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Opening to Light Language by Jamye Price

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Opening to Light Language by Jamye Price
weird shit man

I was hanging in a group who suddenly came out with light language during a meditation.

I was like wtf? Basically, they were babbling. Talking incoherently, like hooking up the feelings in their body and letting them come out as particular syllables.

Do not be under the illusion that this is a "language".

Maybe it's a useful meditative or therapeutic technique, but try asking different people how to say "hello" in light language you will get a different answer each time. You couldn't write a light language dictionary, or translate a sentence into light language and back.

On the other hand, I was at a Mind Body Spirit festival a decade ago and picked up a t-shirt that said "Tahi vodo naga ta", and I was able to intuitively read or translate it as "all united in love and light"... which apparently is what it means in Atlantean. Not sure what that was about.


I can't say I know that much about it, but my curiosity led me here and I feel like there's more to it. And apparently it isn't just speech, but also movement and creation. I know of people who practice light language in combination with Tai chi and stuff like that. I was recommended this book so I'd like to check it out, unfortunately I couldn't order it off Amazon and their official website won't ship to where I'm at. Either way, the author has a video on her website that explains what light language is briefly if you'd like to check it out. I get where you're coming from though, but I'm not under any type of illusion. It is weird indeed, but hey, ain't life entirely weird? Lol!

Anausa wrote:
Anausa wrote:

I can't say I know that much about it, but my curiosity led me here and I feel like there's more to it. And apparently it isn't just speech, but also movement and creation. I know of people who practice light language in combination with Tai chi and stuff like that. I was recommended this book so I'd like to check it out, unfortunately I couldn't order it off Amazon and their official website won't ship to where I'm at. Either way, the author has a video on her website that explains what light language is briefly if you'd like to check it out. I get where you're coming from though, but I'm not under any type of illusion. It is weird indeed, but hey, ain't life entirely weird? Lol!

Additional thought, not really requiring any new-fangled book or documentary: the Buddhist Sun sutra has a message for all of us about this.

My advice? Try to meditate in the dark and -- in your mind's eye -- picture the sun, the light, anything that is luminous *for you*.

If my experience shows anything it is that the language of the light is real, but cannot be communicated except by light itself. And that includes the idea of light; it doesn't have to be light in our ordinary outdoor sense -- everything is wavelength. Everything is radiant.

1. As the bard said, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
2. As a secondary bard said: you don't need a clock to know it is Now (me)

Beautiful, thank you

At the end of the day, it seems that wherever I may look, it always comes right back to breathing.

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