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Dr Vernon Coleman
"An old man in a chair"
2020-09-23 Vernon Coleman-These Are the Good Old Days
24 min 45 sec AVC-AAC
English-language subtitles from careful transcription.
Computer-translated subtitles in ABOUT 125 LANGUAGES,
(Yandex, Google and MsBing)
Dr Coleman:
"We have to be aware of the tricks being practised
by our governments – under the advice of their
mind-control experts and warfare specialists.
"There are a number of traditional military
techniques they're using.
"First, they want to suppress the truth.
"Second, while suppressing the truth, they plan
to deceive us.
"Third, they want to distract us by constantly
changing the rules and by pointing us in the wrong
direction when we try to work out what's going on.
"Fourth, they want to exhaust us.
"Fifth, they must abuse those who are not convinced
by their lies."
"I believe that the coronavirus hoax is, in fact, a
fundamental "weapon" in a war for control of our
bodies, minds and souls."
"Our enemies are legion and include:
a) The governments of the world and the politicians
who are not in government but who would like to be.
b) The powerful Non-Governmental Organisations
such as the United Nations (and its offshoots
such as the World Health Organisation).
And c) the egocentric billionaires who have decided
that they know best how the world should be run
(and how they can increase their vast wealth by
bullying us and controlling every aspect of our
"Things are never going to go back to the real
normal unless and until we make that happen.
And I believe the best way to do this is to
distribute leaflets - and you are the best person
in your locality to do this."
"Although it may feel like it at times, please
remember that you're not alone. More and more
people are waking up. And I firmly believe that,
together, we will win this war.
Distrust the government, avoid mass media
and fight the lies."