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John Michell (1933-2009) was the pioneer researcher and specialist in the field of ancient traditional science. A crucial thinker and the author of more than forty books including the seminal View Over Atlantis in 1969, he profoundly influenced modern thinking in many different spheres such as metrology, archaeology and the existence of lines of energy (leys). He was the grandfather of the Earth Mysteries Movement and encouraged respect for our planet as a living creature long before the birth of the Green movement.
These are all his digital works I could find. Please help share others if you have them.
John Michell - A Little History of Astro-Archaeology - Stages in the Transformation of a Heresy 1977.pdf
John Michell - Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions 1984.pdf
John Michell - Megalithomania - Artists, Antiquarians, and Archaeologists at the old Stone Monuments 1982.pdf
John Michell - Rules and Revelations 2012.pdf
John Michell - Secrets of the Stones - The Story of Astro-Archaeology 1989.pdf
John Michell - The Dimensions of Paradise - Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth 2001
John Michell - The One, article in Temenos Acadamey Review 2014.pdf
John Michell - The View Over Atlantis 1969
John Michell & Bob Rickard - The Rough Guide to Unexplained Phenomena 2007.pdf
Megalithic England - The Atlantean Dimensions, a Conversation with John Michell - chapter in Forbidden History - Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Interventino, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization, ed J. Douglas Kenyon
John Michell
Thank for this. Some hard to find content...
Extraordinary Man - Writings hard to find
His most significant book is The View Over Atlantis. I am seeking digital copies of books moving forward and his writings are very hard to find. It seems you have part 2 of the View Over Atlantis which, combined with Part 1 that is available online, ought to complete the book. Thanks for this... John Gil
Skyeword wrote:
Do you need a copy of that, or are you all set?
Can you share the link to the one you found online?
PS My personal fave was the Dimensions of Paradise, but I'ver never seen a working copy of City of Revelations...would love to have that one!
curiously, both of the works
curiously, both of the works mentioned above have just been made available via my favorite library and yours:
The View Over Atlantis:
City of Revelations:
View Over Atlantis re New View Over Atlantis
Thank you both for this information. He's the second or third most influential geomantic philosophers of our era, behind Fulcanelli and a man whom I will be introducing to the world ASAP, David Ritchie. This is a topic few have paid attention to that has impacted everything in existence. The View Over Atlantis is not available online in any format, therefore the link(s) above by euxalot are greatly appreciated. These are recent adds as well because I have checked there before.
A commenter on one page noted that there are differences between View Over Atlantis and the New View Over Atlantis (which remains available on Amazon). The differences will be intriguing given the CIAs interest in this topic. The online copy has only the first second through page 66. There remains factions who DO NOT want this information coming to light! It will be very intriguing to note what was changed in the new edition...
Skyeword wrote:
It is a fun topic, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Do you like David Fideler, too?