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John Harris - Illusion, Common and Commercial Law & the Ego
SUB: Freedom, Government, Love, Thinking & The Internet
We have John Harris with us from the website "The People's United Community". John recently gave an interesting talk titled "It's an illusion" on the topics of Law, Legalese, Common Law, Birthright Law, Corporate Law and much more. We've invited him to talk about his research, his thoughts and opinions. We begin to discuss 9/11, 7/7 and John's "wake up" process. We move on to discuss: Law, Law Changes After 9/11, Common Law, Commercial Law, Realization, Natural Connection, Statue, Status, Paper, Birth Certificate, Title, System, Sterling Pound, Their Policy, Money, Brain, Person, Social Dominance, Public and Private Statues, Roman "Civilicus Law", The Ego, Messiah Complex, Jesus, Lose the of eye's of the Ego, War, Owning Land, Magna Carta, Admiralty Law, Subject, Police officer, Policeman, Riots in the UK (Summer of discontent). We continue talking more with John Harris in our members area and we discuss Freedom, Government, Low vs. Higher Frequency, Disease, Stress, Paper Money, Homosexuality, The Feminine Side, Love, Sex as Manipulation, Non-Violence, Shutting Down the Internet and John's visit to the Buckingham Palace.