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100 Great eBooks

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1. Encyclopedia Of Ancient & Forbidden Secrets

This E-book was a great find! It contains a whopping 199 pages of occult and religious information! An alphabetical listing of terms, organizations, people and more! I was highly impressed with the volume of interesting and usefull information contained in this ebook. I also tried hunting for it on and they do NOT have this book!

2. Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs - A. Smythe Palmer 2000...($11.01)

We now know that the Bible creation stories had their origins in far older tales. These stories often match the Old Testament and originate from clay tablets discovered in ancient Sumeria and Babylonia. They are the oldest preserved stories the world has ever known, revealed in this interesting book and passed down for many centuries before being adopted by Moses or whoever wrote the Old Testament. It seems the "Word of God" may not have come entirely from God, but "the gods". It is important that the earliest sources of our beliefs be examined. That is the purpose of this book.

3. A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols With Those of the Hebrews - rederic Portal...($14.78 )

The origin of the science of symbols is lost in the distance of time, and seems to be connected with the cradle of humanity. The oldest religions were governed by it; the arts of design, architecture, statuary and painting were born under its influence, and primitive writing was one of its applications. This book compares the Egyptian symbols with those found in the works of Hebrews.

4. Mysteria: History of the Secret Doctrines and Mystic Rites of Ancient Religions and Medieval and Modern Secret Orders - Otto H. Am Rhyn 1895

Contents: Mysteries of the East and of Barbarous Nations; The Grecian Mysteries and the Roman Bacchanalia; The Pythagorean League and other Secret Associations; Son of Man, Son of God; A Pseudo-Messiah; A Lying Prophet; The Knights Templar; The Femgerichte; Stonemasons' Lodges of the Middle Age; Astrologers and Alchemists; Rise and Constitution of Freemasonry; Secret Societies of the Eighteenth Century; The Illuminati; Secret Societies of Various Kinds.

5. The Path - A Practical Approach to Sorcery - by Esmeralda Arana...($10.94)

THE PATH is a veritable treasure trove of insight into the dynamic nature of human consciousness....Full of hope and of practical ways to overcome negative urges and influences. Well thought out and beautifully written. Outstanding and highly recommended reading!" Robert Bruce, Author of Astral Dynamics 'The Path' is a book about sorcery, recovery and 'The Matrix'. It is an entertaining guide to personal transformation offering fresh new insights into addiction and perception. It is the most unusual self-help book that you will ever read. The Path is a very realistic glimpse into the true meaning and purpose of a Sorcerer's journey. With breathtaking visualization and a deep level of understanding, Arana exposes the reader to the discipline of a Sorcery apprenticeship. Thunder Strikes, Twisted Hair Nagual Elder, Author of Song of the Deer "THE PATH is certainly a very practical, yet new vehicle in which to reach a higher knowledge".--ForeWord Reviews

This is an interesting and useful book describing growth and unfolding of a self-taught "sorceress". Arana, armed with books by Castaneda, Monroe and Gurdjieff embarks on a path of discovering the energy body and the rules that govern the many worlds accessible by the conscious mind. To get there, she has learnt to free her mind of the grips of perceptual certainty, to follow her Intent and to practice relentlessly. For me, Arana's descriptions of her experiences form the most useful part of the book. I actually find the book to be more helpful (and trustworthy) than those written by Castaneda. At the very least, A's book may turn out to be an indispensable companion to C's opus.

Arana brings us remarkably lucid analyses of working with Intent, with the Elemental Force (God) and brings forth an excellent case for the "sorcerer's" need to establish a working meditation practice. She also provides good descriptions of how to work with the assemblage point ... for intrepid afficionados of the netherworld of different states/dimensions of consciousness and those interested in meetings its colorful denizens she provides useful pointers on lucid dreaming (for better or worse).

The most unfortunate part of this book is probably its title. There is little, if anything, of real "sorcery" in the book. On the contrary, Esmeralda is interested in attaining that ultimate goal - freedom. Her book provides an honest, valiant and useful tool for anyone who shares her goals. I recommend it

THE PATH’ blazes a trail to a sacred place where we learn to deal with deep issues and challenging obstacles. Esmeralda guides us to a new plateau in shamanic shapeshifting and opens our hearts to limitless possibilities!
—John Perkins, Founder of Dream Change Coalition, Author of Spirit of the Shuar

THE PATH’ is a veritable treasure trove of insight into the dynamic nature of human consciousness and the greater reality, and of course into the mysterious interaction between these two great extremes: between us imperfect human beings and our higher selves, between the mortal and the divine, and between human minds and unseen negative influences. Full of hope and of practical ways to overcome negative urges and influences. Well thought out and beautifully written. Outstanding and highly recommended reading! —Robert Bruce, Author of Astral Dynamics.

THE PATH’ is a practical approach to sorcery with story, strategies and exercises. The manuscript touches on telepathy, telekinesis, lucid dreaming and alternate realities. Those people interested in sorcery will add the book to their growing collections. Those readers curious about A.A. and its process will find this useful as well. This was an interesting book—one of a kind.”

6. Far Journeys - by Robert Monroe 1992...($11.53)

Far Journeys is the long awaited sequel to Robert Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body. This latter work has become an international classic in the out-of-body literature. In Far Journeys, Monroe describes the further development of his own out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and his development of an institute to study states of consciousness. This new work is likely to be even more widely read than his first book although, unfortunately, neither book has been, or is likely to be, widely read in current scientific circles. The world view that Monroe presents is simply so foreign to the current scientific zeitgeist that most will view this book as a work of fantasy or kookery. I view this book as neither.

