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Changing of the Gods Series
When The Stars Align For Revolutionary Times
Screened from February 22nd, 2022
Is It Purely Random, Or Is There Something At Work In Your Life? A Pattern Is Emerging...
Is There A Connection Between The Radical Shift In Human Behavior Today And The Movement Of Our Planets?
In the last decade, we’ve seen revolutionary human behavior that’s transforming our world and bringing about liberation, freedom, and justice. And when we look back through history at similar events... a pattern starts to emerge.
CHANGING OF THE GODS is a FREE 9-part documentary series featuring the best astrologers, visionary activists, and scientists of our time as they share their insights into a new paradigm that transforms your relationship with the cosmos forever.
Gain a deeper insight into the forces at work in the universe, understand your true nature and provide meaning to existence on this planet.
This is something EVERYONE should have access to, especially in these uncertain times, and it’s free for a limited time.
Please share this with your family and friends so everyone can benefit from this exclusive showing of CHANGING OF THE GODS.
The world has been shaken up and spat out by a myriad of global events in recent years. But what we are experiencing today is nothing new.
We have seen epochs of revolutions and massive change throughout history...
From the global uprisings in the 18th Century and revolutions of the 19th Century through to Women's Rights, Gay Rights, and the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s (and many more) ...
Each of these events coincides with observable cosmic activity in our very own solar system.
Join us as we explore how the predictable cosmic rhythms of two particular planets correlate to the global eruptions of revolutionary energies that we’ve seen over the centuries.
Whether you have a passing interest in astrology, you’re a stalwart pro or even if you’ve never been sure if you should put faith in something “esoteric” ... this series will be an eye-opener to the mysteries of the universe and their transformational effects on global events and our human experience today.
Inspired by the work of Richard Tarnas and his book Cosmos & Psyche: Intimations Of A New World View, the series considers our connection to the cosmos and all the mysteries it holds.
We’ve also gathered the best...
- Astrologers
- Scholars
- Anthropologists
- Wisdom
- Keepers
- Visionary Activists & Artists
- Equality Pioneers
- Scientists share what they have discovered through decades of research, observation, and cultural experience.
We also delve into what this means for the future of humanity as we navigate these uncertain times, and what to expect in the next phase of this planetary activity.
Ancient civilizations once used the stars to inspire their stories, pioneers harnessed their power to navigate our seas, and today we look up and wonder what secrets they hold.
CHANGING OF THE GODS delves into the science, history, and cultural references about the mysteries of the cosmos and their influence on our fate and human behavior.
Do we live in a random, meaningless universe? Or is there order in the chaos?
What if there’s a correlation between human history and the movements of the planets?
Do we live in a cosmos that is pervaded not only with intelligence but with consciousness throughout?
With the fate of human civilization hanging in the balance, could the REAL crisis we’re facing be a crisis of cosmology, a crisis of world views?
What is the current worldview that has brought us to this moment?
Is there another worldview that is emerging that could restore our world?
What is coming next, and how do I best navigate it?
If you’re ready to explore these questions, with an open mind and an open heart, we’d love for you to join us for the world premiere of CHANGING OF THE GODS!
Episode 10
It's not been screened yet, but I will keep checking and post here if it does.
This is great, many thanks for sharing here.
Nice work
I've been watching this...
They put the colour revolutions and others as due to astrology...
However I thought the colour revolutions were funded by western influences to replace unfriendly dictators with friendly ones?
Also women's lib, for example, in "Reflections & Warnings", Aaron Russo claimed the Rockefellers took credit for that one.
So which is it? Or do the elite choose astrological dates according to when would be good to make these things happen for their needs. Either way there has been no mention of this in the series.
You're the Champ
Thanks you for your effort!!!
It was in the stars
Thanks for bringing this compilation
good 2nd level effort, but not top shelf. introductory.
this seems very Politically (or Puke) Correct. "revolution" and "democracy" are the "good" to the plutocrat "bad"'? Stalin and Lenin would be proud with the liberal slant of its "historical analysis"...far more a propaganda standpoint for NWO agendas, rather than "historical."
then you have "civil rights movement" was "moral"? Really? Trained in Communist Russia activists from that area are cheering from their graves. Woman's rights are "political geniuses"? Really? I couldn't read any further for awhile to recover from extreme belly laughter.
Maybe will just skip to the last episodes to the "science" part, see if it supports the new "scientism" religion.
If one needs to hose off one's mind after the above liberal extremism of above series... one can go to Leo King's far superior "deep astrology" with a more accurate historical analysis, scientific, theological and political issues from an accurate astrologer's perspective.
* Leo King's historical lessons from astrological p.o.v. were much more useful: He is careful to discuss a healthy appreciation for BOTH the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine.
* Past Foretelling Video Clips, The Leo King's Astrology Predictions for 2020 What's Next in 2020?
Not only that, but accurately called out 2021 back in 2020... also 2022 in dec 2021.
zerocenter wrote:
helpful review, and thanks for the additional links :)
One thing I found interesting
Was that they reckon astrology is a good way to figure out when to take psychedelics.