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In the Beginning There Was Light (2010)

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Is it possible that human beings can survive without food and fluid over many years and live on light alone? Are we confronted with quackery or with forgotten knowledge? In the Beginning There Was Light follows the phenomenon which only a few in our Western world are aware of, as the topic has been either ignored or ridiculed by the media.
The picture deals with human beings who allegedly can survive without food and fluid, over weeks, years and even decades. Most people would spontaneously say that this just cannot be. It’s impossible! But based on certified reports of personal experiences, interviews and scientifically documented laboratory experiments, the picture follows the phenomenon of "living on light,” aka "breatharianism,” around the globe. Director P.A. Straubinger conducted ten years of research traveling the world on the controversial topic.

Hundreds of conspiracy torrents here!!! -


Cool, I've been wanting to know more about this for over a decade. Thank you.

We will have no choice but to master this for deep space missions.

there's nothing to this.
not a single Breatharian has ever been able to prove their case under scientific observation.
show me actual bona fide research that backs it up in a testable, repeatable fashion.
It's a lovely idea but one I am fairly positive is a bit fanciful
people have recently died trying this as was widely reported.
not for me thanks

There's a chick called Atlantis in Bali, who is a friend of a friend, who knows her well enough.

She's not a breatharian, that's probably silly. But she's sustained on cucumber juice and teas.

wait is she in this movie? I didn't watch it yet. I would trust what Atlantis says though, enough to try it myself.

It's a goal, I want to come off coffee and wheat and meat and cooked food. Crazy things happen when you go raw vegan, teeth regrow, eyesight improves, moles disappear. These I've all verified.

zoopenhoff wrote:

There's a chick called Atlantis in Bali, who is a friend of a friend, who knows her well enough.
She's not a breatharian, that's probably silly. But she's sustained on cucumber juice and teas.
wait is she in this movie? I didn't watch it yet. I would trust what Atlantis says though, enough to try it myself.
It's a goal, I want to come off coffee and wheat and meat and cooked food. Crazy things happen when you go raw vegan, teeth regrow, eyesight improves, moles disappear. These I've all verified.

mighty bold claims made about this woman, can you show me proof of the regrowing teeth, improved eyesight and disappearing moles from a reliable source where this was tested and presented properly please?
which independent assessments were done and by whom?

I would like to see some anecdotes for that if you have the time ofcourse.
thank you.

Chris M Manly on facebook is breatharian. Also "Man's Higher Consciousness by Hilton Hotema" is an excellent book on breatharian.

really? facebook?
Breatharianism is really , REALLY fanciful stuff.
But those people writing the books gots to make that lovely money!
NEVER once has a Breatharian, including that silly Australian woman whose books being believed have pretty much killed people as was reported, have they proved their case in under observation for scientific study.
Not once.
But if people think this is something real. then please do lock yourself in a room. it can have an en-suite toilet.
have cameras at various angles round the room and stream them for people to see 24/7.
follow the instructions in that Australian womans book to the letter.
Do it under that observation to anyone that wants to watch and do it for 30 days solid.
I'll watch and record every fucking stream from each camera pal.
I imagine the Darwin Awards will thanks me when i send them the video files

there is no need to post private stuff on facebook to use it......... so who cares if you are on there then? It has a lot of good info and groups and people to meet and learn from..... so use it while you can without complete socialistic fascistic communistic face mask stfu control... :))
the author for this particular book is long gone... he cites a lot of breatharian examples..
There is a great saying: "If you believe it you can do it and if you believe you can't do it, you're right."
So your words show what you believe and that is what you will see, experience and live through whereas I know and believe that breatharian is the ultimate state we all are supposed to be in as we are gods and not men according to John 10:34 and Psalm 82.
Bible aside though... Would you like to believe yourself to be a god or man or hue man?
We have all the power just as in the avator show with the elements control. We are gods and the most powerful beings here.

Hi, I am new to this conversation. I couldn't help but pick up on a few of the breadcrumbs you are leaving here.

You write:
"There is a great saying: "If you believe it you can do it and if you believe you can't do it, you're right.""