More than anything else, Far Journeys is a road map or travel guide describing the flora and fauna one may encounter on inner exploration in consciousness. This type of literature is not new with countless renditions found in most religious and occult schools from Swedenborg to theosophy. What is unique here is the attempt to remove the trappings of religious doctrine and mysticism and to simply describe the adventures of a man who has devoted the last quarter of a century to inner exploration.

Part I of Far Journeys describes briefly the early experimental work with sound that led to what Monroe calls the Hemi-Sync process. This process was derived from the EEG frequency following response literature and is based on the principle that brain wave patterns will follow external auditory frequencies. Varying both the pitch and the sound frequency introduced to each ear, Monroe claims to be able to modify states of consciousness. He was granted a patent for this process in 1975. Over several years experimenting with these binaural beat frequencies, Monroe found that many subjects reported the same phenomenological experiences when exposed to certain auditory patterns.

Certain combinations of these patterns appeared to help induce OBEs. Several of his "explorers" became adept OBEers and began the out-of-body search for other life forms in the solar system. Part I describes the fruitlessness of this venture and the barrenness of the physical universe. In 1974, a breakthrough occurred when Monroe began to allow his own OBEs to be guided by aspects of consciousness other than his conscious ego; as he puts it, he "let somebody else do the driving." For Monroe and his explorers this shift opened up a universe teeming with intelligent life that exists in nonphysical form. Part I continues to describe the development of an institute designed to train others in this exploration. Excerpts from reports of some of the 3,000 people trained at the institute over the last ten years comprise the rest of this section. These excerpts document the replicability of Hemi-Sync induced experiences in others.
Part II is devoted to the further development of Monroe's experiences out-of-body. In describing his adventures, he introduces the reader to a new language (nonverbal communication) and an expansive cosmology encompassing life, death, after death experiences, nonphysical life forms, and the development of consciousness in the largest sense. His description is captivating and congruent with many other cosmologies.

Far Journeys is written for the lay public and is not centered in controlled research data. At present, the institute is at a data collection/case history phase of development describing phenomenological experiences across many subjects while working with Hemi-Sync technology. Hard core researchers will find little in this book to support its suppositions; in fact, the foreignness of the subject matter will find manyunable to relate to this book at all. Far Journeys, despite its lack of controlled research, is an important work. As transpersonal psychology develops a paradigm to study inner experiences (and Ken Wilber's work is particularly promising in this regard), the rough map prov

7. Ultimate Journey - by Robert Monroe 1996...($11.53)

Robert Monroe achieved his masterpiece in this volume. The final missing Basic became a Known. At least it did for him, and for those who take the time to contemplate it- or better yet, experience it for themselves. As for those who aren't yet ready for the truth, well, maybe on their next trip around....

Over the years I have been fascinated with Mr. Monroe's books. Here was a thoroughly left-brain type of individual (a successful engineer and business man) with an open mind. He wasn't a "convert" to the perrenial philosophy, no, he just totally reconstructed the core of metaphysical truth FROM SCRATCH. Or rather, he remembered. Mr. Monroe was no student of religion or metaphysics yet he reached a model of existance that is fully compatible with neoplatonism. We originate from a Creator beyond space and time, we descend into the holographic dream of space-time, we gain experience (along with our kindred sparks) through a varying number of lifetimes, our more evolved "higher selves" reach back through time and space to help ourselves at crucial moments, and we finally return back to the Creator bearing our hard-won gifts. He didn't get this from Plato, Plotinus, or the Upanishads- HE FOUND IT OUT FOR HIMSELF THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE.

Oh yes, he even came to an understanding of M-field energy and manipulation techniques ( most call it magic and correspondence theory.) He also realised the truth of the rare few who "can do covertly anything imaginable- and much that we cannot imagin

8. The Crown Temple Secret Society of the Third Way Order by Rule of Mystery Babylon

The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and
local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to
conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this
is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing
the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” From this
point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three
being synonymous.

First, a little historical background. The Temple Church was built b y the Knights Templar in
two parts: the Round and the Chancel. The Round Church was consecrated in 1185 and
modeled after the circular Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Chancel was built in
1240. The Temple Church serves both the Inner and Middle Temples (see below) and is
located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River. Its grounds also
house the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. This Temple “Church” is outside any Canonical
jurisdiction. The Master of the Temple is appointed and takes his place by sealed (non-public)
patent, without induction or institution.

All licensed Bar Attorneys - Attorners (see definitions below) – in the U.S. owe their allegiance
and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. This is simply
due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to
the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, which are
physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently
deny it, all Bar Associations in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar,
or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.

The Inns of Court (see below, The Four Inns of Court) to the Crown Temple use the Banking
and Judicial system of the City of London - a sovereign and independent territory which is not
a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City, as DC was called in the 1800’s, is not a part of
the north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud, coerce, and manipulate the American
people. These Fleet Street bankers and lawyers are committing crimes in America under the
guise and color of law (see definitions for legal and lawful below). They are known collectively
as the “Crown.” Their lawyers are actually Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers.

The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it
is the Bankers and Attornies (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The
Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John,
circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the
Crown Temple in Chancery.


