You are here Content Leaked (Part1) Parapsychology

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57.7 GiB1012004
Thanks given1

Part1 of leaked content from private torrent tracker.


Interesting collection - thanks for sharing!

Looks like all the *click sites are down. Is it just me?

Yes, The Place seems to be down as well...

Both sites are there as of today, 14.03.23.

To upload remaining 2,45TB in total of other parts of the coollection.

Are you requesting help from others, or just saying it will take time to prepare the rest?

Thanks for clarifying

It was meaned only for information to others how big the leak is, to watch out for more soon.
Help is appreciated when someone can spread this torrent to Piratebay, TL, TD, IPT, 1337x.

Someone able to upload it to Piratebay, TL, TD, IPT, 1337x?

Do you like to see more folks? Who wants to see more hand up :)
Its indeed a super duper leak

Tomorrow next upload in the row: (57GB).

care to check your private messages?

Excuse me, done.

I haven't logged in for awhile but I have been active for the past 3 years. This torrent has made me log in just to say thanks! This is the best 57.7 GB I have ever used in torrents. (I go back to the old winMX days of file share) I can't wait for part 2. I am so grateful to you for sharing this I can not express it. Thanks as well goes to the hamsters of consen for a platform for this wonderful information! I love you all! I will share this as long as possible!

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Thank you for the great feedback Pisectus.

In the next few weeks I wont be able to upload the next parts due to missing up link.

Hi Thank you for this wonderful torrent. I used to be member on this site but they banned me without any reason after taking donations.
Thank you for sharing. This is one of the best torrent. Many many rare books about human evolution and freedom. Thank you Occult Archangel. Please upload the other parts . I am grateful. God Bless You.

Hi. It took me 20 accunts back in 2017 to dryclean them. They had to that time open reggs, it was hard to stand by there anyway after complete registraton. They found always a reason to ban someone and they had like it seems fun by doing that. More or less probably have been under control of the evil dark empire. It might also be, the devil dont want some to get to the truth.
It was very hard to obtain one theocult accunt, when I remember back it was like one account VS. four high level private trackers :)

the video "RV CHRONOS" and audiobook "SRV Audio Course" are teaching courses on "remote viewing". nice, thanks a lot! people will search here for "remote viewing" and, while I can do nothing for the torrent, if they choose to search the entire site, at least this additional bit of metadata here may help them. There are other files named "remote viewing" but the rv and srv may get missed

I would have a Big Collection of Remote Viewing Material which I could upload soon.

I made the decsion now to release it as exclusive for only, saying that way Thank You for the host, uploaders and community for a wonderful material ment to awakening and awareness of the human race.

Thank you and looking forward to the future Uploads.

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Next in the row soon:

Who wants can pm me @wickrme to get together in touch. User mag1cbox.

Messaged you on Wickrme! :D

Very much looking forward to your shamanism post. That is the content I would most look for on TheOccult, if I were allowed to be a member there!