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Psychology books, 7,35 gb

28.05.2012 20:16 551ÿ454 Uttal - The War between Mentalism and Behaviorism (2000).chm
28.05.2012 20:30 6ÿ892ÿ425 Chomsky - The Minimalist Program (1995).djvu
28.05.2012 20:20 8ÿ186ÿ704 Linley, Joseph - Positive psychology in practice (2004).djvu
28.05.2012 20:30 8ÿ789ÿ501 Nathan, Gorman - A guide to treatments that work (2002).djvu
28.05.2012 20:19 2ÿ076ÿ310 Seashore - Elementary Experiments in Psychology (1909).djvu
28.05.2012 20:30 143ÿ872 Ekman - Facial Expression and Emotion (1993).doc
28.05.2012 20:22 4ÿ759ÿ919 Hoffecker - Landscape of the Mind (2011).epub
28.05.2012 20:29 3ÿ143ÿ185 Pinker - How the Mind Works (2003).epub
28.05.2012 20:30 1ÿ108ÿ585 Pinker - The Language Instinct (2007).epub
28.05.2012 20:21 21ÿ386ÿ177 Abelson - Experiments With People - Revelations From Social Psychology (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:21 1ÿ730ÿ293 Andrade, May - Cognitive Psychology (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 5ÿ045ÿ756 Antony, Barlow - Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:19 9ÿ598ÿ531 APA - DSM-IV (Castellano, 1995).pdf
28.05.2012 20:11 1ÿ564ÿ480 Arkowitz - Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems (2008).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 7ÿ078ÿ513 Bakeman, Robinson - Understanding statistics in the behavioral science (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:22 7ÿ336ÿ056 Baldwin - An Atlas of Depression (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 35ÿ343ÿ259 Barkow, Cosmides, Tooby - The Adapted Mind (1992).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 5ÿ621ÿ263 Barlow - Anxiety and Its Disorders - The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 150ÿ737ÿ749 Barnett - The rat - A Study in Behaviour (1963).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 1ÿ879ÿ612 Bateman, Fonagy - Psychotherapy for BPD - Mentalization-based treatment (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 1ÿ462ÿ372 Belmont - 103 Group Activities and TIPS for the Therapeutic Toolbox (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:24 1ÿ388ÿ688 Belmont - 86 Treatment Ideas & Practical Strategies for the Therapeutic Toolbox (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:19 2ÿ114ÿ015 Blair, Mitchell, Blair - The psychopath emotion and the brain (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 8ÿ135ÿ091 Blanck - Interpersonal expectations theory, research, and applications (1993).pdf
28.05.2012 20:16 3ÿ923ÿ785 Blatner - Acting-in practical applications of psychodramatic methods (1996).pdf
28.05.2012 20:21 11ÿ643ÿ435 Braisby, Gellatly - Cognitive psychology (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 5ÿ417ÿ891 Burger - Personality (8ed).pdf
28.05.2012 20:10 1ÿ920ÿ160 Burrows - International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 2ÿ570ÿ730 Chiles, Strosahl - Clinical manual for assessment and treatment of suicidal patients (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:15 422ÿ966 Chomsky - A Reply To Piaget.pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 1ÿ147ÿ228 Chomsky - Language and Mind (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:23 14ÿ101ÿ529 Chomsky - Language and Thought (1993).pdf
28.05.2012 20:23 18ÿ430ÿ252 Chomsky - Syntactic Structures (1957).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 83ÿ795 Chomsky - The Psychology Of Language And Thought (Plenum, 1983).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 100ÿ012ÿ779 Clark - Mindware (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 11ÿ870ÿ538 Close - Metaphor in psychotherapy (1998).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 26ÿ148ÿ005 Coolican - Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (1994).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 10ÿ757ÿ692 Coombs - Handbook of addictive disorders (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:01 1ÿ530ÿ965 Cooper, Todd, Wells - Treating bulimia nervosa and binge eating - An integrated metacognitive and cognitive therapy manual (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 1ÿ042ÿ863 Corcoran - Clinical applications of evidence-based family interventions (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 4ÿ397ÿ263 Corr, Matthews - The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 14ÿ868ÿ099 Cowles - Statistics in psychology an historical perspective (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 