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Masonic ORDER out of CHAOS, The Elite Sponsored Terrorism & The New World Order Paul Joseph Watson

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Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order

Paul Joseph Watson


Order Out Of Chaos blows wide open the official story behind a multitude of both historical and modern day events. Paul Joseph Watson uses mainstream media reports to exhaustively document how governments are exploiting and even carrying out terrorist attacks to further their unified political agenda. Every referenced article is available online so you can cross-check the facts for yourself!

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The History of Tyrants: A Lesson From the Past

Chapter 3: British Intelligence: Her Majesty’s Terrorist Network

Chapter 4: Chaos 101: Building Your Own Enemies

Chapter 5: 9/11: Countdown to Terror – Warnings Ignored

Chapter 6: Treason Beneath a Clear Blue Sky

Chapter 7: 9/11 Aftermath: New World Order

Chapter 8: The Pakistan/India Conflict: Familiar Faces and

Nuclear Holocaust

Chapter 9: Counterfeit Foe: Staging a Cosmic Threat

Chapter 10: Empire: Global Pax-Americana

Chapter 11: Conclusion

Alex Jones Productions Since 1996 Austin, TX

Published in the United States by AEJ Productions

Chapter 1 Introduction

A New World Order is being erected and it is the biggest threat humanity has ever faced.
Moreover, it is a menace to each and every one of us individually. It is a danger to our
family, our way of life and our children’s future. You will learn what it is, who is
behind it, what they are doing to achieve it and why, and finally how we can ensure its
destruction. The bulk of this book consists of names, places and dates. Everything is
documented by mainstream media reports. The level of mainstream citation I include was
not possible ten years ago but it is today because the agenda is so blatantly in our
faces that they have to admit to it. Most of the book concentrates exclusively on new
information that has developed since September 11 2001. While I do provide background
where it is absolutely necessary, the first chapter for example, many issues are not
covered. Things like the Oklahoma City Bombing or the Kennedy assassination all fit into
the same agenda but they have been so exhaustively documented by other researchers that
it would be a waste of my time to simply re-hash old material. This book is merely one
of many keys that you will need to unlock the truth and so I suggest you read all the
information of the subjects not covered in this book if you haven’t already done so. The
hunger, brutality, suffering, genocide and horror that has plagued the third world is
coming to our shores. But it is not set in stone and we can choose to reverse the evil
at any point. Everyone is presented with a chance of influencing the world in whatever
field they excel at. However, many spurn the opportunity because they are not prepared
to risk deviating from the manipulated ‘path’ that has been set for them.

“Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do
think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly,
accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion- in the long run, these are the only
people who count.” - Robert Heinlein

