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Sex Solicitation in Auricular Confession - A Collection

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Auricular Confession and Sex Solicitation:

Auricular Confession is another venue via which priests abuse their authority to commit the most heinous crimes. It is a well known fact that many priests use Auricular Confession to seduce female penitents, control them, and sexually abuse them (sex solicitation).

This collection includes 20 books and articles:

1- Auricular Confession - False Doctrine
2- Scandals Through History - Solicitation in the Confessional
3- Solicitation In The Confessional
4- Evolution of Auricular Confession
5, 6 and 7- History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences-vol1, vol2 and vol3; by H.C. Lea
8 and 9- History of Auricular Confession-vol1 and vol2; by C. De Lasteyrie
10- CM Roberts - A Treatise on History of Auricular Confession
11- C Chiniquy - The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional
12- JG White - Deeds of Darkness Disclosed about Auricular Confession
13- HM Hatch - Popery Unmasked
14- S Haleczer - Sexuality in the Confessional
15- JF Berg - The Confessional - An Exposition of Auricular Confession
16- W Hogan - Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries
17- JS Carr - The Devil in Robes or Sin of Priests (This book was uploaded separately before; but, it is included here for its relevance to the subject)
18- B Fresenborg - Thirty Years in Hell
19- JL Vinet - I Was a Priest
20- Proofs that Sexual Sins Existed More than 40 Years