This weekend (Sept 21-22nd) there is a free screening of the Code 12 Movie:
The movie introduces the Code 12 and reveals the secret of the 13 (at center, or "outside" the 12) to break out of the "control matrix".
"It is a masterful blend of seemingly disparate events from our past to give us new perspectives that add deeper meaning to our lives. I love Code 12, and recommend having a pen and paper handy to take notes on what it reveals, so you can check these things out for yourself after you see them in the movie." -- Gregg Braden,
The next product is the Matrix Liberator which has many more extensive interviews with the people in the film.
Exclusive Bonus: Extended Interviews — 8 hours of exclusive never-before-seen content that didn't make the movie with access for12-months.
un-cut interviews from all of our guests... all experts in the field and talk about in-depth discoveries that didn't make the film! It's a unique opportunity to fully dive deep into the Code 12 discoveries, and the real-world implications.
Extended Un-cut interviews include:
Featured Guests:
Greg Braden — Scientist, Visionary, Scholar
Matias De Stefano — Consciousness Educator, Founder of the IAC
Dr. Sue Morter — Master of Bioenergetics, Founder of the Morter Institute of Bioenergetics
Nassim Haramein — Theoretical Physicist & Research Director of the International Space Federation
Maria Wheatley — Author & Founder of Avebury School of Esoteric Studies
Robert Gilbert — Founder of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies
Isaac Rodriguez — Sideral Astrologist
Dr. Jere Rivera — Quantum Morphogenetic Physicist & Creator of Rasha Technology
William Henry — Investigative Mythologist
Walter Bosley — Former FBI Agent & Author
The 3rd is the Code 12 Online Conference which sounds like the best option for the complete story:
Almost 10 hours of content and you get to meet the talent with Q&A sessions.
The Trailer
The true Earth Calendar is 13 months of 28 days each (with 1 rest day). Does that make Pope Greggy's calendar of 12 irregular months just an extra layer of (non-divine) deception?
So If the 13 is both "outside" and at the "center" of the code 12 then is that "zeropoint" the heart (singularity) for transcending the material illusion?
If one plugs in the 13th zodiac sign then adds the "shadow" effect of the missing 13th planet (now an asteroid belt) of our solar system that may add even more interesting considerations.
So to "transcend" the Code 10, have to return to the Code 12 but have to do it at the center of the 13 (which is outside of the 12)? Seems like Code 12 is also a consciousness trap, whereas 13 is the desired goal.
Base 10 isn't a conspiracy.
We count in tens because we have 10 fingers.
Sure, you should understand the other bases.
I'll be 30 soon, in hexadecimal. That's much more fun than 48.
Meditate on numbers.
Think about things that come in ones.
Think about things that come in twos.
There is something in this - look at the Kabbalah grid on the left, it looks all ski-whiff with parts missing.

Compare it to the Kathara grid on the right - someone fixed it.
12 instead of 10 centres.
How do you cripple someone's spiritual progress? Don't tell them about the top centres. Fortunately someone fixed it. This is from Ashayana Deane, search for the MCEO teachings on here.
I'm watching CODE 12. 12 minutes in and not much useful so far. 7920 is a red herring because what do feet have to do with anything? It's a totally arbitrary measurement invented by the romans.
If you want to download and save it, it's hosted on Vimeo. Right-click in your browser and "View Frame Source". Use the URL of the frame and give it --referer for the hathorstudio page. v.easy. Other downloaders might work.
Seems the 13 is the primary issue. The "Matrix Liberator" seems to have all but 2 of the conference speakers extended interviews.
Primarily interested in the technologies developed from these ideas. Doesn't seem like a code 12 tech is useful except to restore basic DNA (not enhance it). Somehow the "singularity" (the center-zero point) is more important than the 12 when it comes to "transcending". Like the "observer" is outside the experiment, the "spiritual" or "soul" is above (or at center) of the material, DNA, what-have-you. Maybe that is why Dan Winter vortexing tech has measurable effects of adding a measurable effect to what it is applied to... because it is tapping into this 13 source/zero-point/singularity space.
But, definitely, just a beginning point.. for contemplation and not any concrete answers. Seems like the movie was just to tease the extra extended interviews and the conference to tease what new technologies could come from these ideas. Wait and see I guess.
FRIDAY THE 13TH - Spiritual Spiritual Story of Shiva
The 13th Day of Shiva | Code 12: Investigates
I couldn't find the online conference, but the documentary is here: