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gsxr compilation 4

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once again there is no descriptions,way too many books,this is my second part,this is basically a up for grabs

torrent,moderaters,i have no problem if this gets deleted becuz of any reason,enjoy


The Most Secret Science - how control of wealth controls people - Roberts
Admiralty Maritime - International Law - Are You Lost At Sea
Order Out of Chaos - Paul Joseph Watson
American Institutions and Their Influence - Alexis De Tocqueville
Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798) - John Robison
American Political Ideas Viewed From the Standpoint of Universal History - John Fisk
A Number, Not A Name- Big Brother By Stealth - Clair Wolfe
Can America Survive - Joseph George Caldwell
Citizenship And Sovereignty
Conception Control and Its Effects on the Individual and the Nation - Florence E Barrett
The Constitution - John Marshall
Cracking the Code - The fascinating truth about taxation in America 2003 - Hendrickson
Descent into Tyranny - Alex Jones
Declaration of Independence
Democracy and Education - John Dewey
A Critical Examination of Socialism - WIlliam Mallock
The Fight For The Republic In China - Putnam Weile
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
Fireside Chats of Roosevelt
Formation of the Union - A.B.Hart
Gentile Folly - the Rothschilds - Arnold Leese
Germany and the Next War - Freidrich Von Bernhardi
Government and Administration - William F Willoughby
The Government Class Book - Andrew Young
The Great North Western Conspiracy - Windslow Ayer
The Interest of America in Sea Power - A.T.Mahan
Jailed for Freedom - Dorris Stevens
Kissinger - The Book by Gary Allen
The Lie Behind The Lie Detector - George Maschke
Lincolns Inaugural Address
Martyred Armenia - Faiz El Ghusein
How Members of Congress Are Bribed - Joseph Moore
Mind Control Awareness - Project Freedom
The Mirrors of Downing Street - Harold Begbie
New Forces in Old China - Arthur Brown
Open Source Democracy - Douglas Rushkoff
Origin of the Constitution of the USA - Gary North
Panama Canal Conflict - Oppenheim Lassa
The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes - Fredor Jagor
Physics and Politics - Walter Bagehot
Problems in American Democracy - Thames Ross Williamson
You Are Being Lied To - Many Essays
Roosevelts Inaugural
1984 - George Orwell
Secrets of the Federal Reserve - Eustace Mullins
SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA - The Real Reason the Government Wont Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp

Re-legalization - R. William Davis
Siege of Washington D.C. - Colburn Adams
Socialism and Modern Science - Robert La Monte
Sovereign Individuals Vs. Manipulated Masses
Taking of America - Richard Sprague
Terrorists and Freedom Fighters - Sam Vaknin
The Abolition of Slavery - The Right of Government Under War Powers - William Lloyd Garrison
The Agrarian Crusade - The Chonicle of the Farmer in Politics - Solon Buck
The Altruist in Politics - Benjamin Cardozo
The American Crisis - Thomas Paine
The American Republic - O.A.Brownson
The Art Of Deception - Kevin Mitnick
The Blood Poisoners - Lionel Dole
The Boss and the Machine - Samual Orth
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
The Defenders of Democracy - Militia of Mercy
The Diliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Iserbyt
The European Anarchy - G. L. Dickenson
The Federal Zone - Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue - Paul A. Mitchell
The Growth of Thought - WIlliam Williamson
The History of a Crime - Victor Hugo
The Invisible Government - Dan Smoot
The Marx He Knew - John Spargo
The New World Order - H.G.Wells
The Republic - Plato
The Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
The Schemes of the Kaiser - Juliette Adam
The War and Democracy - R.W.Seton-Watson
The Architecture Of History - Eric Rainbolt
The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society - Ivan Frazier
The Coming Battle - M.W.Walbert
The Drug Story - Morris Beale
The End Of The World
U.S.A. The Republic, Is The House That No One Lives In - Lee Brobpst
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism - William Russell
The Soviet Art of Brain Washing - Kenneth Goff
The United States Bill of Rights
War Is A Racket - Major General Smedley Butler
What is Property - P.J.Proudhon
Why We are at War - Woodrow Wilson
World Order - 1st Edition 1985
Writings of Thomas Jefferson