India’s history was mostly written on the basis of archaeological and linguistic
discoveries made by the British in colonial times, or by historians employed by
the English, such as Max Mueller. But the British, who were the Masters in India,
had a vested interest to show that Indian civilisation was not as ancient and as
great as it was earlier thought. For, up to the 18th
century, philosophers and
thinkers in Europe, such as Voltaire, Hegel and even as late as Nietzsche, kept
referring to Indian philosophy and science, as the mother of all philosophies and

This is why the British established a two-pronged strategy: first to postdate most
of Indian history, such as the creation of the Vedas, for instance, which was
brought down to 1200 BC, from a much more ancient date; and two, to show that
whatever was good in India –Sanskrit, philosophy, architecture, literature - came
from the West, via the Aryan invasion. For this purpose, consciously, or
unconsciously, a number of “discoveries” were made, such as the finding of
skeletons by Mortimer Wheeler in Mohenja-Daro, which prompted him to hastily
conclude that Aryans had “massacred” Dravidians, while invading India, so as to
establish these myths of Indian history which have endured till today and have
been unfortunately blindly adopted by Indian historians and taught to Indian
Luckily today, a lot of new archaeological and linguistic discoveries have totally
shattered many of the myths on which rests India’s History. The mapping of the
Saraswati river bed by satellite photography, for instance, shows that there was
an Indian civilisation much prior to the Indus Valley culture – hence most of
India’s history pointers will have soon to be predated; the possible decipherment
of the Harappan script, if proved right, would establish that there never was an
Aryan civilisation, but that on the contrary, in ancient times, a tremendous
amount of movement went from India, not only eastwards, where Hinduism and
Buddhism established a strong presence, right up to China, but also westwards
via Persia, where it established the Zoroastrian religion, right up to Europe,
where the Gypsies of today are one of those lost Indian tribes; and that the
results of this migration can be seen in the making of Egyptian pyramids, the
formulating of Greek philosophy and mathematics, or even the legends of the
Thus, it is becoming increasingly clear that India’s history has to be rewritten.
The Aryan invasion, for example, has divided India along ethic lines and pitted
the so-called Dravidians against the supposed Aryans, without any real basis.
Even Western history would have then to be rewritten, because, for instance, the
myth of Hitler’s pure Germanic race stands totally shattered: the true Aryans are
not blue-eyed, blond specimen, but ordinary Indians, whether the Tamil, dark-
skinned because of the hot geographic conditions of the South, or the fairer
looking Kashmiri, owing to the genetic modifications of his ancestors having lived
for thousands of year in a colder climate.

This attempt at rewriting history is of course meeting with a lot of resistance on
the part of those who have a vested interest in keeping Indian history under
wraps, as well as those who for decades have taught and written books and
articles which blindly copied the British version. But nevertheless, unless it is
done truthfully, however painful it could be for certain sections of India’s vast
ethnic and religious mosaic, India will never be able to face squarely its own
history and evolve a justified pride in its great and ancient civilisation.

10. ISHMAEL: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit - Daniel Quinn 1995...($12.24)

Quinn ( Dreamer ) won the Turner Tomorrow Award's half-million-dollar first prize for this fascinating and odd book--not a novel by any conventional definition--which was written 13 years ago but could not find a publisher. The unnamed narrator is a disillusioned modern writer who answers a personal ad ("Teacher seeks pupil. . . . Apply in person.") and thereby meets a wise, learned gorilla named Ishmael that can communicate telepathically. The bulk of the book consists entirely of philosophical dialogues between gorilla and man, on the model of Plato's Republic. Through Ishmael, Quinn offers a wide-ranging if highly general examination of the history of our civilization, illuminating the assumptions and philosophies at the heart of many global problems. Despite some gross oversimplifications, Quinn's ideas are fairly convincing; it's hard not to agree that unrestrained population growth and an obsession with conquest and control of the environment are among the key issues of our times. Quinn also traces these problems back to the agricultural revolution and offers a provocative rereading of the biblical stories of Genesis. Though hardly any plot to speak of lies behind this long dialogue, Quinn's smooth style and his intriguing proposals should hold the attention of readers interested in the daunting dilemmas that beset our planet

11. The Illustrated Directory of Warships, From 1860 to the Present - David Miller 2004...($13.45)

Covering every major warship type from the American ironclads of the 1860s through today's super-sophisticated aircraft carriers, this fact-filled directory describes more than 200 fighting vessels, providing technical specifications along with development and service histories. Intricately detailed full-color drawings vividly bring the warships to life, while contemporary photographs depict the vessels at sea and in combat.

12. World War I Infantry In Colour Photographs - L Mirouze 1999...($43.92)

This edition of the Europa Militaria Series is the result of live photo sessions in which actors model the uniforms and weaponry of World War I infantrymen-both Allied and Axis. All of the equipment and settings are authentic and all of the photography is modern, resulting in a unique, full-color perspective that is invaluable to modellers and military history buffs alike.

13. German Secret Flight Test Centres to 1945 - H Beauvais 2002...($56.12)

This is a detailed review of the establishment and activities of government flight-test centers in Germany from the resumption of flight testing in the 1920s until the end of the Second World War. The authors begin with the secret testing in cooperation with the Red Army in the 1920-30s and cover the major locations where testing was conducted including Johannisthal, Lipetsk, Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz and Peenemünde-West. Other less well-known locations including early experimentation at Döberitz and Danzig are also covered.

