths? Didn't really care for the yelling or the obnoxious comedian.

Info here:

getting pretty tired of people blaming thier sickness and bad health on others. VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST. this has been known since at least 1920s. just because your told that you get sick from invisible spaghetti things that fly around and go in your body does not make it true. bacteria are definately a thing............there has NEVER been a virus isolated of photographed........NEVER. its all on you. what you eat, drink, breath (as in toxins) and think. processed food is ALL toxic. water is horrible these days unless you make your own distilled water. booze is a main toxin..........but everyone needs there drunk on in this society. meat/chicken/farm fish are so toxic as they are improperly raised. i have not been sick in 37 years. not once. i never take any medications. i limit all toxins and chemicals. its really that easy. but everyone wants to shift the blame instead of making true hard life changes. i included a link to the pdf from 1920s and a really good article...............but i know the lazy asses will comment without any real research..............good luck with everyones continuing self imposed indoctrination............peace out