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What Really Happened In Wuhan (2021)

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WhatReallyHappenedInWuhan.2021.1920x1080.mp4 1h1m 1920x1080 AVC AAC


Investigative journalist Sharri Markson reveals explosive information about the origins of Covid-19.

Sky News host Sharri Markson says there is so much evidence that it is “beyond doubt” there was an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Ms Markson spent over a year investigating the possibility COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Her 'What Really Happened in Wuhan' documentary on Sky News Australia uncovered evidence a leak from the lab first occurred in September, 2019.

“I’ve looked at it as two key parts to investigate,” she told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“One, you speak to the scientists about the unusual features of the virus itself.

“And then the other part is, what was happening in Wuhan? What was the Wuhan Institute of Virology doing at that time?

“There’s just so much evidence that we’ve been able to uncover over the past few months as part of this investigation that it really is beyond doubt there was an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

NOTE: The ebook this documentary is based on is available here.


nothing happened in Wuhan. what happened happened in Langley. as is usually the case. the virus was released by the CIA in China and Iran to cause a lock-down and crash the economy and cause regime change. thats it. everything else is propaganda and breadcrumbs they left for you to follow in the wrong direction.
cold war is the game because US imperialists cannot live in a multi-polar world where they dont have an absolute monopoly over everyone.
and the future is WW3. "4 angels bound by the great river Euphrates will be released to kill a third of mankind" - mr. JC.

JackieChan wrote:

nothing happened in Wuhan. what happened happened in Langley. as is usually the case. the virus was released by the CIA in China and Iran to cause a lock-down and crash the economy and cause regime change. thats it. everything else is propaganda and breadcrumbs they left for you to follow in the wrong direction.
cold war is the game because US imperialists cannot live in a multi-polar world where they dont have an absolute monopoly over everyone.

Well said!

JackieChan wrote:

and the future is WW3. "4 angels bound by the great river Euphrates will be released to kill a third of mankind" - mr. JC.

I have quibbles with that last bit: where does Jesus say that? Don't you mean John the Revelator?

dude... John's prophecy was given to him by JC. he says so himself.........

You'd be better off just saying "spirit of the lord", mate. Far more honest.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear in John's book, but he was a student of the Hebrew Bible, and they also appear in Zechariah (described as "the ones whom the Lord has sent to patrol the earth" causing it to rest quietly), and in Ezekiel (where they are named as punishments from God and listed as "sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague."

Before John's letter starts, someone added a note that says the visions came from the angel of the Lord. And then, before that, someone says that the angel's message comes from Jesus. It's all a stretch to say that the idea of the four horsemen comes from Jesus: you'd have to say that Ezekiel was written by Jesus, too!

But dat's me.

you have some kind of obsessive thing about always trying to be right. ;D
neither John nor Ezekiel can prophecy because prophecy is knowledge of the future which only comes when you are in the external position beyond space-time.
that external position is the position of the Spirit. (and those that are one with him like the Father, Jesus, and anyone else who transcends the material illusion).
So yeah the prophecy is through John from Jesus who is one with Spirit and thus is the one who knows.
Im OK with you saying its John's prophecy.... I dont have your obsessive quality.... :D
feel free to express yourself however you like. I have not stated anything wrong when I said that the prophecy is by JC. - that fact is in Rev 1:1.

PS: I feel like your behavior stems from wanting to be appreciated more. and I will give it to you. - you are a very learned person. you are wise. Im sure you are beautiful as well. and Im not just saying that. - I mean it.
can you relax now? :)

Euxalot, as far I believe, its the Bible-Matrix. Same goes to Jesus being our saviour, we each of us can only save us ourselves by changing behavour with a principle structure of love and removing hatred and so on. Jesus taught us to eat animals showing us to eat fish after Jesus did a magic so the fishes sprang out of a box for the hungry human beings. Its also said, Jesus didnt die on the cross and was married etc. There are a lot of different matrix sections and this includes the Bible-Matrix too. The Bible starts at begin with words to take over of the earth and eat animals, I beliieve almost everything is a fiction story to obtain control over humanoids, besides probably the apocalypse prophecies and so on. Same goes to Nostradamus, the evil powers came into his head and Nostradamus was given thoughts which he later wrote down, I am not sure about the theory that only evil forces are doing prophecies in any human being who wrote a book after. and so on instead any angelic beings.

