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133.51 MiB | 0 | 0 | 172 |
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Corona Committee Session 64 2021-08-06 - R.Holzeisen
Tags: Corona Ausschuss,Corona Committee,Fischer,Füllmich,Hoffman,Holzeisen
This is the 57-minute video interview
plus quite thorough and accurate German subtitles
plus computer-translated English subtitles.
"About the introduction of the Green Pass in Italy, which means a fundamental attack on human rights, about the resulting large demonstrations in Italy, about the participation of all sections of the population in the resistance. Dismissal of nurses and their lawsuits against it. Status of your lawsuits against the conditional approval of the so-called corona vaccines before the European court."
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Select a flag at the upper-right for German, English, French or Spanish.
Scroll down to "64. Sitzung am 06. August 2021 ab 11:00h" .
My impression is that the English subtitles are imperfect enough
to be not very useful. Maybe you will make better ones.