The book draws on an extensive collection of photographs and documents, many taken from previously unpublished sources. There are also comprehensive listings of the aircraft used, with such details as Werknummern, markings and engines. There are similarly detailed lists of personnel and the various research and test units.

14. The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran 1973..($10.20)

In a distant, timeless place, a mysterious prophet walks the sands. At the moment of his departure, he wishes to offer the people gifts but possesses nothing. The people gather round, each asks a question of the heart, and the man's wisdom is his gift. It is Gibran's gift to us, as well, for Gibran's prophet is rivaled in his wisdom only by the founders of the world's great religions. On the most basic topics--marriage, children, friendship, work, pleasure--his words have a power and lucidity that in another era would surely have provoked the description "divinely inspired." Free of dogma, free of power structures and metaphysics, consider these poetic, moving aphorisms a 20th-century supplement to all sacred traditions--as millions of other readers already have

15. Encyclopedia of Taboos - Lynn Holden 2000...($13.45)

The word taboo derives from the Tongan tabu and is related to the more general Polynesian word, tapu, and the Hawaiian kapu. It became a familiar term in Europe after it was mentioned by Captain James Cook in his journal describing his third voyage around the world. He was introduced to the expression in 1777 in the Tonga, or Friendly, Islands. The literal meaning of the word is simply “marked off”, or “off-limits”, possibly a combination of ta (to mark) and pu (exceedingly). Unfortunately, the term was interpreted by early anthropologists such as William Robertson Smith and James Frazer as a form of superstition, or magic, and became a repository for all that remained inexplicable in preliterate cultures. It took later scholars like Mary Douglas and Edmund Leach to show how taboos are just as prevalent in the industrialised West. Far from being remnants of a distant time or place, a product of supposedly “primitive” thought, taboos are a crucial part of our, or indeed any, society, determining how people must and must not behave.

Perhaps because of the low esteem in which the evolutionary theories of earlier writers are held today, contemporary anthropologists have often shied away from using the term in the earlier sense, avoiding the conceptual complications of “sacred” versus “polluting”, preferring to focus on the context, reason and agents of specific avoidances. As a result no comprehensive encyclopedia or dictionary on taboos has been published in recent years and the last attempt at a general survey of the topic dates back to 1956. This means that there is no overview of either the many excellent monographs on prohibitions within individual cultures or of current theories on the importance of specific taboos.

The present book, therefore, is intended as a preliminary guide to taboos, examining some aspects of their meaning, use, and importance in religion, economics, politics and society. It draws on a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, folklore, psychology, art, literature, music and the natural sciences. The time-frame ranges from the origins of human culture, with evidence of animal remains found in ancient Chinese tombs, to ancient law codes from India, Iran and the Near East and proscriptions against pollution in Greece and Rome from the classical era, and extends to 20th-century society with the application by surrealist artists and film-makers of the controversial psychological insights into the subject made by Sigmund Freud. Because the aim of the encyclopedia is to be as diverse as possible, the use of taboos in traditional literature and folklore, such as the importance of the geis in medieval Irish texts, is also included.

Those topics naturally associated with the concept of taboo such as incest, cannibalism, food, sex, pollution and death are discussed in detail with theoretical analyses by major scholars in the field, while there are also separate entries for the foremost writers on the subject, including Sigmund Freud, Mary Douglas, Edmund Leach, Franz Steiner and Frederick Barth. This makes the encyclopedia useful for students and those with a specialist interest while at the same time introducing the general reader to the background and context of some familiar present-day taboos, such as table manners, dress and pornography. But not all entries are entirely serious in their aim: there is plenty to discover within these pages of an imaginative and fanciful nature, customs and prohibitions that betray a playfulness at work quite at odds with the gravity normally associated with taboo.

Entries are listed in an alphabetical order and are followed by cross-references and a bibliography

16. Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance - Volume 5 - The AR-15 - M-16 - Bill Holmes 1997...($18.25)

The latest volume in this popular and timely series offers detailed instructions, complete with photos and machinist's drawings, for making a pistol-caliber AR-15/M16 entirely from raw materials, as either a rifle or pistol, open or closed bolt and in semi or full auto. For academic study only.

17. America Slipping into Fascism 2009

Magazine With Various Articles

18. History of Ramjet and Scramjet Propulsion Development for U.S. Navy Missiles - Paul J. Waltrup, Michael E. White, Frederick Zarlingo, and Edward S. Gravlin 1997

Ahistory of high-speed airbreathing propulsion ramjet engines and their
respective vehicle and weapon systems developed under the support of the U.S. Navy
is presented. These include surface- and air-launched subsonic combustion ramjets,
supersonic combustion ramjets (scramjets), and mixed-cycle ramjet/scramjet/rocket
engines intended primarily for missile applications for flight speeds from Mach 2 to
Mach 8.
The intent of this article is to summarize the evo-
lution and development of ramjet engines (and variants
thereof) as propulsion systems for missiles flying at
supersonic (or faster) flight speeds that have been sup-
ported by the U.S. Navy since World War II. Reference
1 provides a discussion on the details of the types of
engines under discussion, along with their limitations,
and a historical perspective on the evolutionary time-
scale of ramjets, scramjets, and mixed-cycle engines.
Reference 2 presents a similar discussion for U.S. Air
Force–developed systems.
In this article we summarize programs to develop
surface-launched and air-launched subsonic combus-
tion ramjets and scramjets. Table 1 shows the evolu-
tionary history of all of the ramjet and scramjet engine
and vehicle concepts and systems included in these
discussions. The names, engine types, dates, perfor-
mance, system constraints, etc., for each are presented.
(Some information is not given for reasons of security.)