This is my part of a few words to this subject and we shall definetly not eat any living beings, they have a spirit and I assume a soul too.:)
Some shamans even sacrafice animals in their ceremonies, it looks like the devil need blood same it happened in Maya times, then the rain fall down for the people after dooing that. Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz in Germany which collect blood is the same, the blood goes to the "devil" to vatican and sources like illuminati loges as far I know.

Jesus did not die on the cross but the body he was in did. and these are things which you would know only after you master the Bible, the Quran, and the Nag Hammadi texts. Speaking of it otherwise in the manner you did is pretty much leaning towards blasphemy.
he also did not have a wife. in Hinduism he is called the eternal celibate. he is non-material and if he took of the physical pleasure he would be attached to the world as the rest of us. so no. he did not have a wife. this is Vatican propaganda.
and he also did not teach people to eat meat. he gave them meat because they are a meat-eating peoples. they would not have stayed for apples. and his mission went a little bit further than vegetarianism.

No comment, you seem to me to be an reptilian being. Its not worth talking to you, you will have always your controlled thoughts of being right.
This is what my intuition tells me, I also see it of the art you write your words here, preety noobish. Wisdom starts speaking the words out right and the art of writing properly. Reptilians like meat. Religions were made to fight eachother, you can not count on religion, Bible, Quoran or any other texts such as The Book of Enoch. You need to realize you are living in a matrix, I assume you live your life as any other human being who is fully under control of the reptilians, and that are almost 90% of humanity. I assume you also stand up in the morning at 6 going to work and coming back at 6 in the evening where the sun already went down. :)

everything you assumed about me is wrong and in reality quite the opposite.
I am a monk for over a decade. I dont eat meat. I dont even kill mosquitoes. I dont eat sugar. I dont commit ANY sexual act. and practice many many more yogic austerities which you ordinary people attached to material illusion will never be able to endure.
my life is devoted to anti-materialism and transcendentalism.
I dont have a job and I dont ever do anything for money. I work for God!
and Ive heard all there is to be said about the holy books from people like you have not read a single one of them. I on the other hand have read all of them many many times and am more acquainted with them than the professors at the universities.
also criticism for not writing properly coming from you particularly is laughable.
here's my advice for you:
it all as always comes down to KARMA!
if you speak lies you will end up believing in lies. and he who never tells a lie is like a prophet and whatever he says becomes true.
so on your quest for truth and liberation from "reptilian influence" (lol) best start there and make yourself what you are supposed to be.... and skip the witchcraft torrents please..............

occult-archangel wrote:

...There are a lot of different matrix sections and this includes the Bible-Matrix too. The Bible starts at begin with words to take over of the earth and eat animals, I beliieve almost everything is a fiction story to obtain control over humanoids, besides probably the apocalypse prophecies and so on. Same goes to Nostradamus, the evil powers came into his head and Nostradamus was given thoughts which he later wrote down, I am not sure about the theory that only evil forces are doing prophecies in any human being who wrote a book after. and so on instead any angelic beings.
This is my part of a few words to this subject and we shall definetly not eat any living beings, they have a spirit and I assume a soul too.:)
Some shamans even sacrafice animals in their ceremonies, it looks like the devil need blood same it happened in Maya times, then the rain fall down for the people after dooing that. Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz in Germany which collect blood is the same, the blood goes to the "devil" to vatican and sources like illuminati loges as far I know.

Totally agree that they are stories. No contest, friend :)

I am interested in all stories, all cultures, all practices. I will be the among first ones here to study these stories across cultures for their collective meaning, wisdom and purpose (even if that purpose is for control, as you say). That's why I like Joe Campbell so much.

