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Vernon Coleman 2020-10-25 Your Government Is a Terrorist Organisation

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Dr Vernon Coleman
"An old man in a chair"

"Vernon Coleman 2020-10-25 Your Government Is a Terrorist Organisation"
2020-10-25 - 26 min 05 sec - mp4 (AVC-AAC)

English-language subtitles from careful transcription.
Computer-translated subtitles in ABOUT 125 LANGUAGES,
(Yandex, Google, MsBing)

Dr Coleman:
"...back on 2nd of July 2020, I defined terrorism as using intimidation
and violence in the pursuit of political aims. There can be no doubt
that governments everywhere have been using intimidation to pressurise
us into being scared of covid-19 – the best-marketed virus in history.
And there is no doubt that governments are using violence to oppress
their citizens. Our governments are terrorists – it's our duty to oppose them,
to defeat them and to ensure that they're punished."

"...think of the number who've died because of the lockdowns.
Months ago I saw official estimates that the total would be
150,000 to 200,000 extra deaths in the UK alone.
The final global figure will be far higher. It will be many, many millions."

"Governments are deliberately creating hatred, fear and distrust
between different groups of people.
The young are being taught to hate the elderly for being a danger
and a nuisance. The old are being taught to hate the young
for partying and spreading disease.
Every possible type of division is being created, fostered and enhanced.
... Children today are reportedly being encouraged to tell the authorities
if their parents promote or discuss views questioning the official line
on covid-19."

" seems to me that the UK politicians ... want to crush us, destroy us
and prepare us for the slaughter. There are still too many of us who are
showing a little will. They want more lockdowns because there are still
some old people around they failed to kill last time."

"Anyone who still thinks that the world is upside down
and inside out and back to front because of a virus which experts agree
is no more deadly than the flu is missing the point by several million miles.
They've been planning this takeover for years and years – decades."

"In my view, the big conspiracy today is the one being organised by
a cabal made up by the United Nations, the World Health Organisation,
a bunch of manipulative, greedy billionaires, a good number of assorted
royals, and ex-politicians such as Tony Blair."

"And we need to keep an eye on what is happening in America.
... if Biden wins, ... those of us opposing Agenda 21 and fighting
to regain our freedom may find our task much more difficult."