19. The Stargate Conundrum: The US Government’s secret pursuit of the psychic drug

In 1997, two British authors, Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett, were searching for new material that would
hold the promise of a new scoop. Clive Prince had always been interested in a little-known episode in the
history of, yes, what? UFOlogy? Para-psychological research? Government black budgets? The episode
involved the so-called Council of Nine, allegedly a group of nine extraterrestrial beings that claimed to be the
original Nine Creator Gods of Egypt, reporting into the Creator God Atum. Extra-terrestrials posing as gods
or perceived as gods by us, earthlings. This was the same premise as that of the movie Stargate and hence
the title of the publication was called The Stargate Conspiracy. In the end, the authors concluded that from
1950-ish onwards, a small group of people had been working on an agenda to persuade Western civilisation
that the Council of Nine were genuine extra-terrestrial beings, which had been responsible for the creation of
the Egyptian civilisation, and which were still “out there” now. The goal of this agenda? To cultivate us into
believing this “myth”.
The research for this book was largely done by Clive Prince and I, with interpretations of the uncovered
material largely in the domain of the two authors. In the end, this meant that the book was dedicated to me.
Though the premise of the book was and is sustainable, certain key ingredients suggested – or hinted – that
it was not the full story. Because of time restraints and consistency of the book, those areas were not further
explored. Subsequent publications took Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett towards the mystery of Rudolph
Hess and other political intrigues of the 20th
century, but the inconsistencies kept nagging away in the back of
my mind, whenever I chanced upon an episode of Stargate-SG1 on television, or other circumstances. I
realised that there were both gaps in our understanding – hinted at by inconsistencies that had fallen by the
wayside of that book – and our research.

20. Hypersonic Weapon Propulsion By Scramjet - Erik Prisell 2005

Interesting Photos,Graphs,Charts,Photos

21. History Of Sometimes Fatal Secret Experimentation On US Citizens

1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations,
infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare
facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While
there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital

1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their
illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression
and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis; their families never told that they
could have been treated.

1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the
U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known
for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths
occurred within poverty-stricken black populations.

1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and
experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study
to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The
experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human
guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.

1943 In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological
weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

22. Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry

Introduction by the Health Ranger: The United States claims to be the world leader in
medicine. But there's a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The
horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in
the name of scientific progress. Many of these medical experiments were conducted on
people without their knowledge, and most were conducted as part of an effort to seek profits
from newly approved drugs or medical technologies.
Today, the medical experiments continue on the U.S. population and its children. From the
mass drugging of children diagnosed with fictitious behavioral disorders invented by
psychiatry to the FDA's approval of mass-marketed drugs that have undergone no legitimate
clinical trials, our population is right now being subjected to medical experiments on a
staggering scale. Today, nearly 50% of Americans are on a least one prescription drug, and
nearly 20% of schoolchildren are on mind-altering amphetamines like Ritalin or
antidepressants like Prozac. This mass medication of our nation is, in every way, a grand
medical experiment taking place right now.
But to truly understand how this mass experimentation on modern Americans came into
being, you have to take a close look at the horrifying history of conventional medicine's
exploitation of people for cruel medical experiments.

WARNING: What you are about to read is truly shocking. You have never been told this
information by the American Medical Association, nor drug companies, nor the evening news.
You were never taught the truth about conventional medicine in public school, or even at any
university. This is the dark secret of the U.S. system of medicine, and once you read the true
accounts reported here, you may never trust drug companies again. These images are deeply
disturbing. We print them here not as a form of entertainment, but as a stern warning
against what might happen to us and our children if we do not rein in the horrifying,
inhumane actions of Big Pharma and modern-day psychiatry.
Now, I introduce this shocking timeline, researched and authored by Dani Veracity, one of
our many talented staff writers here at Truth Publishing.
Read at your own risk. - The Health Ranger

23. Masonic Clubs & Symbology: Two Faces of Freemasonry - John Daniel 2007

Freemasonry is a religion of works. One of its many symbols
is the balance. Masons believe they will be judged by their
works, based upon the balance of right and wrong in their lives.
In this Picture Book you will see the true nature of Freemasonry.
In II Cor. 11:13-15 we read of the "works" religions:
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan
himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no
great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers
of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."

24. The Archimedes Codex: How a Medieval Prayer Book Is Revealing the True Genius of Antiquity's Greatest Scientist 2009...($20.90 )

In 1998, the auction house Christie's sold a medieval prayer book for more than $2 million. The price owed to a startling discovery: the prayers had been written over the earliest surviving manuscript of Archimedes (287–212 B.C.), the ancient world's greatest mathematician. In a delightful and fast-paced archeological and scientific detective story, Netz, a Stanford classicist, and Noel, director of the Archimedes Palimpsest Project, make palpable the excitement this discovery evoked. After the auction, they were given access to study the palimpsest; after frustrating days of trying to read the writings beneath the prayer manuscript, Netz, Noel and a team of scientists and conservators turned to a variety of imaging techniques to reconstruct the hidden Archimedes manuscript, which turned out to be heretofore undiscovered works, Balancing Planes, On Floating Bodies, The Method of Mechanical Theorems and the Stomachion, in which Archimedes wrote about topics ranging from gravity to infinity. The manuscript also revealed some lost speeches by Hyperides, one of the 10 canonical orators of antiquity. Netz and Noel's book chronicles the often difficult and demanding work surrounding the preservation of antiquities as they uncover one of the most exciting documents of ancient history. 16 pages of color photos.