But Campbell was not that original, he mostly just popularized Carl Jung. Yet Jung, Freud, Nietzsche -- and many more thinkers besides -- all point to the common basis of our stories. The "will to power", on the one hand (that is the "control" so many members here object to), but also something far larger than that, which I think often gets forgotten on these boards: we are the "storytelling species". It is simply an inevitable outgrowth of who we are. Everything we do revolves around story, Stories and storytelling acts are some of the most basic ways in which we understand our world. The narratives of stories are the first things we are exposed to by our parents when we enter the world and very likely the last thing on our mind as we exit. In between, the stories we think and tell about our world well and truly constitute our experience of the world itself. In sum: we rely on stories to make sense of our world and our place within it, whether scientific equations, non-fiction voices, or creativity itself. Context is all and very often it wears the body of narrative.

That's what interests me about these things. Stories are how we organize the chaos of the world around us. It is not only about control, in my opinion, but also just a natural outgrowth of our biochemical way of thinking and interacting with our surroundings.

I will always view the Bible from mystic eyes, though, so I tend to speak up when I think someone takes it too literally. That's just part of "my story" :)

What evidence is there for this theory?

No evidence from me, I'm afraid. Just thought it was well-written

the evidence is self evident. the first major outbreaks were in China and Iran. - 2 countries with NO LOGISTIC CONNECTION!
to get a virus to go from Wuhan to Tehran without having a major outbreak in Tokyo, New York, London, Paris, Riyadh (most major connection to Tehran), is like having a snake bite you on the foot and have your shoulder swell up before your knee......................!!!
its all mr. professionally fat CIA agent Mike Pompeio. he was complaining about China and Iran and how there must be regime change all the time. then after the virus he many many times attempted to get the "Chinese virus" blamed on the "CCP" trending but unfortunately for him he was too FAT! to become interesting and followable.

PS: check air traffic map and see! no way it can happen naturally!

JackieChan wrote:

the evidence is self evident. the first major outbreaks were in China and Iran. - 2 countries with NO LOGISTIC CONNECTION!
to get a virus to go from Wuhan to Tehran without having a major outbreak in Tokyo, New York, London, Paris, Riyadh (most major connection to Tehran), is like having a snake bite you on the foot and have your shoulder swell up before your knee......................!!!
its all mr. professionally fat CIA agent Mike Pompeio. he was complaining about China and Iran and how there must be regime change all the time. then after the virus he many many times attempted to get the "Chinese virus" blamed on the "CCP" trending but unfortunately for him he was too FAT! to become interesting and followable.
PS: check air traffic map and see! no way it can happen naturally!

China and Iran after years or talks have signed a trade and military agreement. they do have travel corrodors between the two and to go from China to Iran would fly in the opposite direction to Japan. KLM offer a service from Wuhan to Tehran direct for example. they also did have claimed outbreaks in all the places you mentioned.. albeit i dunno about Riyadh

JackieChan wrote:

the evidence is self evident. the first major outbreaks were in China and Iran. - 2 countries with NO LOGISTIC CONNECTION!

That's not evidence, it's a reasonably convincing argument, which is interesting, thanks.

It also needs more explanation.

Supposedly the first cases in Iran were on 19 Feb.

I found this, which doesn't really support what you are saying particularly.

zoopenhoff wrote:

It also needs more explanation.
Supposedly the first cases in Iran were on 19 Feb.
I found this, which doesn't really support what you are saying particularly.

AGAIN i SAY.... there has been long standing co-operation and links between China and Iran. There are direct flights from Wuhan to Tehran. they recently signed a military pacts to cement their military co-operation.
So how the actual fuck is there no connection between Iran and Wuhan?

dude.... corona does not spread through military deals or the occasional joint drills.
look at air traffic map:
if Wuhan has 1000 outgoing connections Tehran is only one of them. 50% are to Japan and Korea. at least 20-30% are to US. and the others to EU.
its all about PROBABILITY.

JackieChan wrote:

dude.... corona does not spread through military deals or the occasional joint drills.
look at air traffic map:
if Wuhan has 1000 outgoing connections Tehran is only one of them. 50% are to Japan and Korea. at least 20-30% are to US. and the others to EU.
its all about PROBABILITY.

there are direct flights.. civilians ones by , for example, civilian carrier and Dutch flag Carrier, KLM.
you stated there werenn't any but there are.
so you just dismiss it out of hand and carry on anyways.