3ÿ036ÿ361 Craig - New Directions in Interpreting the MCMI-III (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:25 18ÿ332ÿ080 Craske, Hermans, Vansteenwegen - Fear and Learning (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:20 2ÿ668ÿ858 Dai, Sternberg - Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 2ÿ659ÿ614 Dattilio, Jongsma, Davis - The family therapy treatment planner (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 64ÿ124ÿ127 Domjan - The Principles of Learning and Behavior (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:09 4ÿ364ÿ035 Ekman - Emotions Revealed (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 25ÿ900ÿ220 Ekman, Davidson - The Nature of Emotion (1994).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 1ÿ316ÿ982 Evans, Farberow - The encyclopedia of suicide (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 29ÿ268ÿ514 Evans, Zarate - Introducing Evolutionary Psychology (1999).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 59ÿ469ÿ266 Everitt - Statistics for psychologists (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 36ÿ648ÿ147 Eysenck, Keane - Cognitive Psychology (2000).pdf
28.05.2012 20:24 1ÿ363ÿ877 Fisher, Wells - Metacognitive therapy distinctive features (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 778ÿ473 Fodor - LOT 2 The Language of Thought Revisited (2008).pdf
28.05.2012 20:25 10ÿ443ÿ554 Fodor - Psychosemantics (1989).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 10ÿ786ÿ868 Fodor - The Language of Thought (1975).pdf
28.05.2012 20:12 326ÿ515 Fodor - The Mind does not work that way (2000).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 1ÿ202ÿ728 Frankl - Man's search for meaning (1946).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 79ÿ367ÿ521 Freedheim, Weiner - Handbook of psychology Volume 1, History of Psychology (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 2ÿ242ÿ898 Freeman, Tyrer - Research Methods in Psychiatry (2006).pdf
28.05.2012 19:52 2ÿ853ÿ245 Gleeson - Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis - A treatment Handbook (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 20ÿ299ÿ841 Goldstein - Cognitive Psychology (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 4ÿ959ÿ958 Grilo, Mitchell - The treatment of eating disorders a clinical handbook (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 9ÿ238ÿ200 Groth-Marnat - Handbook of psychological assessment (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:12 4ÿ167ÿ431 Harway - Handbook of couples therapy (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:05 1ÿ293ÿ340 Hayes et al. - Acceptance and commitment therapy an experiential approach to behavior change (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 3ÿ570ÿ712 Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, Roche - Relational Frame Theory (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:02 2ÿ911ÿ837 Hayes, Follette, Linehan - Mindfulness and Acceptance (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:24 1ÿ416ÿ430 Hayes, Smith - Get out of your mind and into your life - The new acceptance and commitment therapy (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:15 459ÿ854 Hergenhahn (Introduction to the History of Psychology) - Cognitive Psychology.pdf
28.05.2012 20:19 11ÿ848ÿ065 Hersen, Sledge - Encyclopedia Of Psychotherapy (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:20 1ÿ424ÿ271 Hinton - Statistics explained (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 5ÿ651ÿ923 Howell - Statistical Methods For Psychology (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 5ÿ636ÿ163 Jackson - Research Methods (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:04 1ÿ416ÿ716 Jankowski - A Beginner's Guide to the MCMI-III (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 1ÿ521ÿ619 Kanter et al. - Behavioral activation distinctive features (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:15 5ÿ324ÿ128 Kanter, Tsai, Kohlenberg - The Practice of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 10ÿ783ÿ030 Kantowitz, et al. - Experimental Psychology (9th ed, 2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:19 3ÿ480ÿ631 Klonoff - Psychotherapy after brain injury - Principles and techniques (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 1ÿ028ÿ653 Lam, Michalak, Swinson - Assessment scales in depression, mania and anxiety (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 19ÿ167ÿ495 Lazarus - Stress and emotion a new synthesis (1999).