25. Atlas of Egyptian Art - by D'avennes 2008...($34.16)

This enchanted tour of Egyptian art by one of its early explorers is one of the most beautiful modern works on ancient Egyptian art. Prisse d'Avennes's monumental work, first published in Paris over a ten-year period between 1868 and 1878, includes the only surviving record of many lost artifacts. This classic work is now available for the first time in paperback.

26. The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome - by E. M. Berens 1894...($24.28)

A good ebook talking about history, myths and legends of Ancient Greece and Rome. fantastic book which contains massive photos and illustrations. Nometter you are crazy of history or not. this book always a classic and collectable book for everyone. it will anware you a lot questions which last for thousands years.

27. The Paths of History - by Igor M. Diakonoff, Geoffrey Hosking 1999...($34.99)

This is a broad and ambitious study of the entire history of humanity that takes as its point of departure Marx's theory of social evolution. Professor Diakonoff's theory of world history differs from Marx's in a number of ways. First, he has expanded Marx's five stages of development to eight. Second, he denies that social evolution necessarily implies progress and shows how "each progress is simultaneously a regress," and third, he demonstrates that the transition from one stage to another is not necessarily marked by social conflict and that sometimes this is achieved peacefully and gracefully. As the book moves through these various stages, the reader is drawn into a remarkable and thought-provoking study of the process of the history of the human race that focuses on the wide range of factors (economic, social, military-technological, and socio-pyschological) that have influenced our development from palaeolithic times to the present day

28. Encyclopadia Britannica Book of the Year 2009

he year 2008 was one of momentous change and wild uncertainty. Though many concerns were raised about China’s prospects for mounting the Olympic Games, Beijing triumphed in spectacular form and staged many of the sporting events in uniquely designed venues. Later in the year, the global economic collapse sent the financial markets plunging and investors scrambling and forced consumers to tighten their belts. Worldwide, populations that were already struggling to meet basic needs were further hampered by soaring food prices. Meanwhile, freegans, individuals dedicated to finding alternatives to a consumerist economy, munched on discarded vegetarian foodstuffs. A fractious U.S. presidential campaign resulted in the election of Democrat Barack Obama, who made history as the first African American to win that office...
The wrap-up of 2008 awaits your perusal and promises to provide a historical look at one of the most memorable years in history

29. Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq - Thomas E. Ricks 2006

The definitive military chronicle of the Iraq war and a searing judgment on the strategic blindness with which America has conducted it, drawing on the accounts of senior military officers giving voice to their anger for the first time.

Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post senior Pentagon correspondant Thomas E. Ricks's Fiasco is a masterful and explosive reckoning with the planning and execution of the American military invasion and occupation of Iraq, based on the unprecedented candor of key participants.

The American military is a tightly sealed community, and few outsiders have reason to know that a great many senior officers view the Iraq war with incredulity and dismay. But many officers have shared their anger with renowned military reporter Thomas E. Ricks, and in Fiasco, Ricks combines these astonishing on-the-record military accounts with his own extraordinary on-the-ground reportage to create a spellbinding account of an epic disaster.

As many in the military publicly acknowledge here for the first time, the guerrilla insurgency that exploded several months after Saddam's fall was not foreordained. In fact, to a shocking degree, it was created by the folly of the war's architects. But the officers who did raise their voices against the miscalculations, shortsightedness, and general failure of the war effort were generally crushed, their careers often ended. A willful blindness gripped political and military leaders, and dissent was not tolerated.

There are a number of heroes in Fiasco—inspiring leaders from the highest levels of the Army and Marine hierarchies to the men and women whose skill and bravery led to battlefield success in towns from Fallujah to Tall Afar—but again and again, strategic incoherence rendered tactical success meaningless. There was never any question that the U.S. military would topple Saddam Hussein, but as Fiasco shows there was also never any real thought about what would come next. This blindness has ensured the Iraq war a place in history as nothing less than a fiasco. Fair, vivid, and devastating, Fiasco is a book whose tragic verdict feels definitive.

27. The U.N. Exposed: How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World - Eric Shawn 2006...($14.96)

Less than five miles from Ground Zero in Manhattan sits an international hotbed of anti-Americanism.

The United Nations was created after World War II to promote peace and international understanding. But over the years, and today more than ever, the U.N. has failed to achieve its original mission. It has failed to address the most dangerous threats facing the civilized world, refused to condemn terrorist acts, encouraged America's enemies, and supported some of the world's most oppressive governments, all while wasting billions of dollars.

As veteran reporter Eric Shawn of Fox News Channel points out, the U.N.'s iconic skyscraper is where our so-called allies all too often undermine the United States and our vital interests. And for the honor of hosting our adversaries in our own country, Americans pay a whopping 22 percent of the U.N.'s bloated budget.