I am not dismissing anything. its 2021. everything is connected. even your fridge is connected to Iran.
the determining factor is the amount of connections.

JackieChan wrote:

I am not dismissing anything. its 2021. everything is connected. even your fridge is connected to Iran.
the determining factor is the amount of connections.

you said there were no connections or flights between them. and a simple search shows that there are.

you are right. I said "there is no logistical connection".
what I should have stated is that "there is no SIGNIFICANT logistical connection".
there you go. now its politically correct. :)
I feel I have clarified my point well enough - regarding PROBABILITY being the main determining factor of how a virus spreads on the map.
I dont wish to argue this any further. if you dont get it - thats fine. I really dont mind. :)

JackieChan wrote:

you are right. I said "there is no logistical connection".
what I should have stated is that "there is no SIGNIFICANT logistical connection".
there you go. now its politically correct. :)
I feel I have clarified my point well enough - regarding PROBABILITY being the main determining factor of how a virus spreads on the map.
I dont wish to argue this any further. if you dont get it - thats fine. I really dont mind. :)

So you move the goal posts so you can kick that can down the road? weak sauce....
Those links are there and are long standing, well established with muultiple links between Wuham specifically and Iran but also others cities/regions.. but we can ignore those not really.
"I dont wish to argue this any further. if you dont get it - thats fine. I really dont mind. :)"
oh Dunning and Kruger... such cruel housemates you have there.
But yeah, deny deny deny a if it conflicts with your own preconcieved ideas... really strong line to take.. then again... maybe not.

you people dont quite seem to get it.........
it is a well known fact that the first 2 major outbreaks were in China and Iran. it was on the news and everything. how they have skewed the historic statistics now is a different subject.
Wuhan has 1000 connections to Tokyo and Seoul and 1 to Tehran. Iran is country under sanctions with tons of restrictions in its connection to the rest of the world. IT IS ISOLATED BECAUSE OF US PRESSURE FOR REGIME CHANGE! Tehran had hundreds of cases when European countries had 10-50. US had NONE!
Im not saying its impossible for the infection to spread naturally this way. anything is possible. but the probability of this happening naturally is about as high as Fat Mike skipping on barbecue ribs on July 4............
think what you want. Ive seen how the imperialists work historically. for me its more than obvious.
there were threats form the US before this. there is motive. there is capability. and there is a highly improbable spread. what more do you need?

Any and all narratives that includes the word "virus" are false, fabricated, ideological, etc...
No "virus" until today passed the Koch Protocol - AT ALL.
There are other causes to all this "diseases" specially Radio Frequencies and chemicals.
All need to learn about 'exosomes', for example:Sofia Smallstorm

I personally had the virus. it is a virus.
the 5G thing is anti-Huawei anti-China propaganda. it does not create virus like symptoms to be exposed to 5G frequencies. - thats again Fat Mike's BS for you.
and we've had the chemtrails for decades.

I agree there are no virus same goes to AIDS. I believe Corona was released so mankind gets the vaccine which includes: Graphenoxid. The 5G will then activate it to have full control over humanoids. More can be found here:

"There are other causes to all this "diseases" specially Radio Frequencies and chemicals." - Indeed and fear, depression for instance.

complete BS!
first you say "there are no virus" then in the next sentence you say "corona was released".......... - WHAT?!!?
do you people realize how many microbiologists there are in the world? what? are they all in on the conspiracy?
there is so many institutes and universities around the world in countries in which the powers of evil have terribly little sway. they all have their independent research. they all know its a virus.
I had it. Im telling you. its a virus.
Huawei made 5G and China pulled in front of US in tech development. Fat Mike started organizing stuff. they arrested the head of the company. they did sanctions. and then conveniently popped up this idiocy about a connection between corona and 5G. THIS IS FAT MIKE BS!