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 2ÿ652ÿ965 Lebow - Handbook of Clinical Family Therapy (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:18 3ÿ880ÿ162 Leenaars - Psychotherapy with Suicidal People - A Person-centred Approach (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:21 7ÿ579ÿ400 Lerner, Steinberg - Handbook of adolescent psychology (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:12 13ÿ503ÿ360 Levitin - Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 119ÿ907ÿ339 Linehan - Cognitive-Behavioral therapy for personality desorders (1993).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 5ÿ804ÿ270 Lopez, Snyder - Positive psychological assessment (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 75ÿ976ÿ295 Mace - Psychotherapy Of Psychosis (1997).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 5ÿ467ÿ349 Magnavita, Jeffrey - Handbook Of Personality Disorders Theory And Practice (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:24 2ÿ711ÿ042 Maj - Schizophernia (2nd ed, 2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 777ÿ743 Mandler - A history of modem experimental psychology (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 777ÿ743 Mandler - A history of modern experimental psychology (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 19:54 2ÿ946ÿ669 Martell, Dimidjian, Herman-Dunn - Behavioral activation for depression - A clinician's guide (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:25 35ÿ766ÿ535 Matthews - Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion (1997).pdf
28.05.2012 20:07 968ÿ236 McInerney - Publishing Your Psychology Research (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 1ÿ692ÿ429 Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:21 3ÿ693ÿ125 Miles, Banyard - Understanding and Using Statistics in Psychology (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:10 2ÿ984ÿ856 Miller - Evidence-based addiction treatment (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:04 2ÿ070ÿ246 Miller, Rathus, Linehan - Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 3ÿ578ÿ664 Miller, Rollnick - Motivational Interviewing (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:01 1ÿ705ÿ914 Millie - Anti-social Behaviour (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 24ÿ388ÿ323 Millon - Disorders of Personality (2011).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 10ÿ828ÿ923 Millon - Masters of the Mind (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:07 4ÿ512ÿ360 Millon et al. - Contemporary directions in psychopathology (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:06 3ÿ450ÿ585 Millon et al. - Personality disorders in modern life (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 9ÿ280ÿ991 Mills - Control - A history of behavioral psychology (1998).pdf
28.05.2012 20:21 16ÿ582ÿ991 Minuchin, Fishman - Family therapy techniques (1981).pdf
28.05.2012 20:10 2ÿ958ÿ789 Morris - Bodytalk - The Meaning of Human Gestures (1995).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 7ÿ665ÿ452 Norcross, Goldfried - Handbook of psychotherapy integration (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 29ÿ689ÿ855 Nunnally, Bernstein - Psychometric Theory (3ed, 1994).pdf
28.05.2012 20:25 14ÿ499ÿ693 Phelps - Defending Standirized Testing (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:10 6ÿ594ÿ008 Pierce - Behavior Analysis and Learning (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:12 2ÿ625ÿ074 Pinker - La Tabla Rasa (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 3ÿ047ÿ048 Reisberg, Hertel - Memory and Emotion (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 20ÿ879ÿ553 Riggio - Applications of Nonverbal Communication (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 34ÿ698ÿ119 Rogers - On Becoming a Person (1961).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 2ÿ753ÿ896 Ryle - Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:17 1ÿ067ÿ859 Selekman - Collaborative brief therapy with children (2005).pdf
28.05.2012 20:16 1ÿ789ÿ294 Shapiro - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing basic principles, protocols, and procedures (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:06 3ÿ441ÿ301 Shapiro, Kaslow, Maxfield - Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 11ÿ095ÿ308 Shaughnessy, et. al. - Research Methods In Psychology (9th ed, 2012).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 1ÿ883ÿ724 Skinner - Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1971).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 1ÿ705ÿ684 Skinner - Science and Human Behavior (1953).pdf