The nature of intelligence as perceived by the conditioned ‘norm’ is judged by how many
numbers you can add together or how many names you can put to dates. This is not
intelligence of mind - it is system of mind. Systems of mind are like physical machines;
they are limited in potential by the intelligence that built them. Likewise, the systems
of mind that masquerade as ‘intelligence’ only function to the standard of fuel that is
fed into them in the first place. Systems of mind can be changed at any time by the
controller of the system (the government). They can say 2 + 2 = 5 and the vast majority
of people will not question it. This proves to us that such systems of mind are not
‘intelligence’ because true intelligence is infinite, whole and unchanging. Remembering
all the events I write about in this book and matching them with dates, names and places
and then telling someone else is not going to get the job done. You need to couple the
hard evidence with your own personal insight and this will reach others on a level of
true intelligence. Who are ‘they’ and what do ‘they’ want? What's it all about? The New
World Order is not a 'conspiracy' in the strictest sense of the term - it is an agenda.
The agenda is orchestrated by a power elite that thinks it has the divine right to
commandeer total control of your life. But who are 'they'? Who are the 'power elite'?
The UN, the EU, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral
Commission, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the Club of Rome. The list goes on and there have been many books written that
cover the history of these groups and how they connect to each other. The intention of
this book is to highlight how their unified agenda manifests itself in modern day
developments with particular attention paid to the Hegelian Dialectic. To research these
groups and their unified agenda is to understand who really controls your destiny and
where this planet is heading, unless we speak out against the agenda itself. The agenda
is a worldwide consolidation and centralization of power into the hands of an
all-encompassing World Government. This system will evolve from the European Union,
(already in place) the American Union, (derived from NAFTA) and the Asian Union. When
these three models are in existence, they will be merged together to create the One
World Government. The society and control mechanisms they are manufacturing to
'compliment' this World Government combine the most extreme aspects of communism and
fascism, mixed with a nightmare Orwellian technocracy. Specifically (and in no
particular order): a microchipped population; a world army; a world centralized banking
system; the utter destruction of all national identity and pride; the destruction of all
religion except their own 'world religion'; the ability to control each and every person
through means of mind control (interlocked with the microchip); to bring an end to all
industrialization; to seize control of the environmental movement at the top of the
power structure and use it for the purposes of continental land-grabs; to initiate a
program of population control (via warfare, vaccination, starvation and diseases)
whereby 80% are 'terminated'; to encourage and eventually legalize the use of drugs and
to make pornography and other expressions of hedonism an 'art form'; to suppress all
scientific development except that which aids their agenda (an example being cold fusion
and other technologies that would end our dependency on fossil fuels); to demoralize
humanity and breed culture to become more and more decadent (meaning when the sick and
absurd becomes acceptable) - this is achieved via drugs, pornography, mindless
television, degenerate rock, pop, rap, hip-hop music, among a host of others; to
encourage multiculturalism, immigration, and to brand anyone who opposes these issues as
'racist'; to make pedophilia, rape and sexual conquests acceptable and respectable; to
cause total collapse of the world's economies and engender political chaos; to penetrate
and subvert all governments and coerce them into destroying their country's national
sovereignty; to take control of education in the developed world with the intention of
suppressing non-consensus information and pushing left-wing, liberal, socialistic
viewpoints (Socialism masquerades as a movement of the downtrodden masses but is in fact
clearly an attempt at consolidating wealth and power by the elite); to use terrorism or
'scareorrism' as a means of gaining the consent of the public, who which actually
support this agenda and give up their basic rights if it is presented as the solution to
terrorism. There are many caveat goals within this agenda that fall under the umbrella
of those mentioned above. You will notice many of these goals have already been
achieved. Ways in which to defeat the agenda are covered later in this book but the main
one is simply to know what the agenda is and tell others how it directly affects them.
This will stir people from their apathy and make them realize they are under attack.
Their survival mechanism will kick in, they will become educated on the issues and they
will wake their fellow human. Remember - those who fought and died for freedom in the
American Revolution only had 5% of the population on their side. To avoid having to die
for freedom, we need to win the war of information. The New World Order Goes Primetime
In the last few years we have seen what some call the externalization of the hierarchy.
In other words, the mainstream media has actually reported that there is an agenda to
create a global government and it is being implemented by secret societies. One of the
most powerful known secret societies is Skull and Bones, which was set up by William H.
Russell in the 1830’s and is based on an offshoot of the eighteenth-century society, the
Illuminati. It is based at Yale University and calls itself The Brotherhood of Death.
George W. Bush admits to being a member in his own autobiography. In April 2001
journalists for ABC News and the New York Observer were able to film members enacting
mock throat-cutting rituals,

Most of the speculative lore about the Skull and Bones ritual has centered on its death
fixation. Beyond the obvious skull-and-crossbones insignia, of course, the most
persistent story is that initiates spend their senior year in the basement crypt of the
Bones Tomb taking turns lying in a coffin and, in two long, intense, psycho-drama
autobiographical sessions in said coffins, recount their personal and sexual history to
the other 14 chosen ones. The better to bond for life with those they know best and
prepare for their destiny as stewards of the ruling class.1