ConCen can we please deluser Jackie Chan, he seems to me confusing others who read, which might have fatal consequences at their life path.

He's making more sense than you.

This in the news today:
Leaked docs show DARPA considered funding $14mn project to infect Chinese bats with altered coronaviruses in 2018 – reports

also dont tell ConCen to ban me. I have done a lot more for this website than you ever will. and also I never uploaded the BS witchcraft stuff that you upload.
you talk about love and letting go of hatred but you seem to have a long way to go.

This is a conspiracy place, what we hear from your mouth is anything else as conspiracy.
The one who show the finger on someone with the word "you" the one talks about himself.
People, look at the words Jackie Chan wrote under these comments, if someone mention words like "lol" and others, one can not say wisdom or truth.
In addition shortcuts from word bullshit with BS, and so forth. It is a sign of being lazy to type properly. How can one work for "God" when one is still lazy.
The word God out of my theory might be something what has been made of the makers of the many Matrix what we see on earth.

if I say lol and BS I cant work for God and have wisdom?!?! - hahaahaha!
that is why you are always lost. you dont know wisdom and that is why you cannot recognize it.
you dont understand with logic so you look for dumb signs like - oh this guy is wearing black and white so he must be a mason, dont listen to what he says even if it is all true............ - ahahahaha!
judge a book by the cover! you will remain blind.
I write as I please. take form it what ever you want. say of me what ever you want. God will tell you who I was in the end. then you will feel pretty dumb.
and as for me - I am above your norms and you will never make me conform. because neither am I I. nor are you you. nor is the world the world. nor are your struggles of any relevance in the bitter end. so yeah. I work for God. and I dont give a FUCK! thank you and good night. ;D

PS: the word God comes from books you have not read. so you will never know. and only a fool thinks he is an expert in something he has never studied.....

PPS: I also do my own stunts! :P

ac1dangel wrote:

ConCen can we please deluser Jackie Chan, he seems to me confusing others who read, which might have fatal consequences at their life path.

putting admin hat on just for you ac1dangel .
Please don't ask people to be banned because you can't argue back. it's weak, lame and pretty sad.
There are actual points, simple ones you could state that Jackie has solidly ignored from me... the long long long standing military and civilians links, pacts etc and long standing flights between China and Iran.. in particular direct to and from Wuhan....
Also the point he seems to be flying the flag as a CCP cheerleader :P
~However... don't ask for folks to get banned. We rarely ban people here and nothing in this thread deserves any ban... consider your wrist slapped

I did acknowledge your point.
Also it is no secret - I do sympathize with the governments independent of US banking and military industry imperialism - Russia, China, Iran, etc.
I also sympathized with Trump when he wanted to make peace with Russia, and China, N. Korea. remember that episode? when he was having "this great chocolate cake with the Chinese president" and we were going to have world peace.
do you remember who came into the Trump administration after that? - none other than Fat Mike. and Fat Mike whispered lies in his ear and then he slapped sanctions on everyone and peace became a forgotten dream.
it is Fat Mike who ruined the revolution that was Trump. it was Fat Mike who gave you corona. and its Fat Mike in the end with Obama-Biden who will give you WW3.
and China and Russia are doing nothing more than the counter-move to an ever-encroaching empire.
and when Russia and China fail - when he makes "fire rain down from the sky and they say, who is like the Beast, who can make war against him" - and when the ones free are defeated, then you will see the openly satanic Obama NWO.

JackieChan wrote:

I did acknowledge your point.
Also it is no secret - I do sympathize with the governments independent of US banking and military industry imperialism - Russia, China, Iran, etc.
I also sympathized with Trump when he wanted to make peace with Russia, and China, N. Korea. remember that episode? when he was having "this great chocolate cake with the Chinese president" and we were going to have world peace.
do you remember who came into the Trump administration after that? - none other than Fat Mike. and Fat Mike whispered lies in his ear and then he slapped sanctions on everyone and peace became a forgotten dream.
it is Fat Mike who ruined the revolution that was Trump. it was Fat Mike who gave you corona. and its Fat Mike in the end with Obama-Biden who will give you WW3.
and China and Russia are doing nothing more than the counter-move to an ever-encroaching empire.
and when Russia and China fail - when he makes "fire rain down from the sky and they say, who is like the Beast, who can make war against him" - and when the ones free are defeated, then you will see the openly satanic Obama NWO.