28.05.2012 20:23 11ÿ059ÿ475 Skinner - Verbal Behavior (1957).pdf
28.05.2012 20:08 783ÿ060 Skinner - Walden dos (1948).pdf
28.05.2012 20:12 13ÿ367ÿ698 Smith - Motivation and personality (1992).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 19ÿ058ÿ874 Snyder, Lopez - Positive psychology the scientific and practical explorations of human strengths (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 14ÿ456ÿ086 Spitzer - The Mind within the Net Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting (2000).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 3ÿ119ÿ138 Stake - Qualitative Research (2010).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 4ÿ817ÿ321 Stefan, Travis, Murray - An Atlas of Schitzophrenia (2002) .pdf
28.05.2012 20:23 10ÿ899ÿ402 Strickland - The Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology (2001).pdf
28.05.2012 20:30 7ÿ874ÿ544 Taylor - Disorders of affect regulation (1999).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 31ÿ041ÿ508 Taylor, Peplau, Sears - Social Psychology (12th ed, 2006).pdf
28.05.2012 20:31 146ÿ951ÿ335 Tourangeau - Psychology of survey response (2004).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 5ÿ200ÿ790 Treasure et al. - Handbook of Eating Disorders (2003).pdf
28.05.2012 20:06 1ÿ991ÿ530 Tsai, Kohlenberg, et al. - A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 4ÿ217ÿ382 Wegner - The illusion of conscious will (2002).pdf
28.05.2012 20:26 2ÿ836ÿ224 Wells - Emotional Disorders and Metacognition (2000).pdf
28.05.2012 20:02 2ÿ875ÿ949 Wells - Metacognitive Therapy For Anxiety And Depression (2009).pdf
28.05.2012 20:20 8ÿ359ÿ259 Wilson - Quantum Psychology How Brain Software Programs You and Your World (1999).pdf
28.05.2012 20:29 41ÿ586ÿ127 Wolinsky - The Beginner's Guide to Quantum Psychology (2000).pdf
28.05.2012 20:27 4ÿ291ÿ714 Yager, Powers - Clinical manual of eating disorders (2007).pdf
28.05.2012 20:28 5ÿ868ÿ273 Yun Dai, Sternberg - Motivation, emotion, and cognition (2004).pdf
2002 - Banco De Instrumentos Basicos Para La Practica De La Psiquiatria Clinica - Bobes Garc¡a et al..PDF
21.02.2011 16:35 14ÿ879ÿ221 2002 - Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Anxiety - Antony, Roemer & Orsillo.pdf
21.02.2011 16:37 9ÿ238ÿ200 2003 - Handbook of psychological assessment - Groth-Marnat.pdf
21.02.2011 16:33 1ÿ028ÿ653 2005 - Assessment scales in depression, mania and anxiety - Lam, Michalak, Swinson.pdf
21.02.2011 16:35 3ÿ589ÿ348 2010 - Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Social Skills - Nangle et al.pdf
21.02.2011 16:37 10ÿ954ÿ955 2002 - Banco De Instrumentos Basicos Para La Practica De La Psiquiatria Clinica (CD con escalas).rar
2000 - The War between Mentalism and Behaviorism - Uttal.chm
21.02.2011 16:22 1ÿ705ÿ684 1953 - Science and Human Behavior - BF Skinner.pdf
02.08.2011 13:21 11ÿ059ÿ475 1957 - Verbal Behavior - B.F. Skinner.pdf
21.02.2011 16:42 150ÿ737ÿ749 1963 -The rat - A Study in Behaviour - Barnett.pdf
21.02.2011 16:24 783ÿ060 1968 - Walden dos - B. F. Skinner.pdf
21.02.2011 16:33 1ÿ883ÿ724 1971 - Beyond Freedom & Dignity - Skinner.pdf
03.03.2011 16:48 5ÿ984ÿ843 1978 - Behavior analysis and behavior modification - Mallot, Tillema & Glenn.pdf
21.02.2011 16:24 877ÿ453 1994 - Sobre el Conductismo - Skinner.pdf
21.02.2011 16:23 9ÿ280ÿ991 1998 - Control - A history of behavioral psychology - John Mills.pdf
21.02.2011 16:23 27ÿ334ÿ522 1999 - Handbook of Behaviorism - Donohue & Kitchener.pdf
21.02.2011 16:27 869ÿ571 2002 - Essentials of Behavioral Assessment - Ramsay, Reynolds & Kamphaus.pdf
21.02.2011 16:21 6ÿ594ÿ008 2004 - Behavior Analysis and Learning (3rd Ed) - W. David Pierce.pdf
21.02.2011 16:32 2ÿ129ÿ118 2004 - Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy - Bennett-Levy et al.pdf
21.02.2011 16:31 18ÿ332ÿ080 2006 - Fear and Learning - Craske, Hermans & Vansteenwegen.pdf
21.02.2011 16:24 10ÿ618ÿ318 2006 - Handbook of Exposure Therapies - Richard & Lauterbach.pdf
21.02.2011 16:24 6ÿ731ÿ988 2006 - Resolving patient ambivalence - Ann Fields.pdf
21.02.2011 16:22 4ÿ562ÿ843 2007 - Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment - Peter Sturmey.pdf
21.02.2011 16:25 1ÿ334ÿ806 2007 - Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment - Cipani & Schock.pdf
23.03.2011 07:15 4ÿ497ÿ817 2008 - Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures (4th ed) - Miltenberg.pdf
