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Trance: The Cathy O'Brien Story (2022)

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Trance - The Cathy OBrien Story (2022).mp4 1h22m 1280x720 AVC AAC


As a child, Cathy O’Brien was sold into the CIA’s MK ULTRA Project Monarch and exposed to world leaders at the international level.

Through her rescue and healing process, she was able to reclaim the memories of what she witnessed while under mind control.

Her story provides insight into how we’ve been mind-controlled in the past, where we are going as a nation and how to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty.

Cathy O’Brien was sold into Project Monarch, one of the 149 known sub-projects of the CIA’S MK ULTRA Experiments that began in 1953. These secret programs were initiated by governing jurisdictions in an effort to understand and utilize mind control to further another agenda. Being a victim of the elite’s Monarch Program. as a slave Cathy was exposed to many world leaders at the national and international levels.

Through her rescue and healing process, she was able to reclaim the memories of what she witnessed while under mind control. Her story provides insight into how we’ve been controlled in the past, where we are going as a nation and how to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty. This is her story. This is our story.

Directed by: Adrienne Youngblood
Produced by: Adrienne Youngblood, Isabella Antinoro, Roger R. Richards
Starring: Cathy O'Brien
Categories: Documentary, Disclosure

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Thanks for sharing. Look forward to watching. Heard many interviews with Cathy, and look forward to her story uninterrupted.

Lots of backstory I didn't know.

Interesting reactions to her story from a crowd outside the normal audience of this type of info:
'Trance-Formation Of America' retrospective from GNN A group of students, writers and graphic designers talk to Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips and they all share their views on the book 'Trance Formation of America'.

Reinhard Gehlen in passing as if he was over in america long term. He was in America for about 10 months then back to Germany or organise and run an outfit that took his name.. The Galen Organisation which went on to be the foudnation for the BND in West Germany and ran anti-communist operations in teh east and west Germany.
Lots of controversy about the people he had working for him and many suspect he made up a lopt of stuff to keep that delicious funding pouring in.
He was initially in the wheelhouse of Army intelligence and apparently didn't like that muich and was then under the CIA till later he was handed over the the Germans as a ready made unit to run.
she seems to want to weave in a lot of other stuff into her story and there's a wee hint of a whiff of Qanon at the end where her politics and beliefs or indeed the people that will appeal to her target audience would find appealing (the photo of meeting with Gen Flynn for example)
Very oddly absolutel;y no mention of the legendary cunt that is Dr Donald Ewen Cameron what-so-ever which is very very remiss of someone covering MKUltra and he was famously very much at the core of what things

Does anybody have Adam Curtis's documentary on MK Ultra from 2017? I seem to remember someone talking about it before, it is a dance thing...maybe not so useful? Or has anyone understood what Curtis was trying to do with it?

I was looking for that recently, which led me to find some random documentary about mind control on a private tracker, which led me to look for that here and then stumbling across the 'Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control' book. But no, I was not able to find Curtis' video/performance!

TheCorsair00 wrote:

I was looking for that recently, which led me to find some random documentary about mind control on a private tracker, which led me to look for that here and then stumbling across the 'Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control' book. But no, I was not able to find Curtis' video/performance!

wow! Great research project...since it is not easy to find, and so many people like and support Curtis, I will assume it is not important. Probably postmodern art anyway: let's rename Campbell's soup cans "MK Ultra". I guarantee you we could sell them on TV. Or rename a machine gun "The MK Ultra"; it would sell!

euxalot wrote:

. Probably postmodern art anyway". !

methinks yes, tho this could be deja vu all over again:

Oh wow, that's wild and crazy stuff. Why isn't it on Broadway in New York?! I am not sure if this performance has even been filmed, because if it had you would think it would exist online somewhere!

Interview with Cathy O'Brian and the filmaker of the documentary about her called "Trance" (released on 2022-02-22)