The U.N. Exposed will give you a rare insider's tour of the United Nations, focusing on many disturbing aspects that have been ignored by the mainstream media. You will learn, for instance:

* how U.N.-supervised funds were diverted into weapons used against American troops
* how terrorists and rogue states seeking nuclear weapons flout toothless U.N. resolutions
* how our allies' selfish economic interests drive U.N.-backed challenges to America's sovereignty
* how kickbacks, bribes, and corruption have pervaded the highest echelons of the U.N.
* how U.N. ambassadors and staff enjoy luxurious and tax-free Manhattan lifestyles and other perks
* how U.N. workers have repeatedly turned children into their sexual prey

As Shawn declares in his introduction, "I am disgusted by the fact that the altruistic efforts of so many U.N. staff members are undercut by the greed, corruption, and ineptitude of the bureaucracy they serve."

28. The New History of the World,4th Edition - J. M. Roberts 2003...($9.65)

n the New History of the World, Roberts has completely revised his monumental work for the first time, taking into account the great range of discoveries that have altered our views on everything from early civilizations to post-Cold War globalism. The chapter on human history has been completely rewritten, addressing events as recent as the relationship between the Arab and Western worlds in the wake of the September 11 attack. In addition to the revisions, the book is now available in a readers' format--perfect for a new generation of readers to open their minds to the great narrative of the human species.

29. Fellowship, The: The Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship 2007

Frank Lloyd Wright was renowned during his life not only as an architectural genius but also as a subject of controversy—from his radical design innovations to his turbulent private life, including a notorious mass murder that occurred at his Wisconsin estate, Taliesin, in 1914. But the estate also gave rise to one of the most fascinating and provocative experiments in American cultural history: the Taliesin Fellowship, an extraordinary architectural colony where Wright trained hundreds of devoted apprentices and where all of his late masterpieces—Fallingwater, Johnson Wax, the Guggenheim Museum—were born.

30. The Forts of Celtic Britain (Fortress) 2006...($11.53)

Half a millennium before the Romans first arrived in Britain an even more ferocious people arrived in what is now south-eastern England after migrating from the mainland of Europe. This civilisation, known as the Celts first arrived in Britain in the 6th century BC, and within 300 years had made the island their own. The Celts remained in Britain long after the Romans departed, and although driven into the remoter corners of the island by English invaders the people who remained clung onto their Celtic heritage, and defended their remaining lands against all-comers. In order to defend their lands from other tribes or outside invaders these people established powerful fortified sites that served as places of refuge in wartime and as administrative and trading centres in times of peace. Above all these came to symbolise tribal power, a dramatic symbol of territorial ownership and military might. These forts varied considerably from region to region, from the mysterious brochs and duns found in northern Britain to the promontory forts that formed powerful coastal strongholds all around the island's shores. Even more commonly these Celtic strongholds took the form of hill-forts, ranging in size from small, fortified hilltop villages to sprawling military citadels. These are the forts that form the subject of this fascinating Fortress series title.

31. Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams - By Christopher E. Larsen 2005...($17.95)

Finally! Step-by-step tactics for teams of three to 30 members. Tired of collecting a library of military manuals just to teach light infantry patrolling tactics? Military manuals are notoriously confusing and boring! More often than not, they are written for company and battalion commanders. This book is written for truly small unit leaders - at the fireteam, squad, and platoon level. This book includes several other advantages over military manuals: Common sense explanations of each tactical battle drill. Simple to understand schema and illustrations 'Lessons Learned' comments that offer experienced insight. A glossary to get everyone speaking in the same terminology. With a 'no non-sense' approach, every skill and tactical battle drill in this book is specifically focused on light infantry patrolling tactics. For the experienced military professional, this book will be valued reference. For every other small unit leader - whether military, modern military re-enactors, or paintball and air soft competitors this book is sure to become your 'field bible'.

32. The Universal Book of Mathematics: From Abracadabra to Zeno's Paradoxes - by David J. Darling 2007...($26.40)

Darling, who has written books about astronomy and science for young adults, has followed the successful formula found in his Universal Book of Astronomy (Wiley, 2004), to compile an encyclopedia of mathematical terms, concepts, and problems; short biographies of pioneering mathematicians; puzzles; diagrams; pictures; and history. Entries cover subjects ranging from the fairly simple (arithmetic) to the more complex (Cabali-Yau space). The goal is to present "the unusual and the outrageous, the fanciful and the fantastic: a compendium of the mathematics they didn't teach you in school." To this end, the book treats numerous topics one would not expect to find in more academic math dictionaries--illusions, classic chess problems, the 1884 novel Flatland, to give a few examples.

Entries are alphabetized and thoroughly cross-referenced. Some are as brief as a single sentence (for example, Congruent, Nonagon), while others are a page or more (Maze, Pi). The writing is accessible and provides enough information to assist the reader in understanding the term being described. An impressive list of references used to compile the entries is included at the end of the volume, along with the solutions to the mathematical puzzles referred to in the text. This resource would be appropriate for high-school, public, and academic libraries and could be considered a basic tool in this subject.