21.02.2011 16:21 3ÿ126ÿ321 2008 - Behavioral Case Formulation and Intervention - Sturney.pdf
21.02.2011 16:26 20ÿ494ÿ881 2008 - Behavioral Interventions in cognitive behavioral therapy - Farmer & Chapman.pdf
21.02.2011 16:33 4ÿ497ÿ811 2008 - Handbook of Positive Behavior Support - Sailor et al.pdf
21.02.2011 16:22 540ÿ572 2008 - Understanding applied behavior analysis - Albert Kearney.pdf
21.02.2011 16:28 9ÿ914ÿ856 2009 - Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Matson.pdf
21.02.2011 16:24 4ÿ778ÿ764 2010 - 25 essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analyst - Jon Bailey & Mary Burch.pdf
28.03.2011 21:51 818ÿ534 2010 - Psychology for the classroom behaviourism - Woollard.pdf
21.02.2011 16:32 1ÿ101ÿ019 xxxx - Dont shoot the dog - Pryor.pdf
21.02.2011 16:31 64ÿ124ÿ127 XXXX - The Principles of Learning and Behavior - Domjan.pdf
1989 - Cognitive therapy in practice a case formulation approach - Persons.djvu
11.03.2011 15:03 5ÿ247ÿ224 1995 - Cognitive therapy basics and beyond - J. Beck.djvu
11.03.2011 14:51 1ÿ189ÿ652 1997 - The integrative power of cognitive therapy - Alford & Beck.djvu
11.03.2011 17:14 8ÿ789ÿ501 2002 - A guide to treatments that work - Nathan & Gorman.djvu
21.02.2011 16:14 1ÿ359ÿ954 1987 - Manual de inoculacion de estres - Donald Meichenbaum.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 19ÿ167ÿ495 1999 - Stress and emotion a new synthesis - Richard S. Lazarus.pdf
21.02.2011 16:12 30ÿ749ÿ094 2001 - Empirically supported cognitive therapies - Lyddon & Jones.pdf
21.02.2011 16:10 6ÿ609ÿ515 2002 - CBT An A-Z of Persuasive Arguments - Neenan & Dryden.pdf
21.02.2011 16:17 26ÿ942ÿ258 2002 - Clinical advances in cognitive psychotherapy theory and application - Leahy & Dowd.pdf
21.02.2011 16:04 3ÿ136ÿ830 2002 - Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Bond, Dryden.pdf
22.02.2011 15:02 11ÿ647ÿ310 2002 - Overcoming resistance a rational emotive behavior therapy integrated approach - Ellis.pdf
21.02.2011 16:05 2ÿ013ÿ042 2003 - Cognitive behavior therapy applying empirically supported techniques in your practice -Donohue, Fisher, Hayes.pdf
21.02.2011 16:15 610ÿ023 2004 - Cognitive therapy 100 key points - Neenan & Dryden.pdf
12.04.2010 20:15 25ÿ455ÿ441 2004 - Cognitive-behavioural integrated treatment (C-BIT) - Graham, Copello et al..pdf
22.01.2011 16:13 2ÿ386ÿ836 2004 - Contemporary Cognitive Therapy Theory, Research, and Practice Leahy.pdf
21.02.2011 16:14 7ÿ087ÿ617 2004 - Simple Treatments For Complex Problems - Driscoll et al.pdf
21.02.2011 16:07 18ÿ585ÿ234 2005 - Behavioral integrative care treatments that work in the primary care setting - O'Donohue et al.pdf
21.02.2011 16:14 11ÿ735ÿ699 2005 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation - Perkins, Conklin & Levine.pdf
21.02.2011 16:14 3ÿ142ÿ364 2005 - Cognitive therapy for challenging problems - J. Beck.pdf
22.12.2010 00:27 3ÿ142ÿ364 2005 - Cognitive therapy for challenging problems what to do when the basics don't work - J. Beck.pdf
21.02.2011 16:10 7ÿ665ÿ452 2005 - Handbook of psychotherapy integration - Norcross & Goldfried.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 5ÿ824ÿ865 2005 - Making cognitive-behavioral therapy work clinical process for new practitioners - Ledley, Marx & Heimberg.pdf
21.02.2011 16:17 23ÿ456ÿ824 2005 - Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy - Kazantzis.pdf
21.02.2011 16:11 5ÿ379ÿ686 2006 - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies - Wilson & Branch.pdf
21.02.2011 16:08 18ÿ332ÿ080 2006 - Fear and learning from basic processes to clinical implications - Craske, Hermans, & Vansteenwegen.pdf
21.02.2011 16:09 1ÿ197ÿ893 2006 - Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy -BARRY A. FARBER- Guilford.pdf
21.02.2011 16:17 2ÿ275ÿ266 2006 - The handbook of comunication skills - Hargie.pdf
21.02.2011 16:05 2ÿ031ÿ063 2007 - Innovations and advances in cognitive-behaviour therapy - Einstein.pdf
21.02.2011 16:08 4ÿ685ÿ069 2007 - Principles and practice of stress management - Lehrer, Woolfolk & Sime.pdf
21.02.2011 16:05 2ÿ054ÿ204 2007 - The therapeutic relationship in the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies - Gilbert & Leahy.pdf
21.02.2011 16:12 3ÿ773ÿ835 2008 - Clinical handbook of couple therapy - Alan S. Gurman.pdf
21.02.2011 16:05 5ÿ228ÿ981 2008 - Clinical handbook of psychological disorders A step-by-step treatment manual - Barlow.pdf
21.02.2011 16:12 2ÿ651ÿ901 2008 - Cognitive behavioral therapy for adult ADHD - Ramsay & Rostain.pdf
