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The Hidden History of Money and Feudal Order Usury Secrets by Alexander James
I had forgotton that I had this book, The Hidden History of Money & Feudal Order Usury Secrets, and when I ran across it today I decided to post it here so that others can know about it. No doubt, many people visiting this site will have run across this in their travels down the rabbit holes but for those who haven't seen this, here you are. This book is a good collection of information across a broad scale demonstrating the use and abuse of the good natured people of this planet by a small group of mis-guided folks. The download link is at the bottom of this page.
The following is from the book preface:
The Hidden History of Money is an adventure in the true history of World control. I have to warn you.The flood of naked truth in this book is intense, blistering and shocking for the novice and it may take a novice reader several read-throughs to obtain a good level of understanding of the material being presented. Don’t expect to catch on during your first read-through. To assist comprehension, stimulate thinking and remove mental blind-spots and tunnels, the information is presented in several different ways and from many varying angles and from hundreds of distinctly diverse sources (all listed in the References section and most are available from and on the Internet).
This book is a big journey into truth!It took over 6 years to collect, comprehend and compile this material. First, as I discovered this material, I couldn’t believe it, I was shocked and went into denial (couldn’t believe politicians and some other folks were lying even if they told me that they were lying! Guess that’s what they call the “dummying down” effect). However, after studying further and deeper, the big picture beind major World events started to emerge. It is a bit like the structure of the universe not making sense without envisioning an ORGANIZER behind it. If you’ve come across this book by a stroke of good luck, please read it with a wide open mind (ignorance is having a closed mind) because the mainstream media and the education system have not exposed you to this truth and have in fact presented you with a distorted view of the World resulting in skewed preconceptions and prejudices that this will take time to unravel (also known as de-briefing or de-programming the cognitive dissonance or the Paradigm Effect which blinds/filters us from acknowledging information contrary to the existing Paradigms in our minds).This baggage of misconceptions and distortions will make it a challenge to comprehend the facts stated in this book. You may find revelations in this book shocking and go into denial because of the thinkings inertia to the illusionary World that has been created by the Illuminati owned/controlled mass media. So please read with patience as all stunning statements will be circumstantially factualized as we will expose the private Illuminati Banking Dynasties who get to create money from nothing and that have immense resources to make lies appear deceptively like “truth”.!
There Was A Time When Man Was Free, When There Was No Money
Before gangsters started monopolizing ownership of the Earth’s land and resources, man would be born free and live free. When feudal gangsters monopolized land, they also enslaved the peasants. Then, these feudal gangsters created the only thing that man ever created, i.e. money. Everything other than money is built with labour, ingenuity and materials, but money credits are just created out of thin air by the self-appointed banking gangsters or banksters. When the serfs and knaves were “emancipated”, they remained in servitude to these feudal gangsters through usury, taxes and inflation. Now, everyone is born indebted to the banksters. This will be explained in detail throughout the Hidden History of Money and New World Order Usury Secrets.
"I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826
"Until the National Debt is paid off, the other problems facing our country will remain unsolved. Compound Interest is the 'Eighth Wonder Of The World' and it can bring a nation to its knees." -- -- C. Morgan Cofer, 1926-?
Note that most bankruptcies are due to usury and that most frauds are due to the limited liability laws which protect wrongdoers. Taxpayers always bail out the Elite’s banks. The Elite criminals are well protected.
"There are none so enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free [due to the Elite’s mass propaganda]” - Goethe
The Hidden History of Money and Feudal Order Usury Secrets Download pdf