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986.86 MiB | 0 | 0 | 116 |
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The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for
your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA
Note: Our thanks to for giving us this idea to start up another archive to share
these case files with as many investigative patriots as possible. If they can archive all Q
information, we should archive all USWGO criminal case archives. Brian David Hill = Innocence and he
will be acquitted once the military starts arresting these corrupt Federal Judges. We follow Q and
not Alex Jones the traitor.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Now download the Federal Court archives of Brian David Hill v. United States of America as of April
23, 2022. Grab them all and share them on Bittorrent before the corrupt Federal Judges come for our
throats at some point and eliminates our website and covers up the Federal Court documents. We fear
that the evil demon U.S. Attorney asst. Anand Prakash Ramaswamy may push for another motion for a
pre-filing injunction like in 2018, and push to cover up and destroy all evidence proving Brian D.
Hill of USWGO Alternative News innocent of child porn, and the frame up set up scheme by USPO Kristy
L. Burton of Danville., Virginia or the higher ups by bullying Brian into having an autism meltdown.
Then the state charge set up operation caused by both Carbon Monoxide poisoning and a man in a
hoodie threatening to kill Brian’s mother Roberta Hill, back in 2018. Now they may move to cover
up and lie about Brian Hill and his whole family. They lied about attorney Susan Basko and will lie
about attorney L. Lin Wood. They will all be lied about by this demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy.
Don’t let them cover up his case files. Don’t let them succeed and DEFY THESE LAW-DISOBEYING
FEDERAL JUDGES. These Federal Judges don’t follow any law anymore, they don’t even follow the
Supreme Court, they think they are gods, they don’t even follow or enforce their own local rules
because they are OUT TO GET Brian Hill if they cannot have him killed in their jails by withholding
of insulin. Defy their illegal Court Orders to censor and destroy evidence. Do not let them get away
with this. Defy them now before they even enter their corrupt unlawful unconstitutional dictatorial
orders by the demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Defy them by DOWNLOADING THEM NOW, DOWNLOAD THE CASE
FILES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not wait for their minions with guns and terror, the corrupt U.S.
Marshals under Pedophile Dictator Joe Biden. Now is the time to download the case files and share
them on BitTorrent and other P2P file sharing websites and networks before they come for this
website and other websites, Do not let the Feds make it disappear.
The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA

Note: Our thanks to for giving us this idea to start up another archive to share these case files with as many investigative patriots as possible. If they can archive all Q information, we should archive all USWGO criminal case archives. Brian David Hill = Innocence and he will be acquitted once the military starts arresting these corrupt Federal Judges. We follow Q and not Alex Jones the traitor.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Now download the Federal Court archives of Brian David Hill v. United States of America as of April 23, 2022. Grab them all and share them on Bittorrent before the corrupt Federal Judges come for our throats at some point and eliminates our website and covers up the Federal Court documents. We fear that the evil demon U.S. Attorney asst. Anand Prakash Ramaswamy may push for another motion for a pre-filing injunction like in 2018, and push to cover up and destroy all evidence proving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News innocent of child porn, and the frame up set up scheme by USPO Kristy L. Burton of Danville., Virginia or the higher ups by bullying Brian into having an autism meltdown. Then the state charge set up operation caused by both Carbon Monoxide poisoning and a man in a hoodie threatening to kill Brian’s mother Roberta Hill, back in 2018. Now they may move to cover up and lie about Brian Hill and his whole family. They lied about attorney Susan Basko and will lie about attorney L. Lin Wood. They will all be lied about by this demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Don’t let them cover up his case files. Don’t let them succeed and DEFY THESE LAW-DISOBEYING FEDERAL JUDGES. These Federal Judges don’t follow any law anymore, they don’t even follow the Supreme Court, they think they are gods, they don’t even follow or enforce their own local rules because they are OUT TO GET Brian Hill if they cannot have him killed in their jails by withholding of insulin. Defy their illegal Court Orders to censor and destroy evidence. Do not let them get away with this. Defy them now before they even enter their corrupt unlawful unconstitutional dictatorial orders by the demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Defy them by DOWNLOADING THEM NOW, DOWNLOAD THE CASE FILES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not wait for their minions with guns and terror, the corrupt U.S. Marshals under Pedophile Dictator Joe Biden. Now is the time to download the case files and share them on BitTorrent and other P2P file sharing websites and networks before they come for this website and other websites, Do not let the Feds make it disappear.
We have no choice
We have no choice but to release this. The Feds are denying every motion and attacking and lying about us and lying about Lin Wood.
They are breaking every law and will come for our federal court case files next. They will do this because they are getting away with breaking laws and ignoring case laws even as far as the Supreme Court. They are coming after us. Sharing these on BitTorrent will prevent them from disappearing down a black hole.
Like eMule? I am just curious...
This is wild stuff. Hope you get the word out there!