That would be Henry Ford who in 1947 is quoted as saying, "Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right."
Although I rarely see that exact quote; more often I see this variation: "Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right."
It is interesting to see the different emphasis in these versions. One emphasizes "belief" while the other focuses on "think". As we all must surely know, these are not quite the same things. Your mileage may vary, as they say. In case of interest, here is a full investigation of the sources for this quote that dates in part all the way back to Roman poet Virgil: )

You write:
"So your words show what you believe and that is what you will see, experience and live through..."

I definitely agree with that. Words are like bricks and we build our house of opinions (some might say "prison") in which we live and experience the world.

You write:
"...whereas I know and believe that breatharian is the ultimate state..."

This topic of breatharian is new for me. Why do you think it is the ultimate state? Are you talking about this mystically in the sense that we -- all of us -- bathe in the light of invisible sun? Or do you literally mean we can just physically subsist on sun alone? That somehow it raises the spiritual leaven inside of us without need for any other agent?

You write:
"...we all are supposed to be in as we are gods and not men according to John 10:34 and Psalm 82."
These were interesting quotes. For clarity of context, I reproduce them here:

John 10:34:
"Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’?"

Psalm 82:6-8:
"6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.”
8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.""

[This is attributed to Asaph. Scholars have determined that a psalm's attribution to Asaph can mean a variety of things. It could mean that the psalms were a part of a collection from the Asaphites, a name commonly used to identify temple singers. Another possibility is that the psalms were performed in the style or tradition of the guild bearing Asaph's name. Asaph is said to either be the author or the transcriber of these psalms. He may not have said these psalms but transcribed the words of David. No specific time period is known to be associated with these Psalms."

You write:
"Bible aside though... Would you like to believe yourself to be a god or man or hue man?"

I didn't understand this last part. What does "hue man" mean?

You write:
"We have all the power just as in the avator show with the elements control. We are gods and the most powerful beings here."

I didn't understand a part of this. Are you talking about the film Avatar? Or do you mean, again, a more mystical image of the fact that we are avatars for something else?

In any case, thank you for sharing your open views on this matter. Do you feel like a god? Or do you feel like a part-god, part-beast and you would prefer to focus on the god-part? I always liked the Renaissance "Oration on the Dignity of Man" Pico della Mirandola. Check it out if you haven't had a look:

"Oh unsurpassed generosity of God the Father, Oh wondrous and unsurpassable felicity of man, to whom it is granted to have what he chooses, to be what he wills to be! The brutes, from the moment of their birth, bring with them, as Lucilius says, "from their mother's womb" all that they will ever possess. The highest spiritual beings were, from the very moment of creation, or soon thereafter, fixed in the mode of being which would be theirs through measureless eternities. But upon man, at the moment of his creation, God bestowed seeds pregnant with all possibilities, the germs of every form of life. Whichever of these a man shall cultivate, the same will mature and bear fruit in him. If vegetative, he will become a plant; if sensual, he will become brutish; if rational, he will reveal himself a heavenly being; if intellectual, he will be an angel and the son of God. And if, dissatisfied with the lot of all creatures, he should recollect himself into the center of his own unity, he will there become one spirit with God, in the solitary darkness of the Father, Who is set above all things, himself transcend all creatures.

Who then will not look with awe upon this our chameleon, or who, at least, will look with greater admiration on any other being?"

That last bit has served me well over the years: "man is the chameleon". Keep in mind that the Renaissance was re-discovering a part of the magic flame that had been lost since antiquity. In many ways our modern world is the direct descendent *of* these beliefs on the nobility and importance of the *individual*: John Stuart Mill, Thomas Paine, Rousseau, and and and -- all the key thinkers who laid the foundation of our modern sense of self (not to mention the history of human rights).

In sum, the idea is not so far fetched at all. We protect what we value and if we value the spirit inside of us (more than, say, cattle) then it must be something loftier than the physical plane.


please do the above breatherian challenge.
good video from multiple angles, streamed 24 hours a day for 30 days.
or better yet. volunteer for a study and do it under observation.
I bet you won't!
i really don't care about bible quotes...
what would i like myself to be?
alive really.
But if you are so Godlike then please feel free to prove it with that challenge :-)