You are here Content Leaked (Part13) Hinduism

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Part13 of leaked content from private torrent tracker.




10x! :)

God Bless *****

Just saying Thank you

Thanks for these great torrents. Unfortunately, for some reason, it seems that no one is seeding this particular one. Mine's been going for over a day now, and all except this one have had seeders. I notice in the stats above it says:

0 seeds
81 peers
0 completed

Is there something wrong? Perhaps you forgot to initially seed this one? If you could, that would be awesome. Thank you.

I have also followed this incredible leak of the on -- I was a member, when it still called: "" I paid my dues, I sent them money, yet still they banned/blocked me.

I see that you have changed your name to "ac1dangel". What happened to your former name "Occult Archangel"?

You have really kicked-opened up a hornets nest by daring to post this content to the internet!

Let me make a recommendation of what's important to release next in "Part 14" (If and when you do a "Part 14"). When I was a member I noticed a huge section of Satanic content. Too much to be a "minor fringe" religion. It appears that Satanism is not a minor religion -- but a MAJOR religion involving our Government, Entertainment, Academia, News Media, Main-line Religions . . . everything!

Just the "Grimoire" sections should give you something to think about. The "Grimoires" are handbooks of magic that provide instructions for rituals, the casting of spells, the procuring of treasure (why is Soros, Bezos, Gates,. . . so rich?!), the procuring of Familiars, and the evocation and control of spirits, including Demons, to perform tasks.

And now the seeders do not work!

    " Content Leaked (Part13) Hinduism.torrent"

I notice in the stats now say:
0 seeds
129 peers
0 completed

Please fix Part 13, and put up Part 14.

Please, if doesn't work, try putting it also on ThePirateBay, or many other torrenting sites. If you do, "I will seed 'till I bleed!"

I think this user, originally Occult Archangel has left ConCen because he got into a fight over torrent comments on a torrent about Wuhan and Covid-19. Hopefully he/she comes back, but they did say they would stop uploading, unfortunately...


That's a good idea to buy external hard drives to archive all of this data. I messaged him/her and asked them to come back. Hopefully they will. For some reason the topic they were arguing about really struck a nerve. I was also looking forward to the ebook and audiobook archive they had. Oh well!


This is the best torrent by far so far. Thank you! I can't seem to get any data so far, but very excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

This might be due to I get timeouts on most on my tracker public list this time. Anyone can provide a good one, we might still be able to update them else in next torrent.

Is there a reason why you're not? I'm here to help people share as smoothly as possible. Let me know what you need to use this tracker.

So only ad those?

Just add udp://

When I add only this, there is timeout.
This one works, I would say fix your tracker first. Do it the same as other trackers have, wheen you click on upload there should be a working visible addy listed.
With udp:// others already had problems since I started uploading part1. So fix your tracker first and dont waste our times.

ac1dangel wrote:
This one works, I would say fix your tracker first. Do it the same as other trackers have, wheen you click on upload there should be a working visible addy listed.
With udp:// others already had problems since I started uploading part1. So fix your tracker first and dont waste our times.

Manners maketh man as the old saying goes ac1dangel.
You get more flies with honey than vinegar.
When reporting percieved issues, don't be a dick about it.
Trying being nice and not so damned rude about it.
This is wrist slap number two ac1dangel .
Let's be more constructive when talking about your issues with the tracker eh?

Shut the fuck up asshole

ac1dangel wrote:

Shut the fuck up asshole

ok, you understand i am on the admin team ,yes?
and this is how you respond to being asked not to be a dick in the way you put things? you are not helping yourself
Ok kiddo.. roll them dice.....
This might be a good source for updated list.