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Social Engineering DVD-ROM - [ The Induction Series ] - Banking, Schooling, Collectivism

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Induction Into Authority - Social Engineering ••• (Published June 20th 2006)

Social Engineering DVD-ROM

Twentieth Century History can be seen as a grand plan, a new world created
and engineered through social automation of controlled conflict; war,
depression, taxes, economic usury and forced education. This new world order
was imposed by Utopians willing to use all means, all political parties, all
public media, communism, capitalistism, terrorism, to bring about collective
global system, a Utopia now.

The history of this global plan was to create an economic shock system which
used to trap people in an endless flux between depression and boom, war and
peace, freedom and tyranny. It was to be an "Open Conspiracy", a benevolent
dictatorship which would eventually lead to a golden age of human cooperation.
Inserted it has imposed limits on human individuality through divisionism,
violence, mass-suicide and social revolution.

Research topics includes the federal reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations,
the Utopian socialist ideal, international communism, international banking,
government education, the manufacturing of dissent, controlled opposition,
the dialectical confrontation between "right" and "left, public education, usury,
revenue taxation, economic slavery and the definition of power and authority.

Features researchers like Antony C Sutton, G Edward Griffin, John Taylor Gatto,
Jordan Maxwell, John Perkins, Charlotte Iserbyt, and John Coleman.

DVD Contents:

The Council on Foreign Relations - Document Archive:

CFR Conference 2005 - Allen Greenspan.mp3
What We Do - The Council on Foreign Relations.mht
A Chronological History of The CFR - By Dennis Cuddy.pdf
A Timeline to Global Governance - Prison Planet.htm
Analysis of Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley.pdf
Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope - Stephen Yates.mp3
CFR Report - America Still Unprepared.pdf
CFR Report - Building A North American Community.pdf
CFR Report - North American Task Force 2005.pdf
Cost Indexes from 1875 to
Decline & Fall of the American Empire - Robert Murray.pdf
Dr. John Coleman - The Committee of 300.pdf
Expose of The Federal Reserve Banking System.doc
FABIAN SOCIALISM - History and Literature.mht
Fabian Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.mht
Final Warning - History of the New World Order - David Allen Rivera.mht
John Taylor Gatto - The Fabian Spirit.htm
Secrets of the Federal Reserve.doc
The Federal Reserve and The Crash of 29 - Against Olegarchy.htm
The Federal Reserve, 1934, Congressman McFadden's Speech.mht
The History of the New World Order - David Allen Rivera.mht
Utopia by Thomas More 1516.mht
Col Edward House Document Archive

Mentors Archives

Antony Sutton - The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - Interview Antony Sutton.wmv
Antony Sutton - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - By Antony C Sutton.pdf
Antony Sutton - Wall Street and The Bolshevic Revolution.pdf
Antony Sutton - Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler.pdf

Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy.avi
Edward Griffin - The Perfect Tax - Income Tax.mp3
Edward Griffin - The Chasm - Two Ethics That Divide the Western World.pdf
Edward Griffin - The Myth and Meaning of Monopoly Capitalism.mp3
Edward Griffin - Which Path for Mankind.pdf

George Orwell - Animal Farm.pdf
George Orwell - Animal Farm.txt
George Orwell - Animal Farm (Disc 1 of 3).mp3
George Orwell - Animal Farm (Disc 2 of 3).mp3
George Orwell - Animal Farm (Disc 3 of 3).mp3
George Orwell - Fifty Orwell Essays.txt

John Taylor Gatto - Articles and Documents
John Taylor Gatto - Classrooms of the Heart 1994.avi
John Taylor Gatto - Education Engineering C2CAM - Dec 6, 2004.mp3
John Taylor Gatto - A Different Kind of Teacher - BookTV CSpan 2001.mp3
John Taylor Gatto - Compiled Thoughts On Schooling - 01-10-03.mp3
John Taylor Gatto - On Philip Dru, Adminstrator.mp3
John Taylor Gatto - The Pathological Methodology of Forced Schooling.wma
John Taylor gatto - The Underground History of American Education.