I give exactly ZERO FUCKS about any politician, any political party from ANY country or any religion. they are all lying arseholes.

oh so youre an anarchist. I also am an anarchist. and as such I dont think anything should be imposed on anyone (including anarchism). everyone should be their own government right? well the people who chose to give their freedom away in voting for a government should have their choice respected and they should be allowed to have their governments. regardless of whether you think they are liars or whatever. and regardless of whether CIA wants anything different.
I also believe in standing up for those that cant. and theres a lot of those that have been oppressed over the decades by american imperialism.

JackieChan wrote:

oh so youre an anarchist. I also am an anarchist. and as such I dont think anything should be imposed on anyone (including anarchism). everyone should be their own government right? well the people who chose to give their freedom away in voting for a government should have their choice respected and they should be allowed to have their governments. regardless of whether you think they are liars or whatever. and regardless of whether CIA wants anything different.
I also believe in standing up for those that cant. and theres a lot of those that have been oppressed over the decades by american imperialism.

I am not an anarchist at all. all politicians are full of shit.

no need to point out each other's flaws.
we are all pretty imperfect here, aren't we?
but we still come together as a community of conflicting ideas and perspective.
you two are both amazing contributors, we are all extremely grateful for the resources you share with us.
thank you for everything you both do.
let's rise above this banter

You people made it now enough for me here @ConCen. No uploads anymore.
Jackie Chan and pax, you can now say thank you ConCen to them.

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If these guys wont go, no leak anymore ConCen.

I would like to see you continue to upload your archives here for us on ConCen. Please don't let an argument from this torrent deter you from uploading here. It's your decision, but I think you should stay! Please stay! You and Jackie Chan are ConCen's biggest uploaders at this time anyways, don't let differences in opinion ruin that.

ac1dangel wrote:

You people made it now enough for me here @ConCen. No uploads anymore.
Jackie Chan and pax, you can now say thank you ConCen to them.

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If these guys wont go, no leak anymore ConCen.

passive agressive much?
I haven't actually debated with you on any points here.
I have had the admin hat on to tell you and Jackie to stop hurling insults at each other and and that was that with you.

If you ConCen are clever and see through of what non sense they write, these will be the first bans here.
There is nothing bad on ban people if they deserve it, such a good place dont need bad asses and assholes.

you are acting pretty childish right now.
they dont ban you for having the wrong opinion on banning someone here on a site about free-thought is absurd.
continue your uploads.
continue your uploads and tell me to fuck off. its fine by me and everyone else. :)

ac1dangel wrote:

If you ConCen are clever and see through of what non sense they write, these will be the first bans here.
There is nothing bad on ban people if they deserve it, such a good place dont need bad asses and assholes.

Please do not conflate ConCen -username with myself. two different people thanks.
I actually didn't have a harsh with with you and in fact ask you and Jackie to chill out... so please do tell me.. how have i somehow gotton roped into this?
EDIT - I think I might see what happened. Euxconcen was mistaken for ConCen (Main admin). Perhaps this is why the name change to Euxalot to save any more misunderstandings.
Would this be correct ac1dangel??


ac1dangel wrote:

Missunderstood your words "consider your wrist slapped", I just translatd it to german and got it now. :)

Cool. it's never a good look to ask people to get banned or threaten to withdraw uploads unless someone gets banned bud.
We don't really ban people here with rare exceptions for exceptional reasons.
Here people are free to agree or disagree,express opinion and debate or applaud uploads and comments.

Shut up butthole.

ac1dangel wrote:

Shut up butthole.

oh dear.... how sad... never mind.
you're sailing close to the wind ac1dangel.
That's both the site owner and the other admin you have been insulting towards
you have also demanded people get banned because you say so and you won't share otherwise?
Sorry , we do not do bans upon request