21.02.2011 16:09 4ÿ339ÿ438 2008 - Evidence-based adjuntive treatments - O'Donohue & Cummings.pdf
21.02.2011 16:04 1ÿ832ÿ023 2008 - The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy - Persons.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 1ÿ728ÿ783 2008 - The fundamentals of rational emotive behaviour therapy - Dryden & Branch.pdf
21.02.2011 16:09 39ÿ555ÿ486 2009 - General Principles and Empirically Supported Techniques of Cognitive Behavior Therapy - O'donohue & Fisher.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 2ÿ820ÿ646 2010 - Clinical manual of prevention in mental health - Compton.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 1ÿ020ÿ158 2010 - Emotion focused cognitive therapy - Mick Power.pdf
21.02.2011 16:10 3ÿ322ÿ771 2010 - Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies- Keith S. Dobson.pdf
21.02.2011 16:17 1ÿ614ÿ844 2011 - Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Rimondini.pdf
21.02.2011 16:13 6ÿ951ÿ836 XXXX - Anger management course and training - Woodruff.pdf
21.02.2011 16:16 12ÿ455ÿ390 xxxx - Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad - Beck & Freeman.pdf
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Patient Treatment Manual.pdf
21.02.2011 16:17 55ÿ973 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Patient Treatment Manual.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 166ÿ401 Panic Disorder - Patient Treatment Manual.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 15ÿ916 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Patient information sheet.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 185ÿ151 Social Phobia - Patient Treatment Manual.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 105ÿ644 Specific Phobias - Patient Treatment Manual_2.pdf
1997 - Enhancing Sexuality - Therapis Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 4ÿ962ÿ840 2006 - Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery - Therapist guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 666ÿ545 2006 - Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery - Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 11ÿ052ÿ088 2007 - Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring - Therapist guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:18 764ÿ101 2007 - Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring - Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 534ÿ195 2007 - Managing Chronic Pain - Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 2ÿ464ÿ842 2008 - A cognitive-behavioral approach to the beginning of the end of life - Facilitator guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 900ÿ713 2008 - Cognitive-behavioral stress management for prostate cancer recovery - Facilitator Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 1ÿ074ÿ139 2008 - Coping power - Wells, Lochman & Lenhart.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 488ÿ089 2008 - Coping With Breast Cancer - Therapist Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 364ÿ988 2008 - Coping With Breast Cancer - Workbook for couples.pdf
21.02.2011 16:19 387ÿ868 2008 - Managing Tourette Syndrome - Adult Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 557ÿ672 2008 - Managing Tourette Syndrome - Therapist Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 403ÿ677 2009 - Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries - Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 387ÿ419 2009 - Coping effectively with spinal cord injury - a group program - Therapist guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 661ÿ101 2009 - Coping With the Seasons - Therapist Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 1ÿ408ÿ199 2009 - Enhancing Sexuality - Therapist guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 770ÿ796 2009 - Enhancing Sexuality - Workbook.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 878ÿ957 2009 - Family-Based Treatment for Young Children With OCD - Therapist Guide.pdf
21.02.2011 16:20 821ÿ951 2009 - Mastering Your Fears and Phobias - Workbook.pdf
1994 - Pediatric psychooncology-psychological perspectives on children with cancer -Bearison & Mulhern.pdf
21.02.2011 15:32 22ÿ584ÿ057 1996 - Handbook of adolescent death and bereavement - Corr & Balk.pdf
21.02.2011 15:28 5ÿ310ÿ487 1997 - Entering the child's mind - Ginsburg.pdf
21.02.2011 15:27 9ÿ342ÿ040 1998 - Coercion and punishment in long-term perspectives - McCord.pdf
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