Main Contents

TTC - Utopia and Terror in the Twentieth Century
The Capitalist Conspiracy - A Film by G Edward Griffin.avi
Edward Griffin - The Chasm - Collectivism vs Individualism.pdf
20th Century - Utopia, Terror and Social Engineering.mp3
JFK on Secret Societies and Conspiracy.mp3
According to Plan - Propaganda Film 1951.avi
Born Rich - 20th Century Aristocrats - Documentary.avi
Choose to be Rich - Introduction - Robert Kiyosaki.mp3
Classrooms of the Heart - John Gatto Last NYC Class 1994.avi
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Iserbyt.mp3
Disinformation Convention - Marrilyn Manson Speech 2003.avi
Education Engineering - John Taylor Gatto on C2CAM - Dec 6, 2004.mp3
Education Engineering - The Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Iserbyt.mp3
Edward House - Philip Dru, Adiministrator - A Story of Tomorrow, 1910.doc
Essay by Immanuel Kant - Perpetual Peace - Published in 1795.htm
Essays in Fabian Socialism - George Bernard Shaw 1891.pdf
Harry Browne Interview - Why Government Doesn't Work.mp3
John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception 1993.pdf
John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman C2C 2005.mp3
John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman Audiobook.mp3
Jordan Maxwell - International Maritime Admiralty Law.mp3
Money, Banking and The Federal Reserve.wmv
Monopoly Men - The Shadow Government.wmv
None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen.pdf
Occult Technology of Power - Anonymous.htm
Order From Understanding - Krishnamurti 1974.avi
Power and Authority - John Trudell Live p1 10-94.mp3
Power and Authority - John Trudell Live p2 10-94.mp3
Programing Manual - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.mht
Social Engineering - The Man Who Was Thursday.pdf
Surplus - Terrorized Into Being Consumers Documentary 2003.avi
The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - Antony Sutton Interview.wmv
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - Antony C Sutton eBook.pdf
The Perfect Tax - Income Tax - Edward Griffin.mp3
The Power of Gold - Peter Bernstein [audiobook].mp3
The Utopian System - Oligarchs and Plebians.mht
Usury and The Fight Against Economic Slavery.pdf.pdf


This DVD-ROM is part of the Induction series, a self-induced initiation
into self-knowledge and power. Learning to ride the eternal flux.

Enjoy, and please freely distribute and copy these files and discs.

On Playback •••

For maximum compatibility all files have been converted to low bit mp3 or
DivX. There are also some WMV which either couldn't be re-encoded or were
kept intact due to their small size. All photos are in jpg or gif format,
and most webpages are included in archive MHT files. Converting the files
ensures compatibility and playback on most computers and media players.

All files should be considered sub-retail and for education only.

On Publishing •••

Due to the need for this information, some of these files are distributed
without the direct expressed consent of the original copyright holders.
Most are freely recorded or downloaded from public sources before being
further compiled. In this form they are highly compressed, degraded and
should be considered to be sub-retail, non-commercial files. They were
created for personal reference and educational use only.

I would encourage everyone to make their own compilations and to copy,
publish and distribute them freely. Make induction your own.

The Induction Series is published through the Conspiracy Central Tracker
and as such it follows ConCen's policy of removing content at the original
copyright holders request. For questions, comments or requests contact:

On The Induction Series •••

The Induction series can be thought of as a tree. Its roots can be found
in the She Who Remembers Archives and through Conspiracy Central, Torrent
sites and online research. The Induction Tree:

Induction into Self-Knowledge

Tales of Power CD-ROM (The First CD Published)
911 Truth CD-ROM (Questions about 911)
Its Just a Ride - Revelations (Bill Hick Totally)
The Tao of Wisdom SE (Alan Watts Collection)
The Great World Mind (File Sharing and Hacking)
Creating Reality CD-ROM (Jon Rappoport Collection)
The Holographic Vision (Transpersonal Psychology)
The Nahualt CD-ROM (Gnostic Shamanism Collection)
The Most High CD-ROM (James Arthur and Jack Herer)
Human Resources CD-ROM (John Taylor Gatto Collection)
The Kingdom of Nigh CD-ROM (C2CAM Collection)
Mentors DVD-ROM (Radio Shows and Researchers)

Induction Into Authority

20th Century
911 Truth

Black Ops
Mind Control
Secret Societies

Social Engineering

To find out more about the Induction series visit:

Special Thanks •••

This particular tree of knowledge finds its roots in many sources, but most
can be found through basic searches or on Conspiracy Central. Most files were
were intentionally found through public trackers or direct downloads on public
sites. DVDrips were avoided where ever possible. All sources of information
and file names are kept relatively accurate to facilitate further research
and encourage inductees to continue on with their research.

Special thanks to all of the authors, speakers and researchers who contributed
to these archives. And thanks to all of the inspiring individuals who contribute
to the sites listed below...

Conspiracy Central Tracker -

Conspiracy Research Forums - http://www/

She Who Remembers Archives -

Extra Special Thanks •••

This disc is dedicated to the work of Antony C Sutton and John Taylor Gatto.

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During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.