33. Natural Stone, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies (Geological Society Special Publication): S. Siegesmund, A. Vollbrecht, T. Weiss 2003...($260.00)

The weathering of historical buildings and, indeed, of monuments and sculptures of natural stone is a problem that has been encountered for hundreds of years. However, a dramatic increase in deterioration in the structure of our built heritage has been observed during the past century. To understand the complex interaction that the stone in a building suffers with its near environment (the building) and the macro environment (the local climate and atmospheric conditions) requires an interdisciplinary approach and the application of many different theoretical, experimental and empirical resources provided by the geosciences, chemistry, materials sciences, biology and construction engineers. The protection of our architectural heritage has both the cultural and historical importance, as well as substantial economic and ecological value. Large sums of money are spent worldwide on measures for the preservation of monuments and historical buildings. Optimization of damage analysis procedures and damage process controls, as well as the development of monitoring and early warning systems for damage prevention, is needed. The past several decades has seen an unprecedented level of research activity in this area, the results of which are often difficult to access. This volume is intended to provide an integrated approach to the study of the deterioration of geomaterials, making the research available to a wide international audience. Natural Stone, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies comprises 30 chapters divided into 6 sections: weathering of natural building stones; weathering processes; fabric dependence of physical properties; biodeterioration; quality assessment and conservation of stones; and environmental conditions. Review articles are combined with reports on recent progress in the various fields, authored by a comprehensive team of international contributors. This volume will be of interest to all those involved in the protection of our built heritage, particularly geoscientists, material scientist, construction engineers, architects and stone conservators

34. The Unnatural History of the Sea - Callum Roberts 2007...($18.48)

Marine conservation biologist Roberts presents a devastating account of the effects of fishing on the sea. Once abundant aquatic life has declined to the point where we probably have less than five percent of the total mass of fish that once swam in Europe's seas, he states. Intensive fishing since medieval times has caused this decline gradually over the centuries, so that the fish-deprived sea seems normal to today's generations. Industrial fishing, especially trawling, has virtually eliminated entire habitats, including cod in Canada, oysters in Chesapeake Bay and herring in the North Sea. Now, sophisticated devices such as sonar depth sensors are being used to plunder that last frontier, the deep sea. Callum's alarming conclusion is that by the year 2048, fisheries for all the fish and shellfish species we exploit today will have collapsed. He argues persuasively for the establishment of marine reserves—protected areas where fish stocks have a chance to recover. His impressive book, replete with quotations from the reports of early explorers, merchants and travelers describing seas teeming with life that's unimaginable today, is a vivid reminder of what we've lost and a plea to save what is left and help the sea recover some of its earlier bounty.

35. A geographic comparison of Plato's Atlantis and Ireland as a test of the megalithic culture hypothesis - U. Erlingsson

The only original source on Atlantis is Plato, in
the dialogues Timaios and Kritias (Timaeus and
Critias in Latin). If the tale is true to some
extent, it may represent our oldest extant
traditions, at least outside Mesopotamia. If it
can be deciphered, it may thus add invaluable
clues to the interpretation of the more silent
discoveries made in archaeology.
We can safely assume that not everything in
Plato’s tale matches reality, if not for other
reasons so for errors in the transmission and
translation. The name Atlantis in a strict sense
refers to Plato’s exact description. However, in
a lax sense it may be used to refer to a real
world model for only a part of Plato’s tale, just
like a modern city can function as a backdrop to
a novel (and be modified in the novel compared
to reality).
The literature on how to interpret Plato’s
Atlantis tale is huge, but often of little scientific
substance. The signal to noise ratio is very poor,
which makes it challenging to discern a research
frontier. Having said that, it is my understanding
that there does not exist any hypothesis
regarding the interpretation of the tale that has
stood up to scientific scrutiny. I therefore ask
for your indulgence when I now start a scientific
study from scratch, building on nothing but the
translated dialogues of Plato

36. Ancient World Map Of Europe,North Africa,And West Asia:Regions 2004

37. THE ILLUMINATE, MASONRY, AND OTHER SECRET SOCIETIES: For centuries the Illuminate has nurtured many satanic secret societies that

The word Illuminate means ‘the enlightened ones.The Illuminate is an ‘Order,’ or secret
society, claiming an elite status due to having been granted special intellectual light from Lucifer,
or Satan.It follows that,in their minds,they are the only ones qualified to govern in a new World
Order.They are the only ones capable of ushering in a reign of enlightenment,peace,and
universal wellbeing.
Most people date the origin of the Illuminate to that founded in Bavaria in 1777 by
Weishaup, a professor in canon law.However there were many other Illuminate Orders dating
back to the 14th
Century that openly worshipped Satan, and had similar claims to have the ‘light of
Lucifer.’For the most part these secret societies had emerged from the higher degrees of
Masonry, making them secret societies formed within a secret society,thereby enabling them to
shelter safely in an unassailable cloak of secrecy.
Weishaup,a disenchanted Jesuit,was an ardent admirer of French revolutionary writer
Voltaire, who advocated the destruction of the Catholic Church.When Weishaup was summoned
by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and asked to form an Illuminate Order in Bavaria he assented,
sharing with him the desire to abolish all religions.This alliance marks the beginning of the
financial backing of the Illuminate by the House of Rothschild, and their common involvement in
the quest of world domination.
have been engaged in a conspiracy to form a single world government.


Over the millennia, but especially during the last few centuries, a large number of
megalithic tombs have been destroyed. For several decades the knowledge about
megalithic tombs was based on excavations of well-preserved tombs. A common
opinion was that, with the destruction of structures visible above the surface,
information about the megalithic tomb had disappeared forever. It was of no use to
excavate any remaining parts, especially as there were many well-preserved tombs to
which research efforts could be directed. Today not many tombs remain
unexcavated, and those that exist deserve to be protected. Therefore research has
aimed at megalithic tombs in greater or lesser states of destruction. Intensified
rescue excavations have resulted in the identification of previously unknown
megalithic tombs. In addition, old surveys and maps provide a different view of
megalithic tombs than the present situation.
The session will demonstrate that the so-called destroyed megalithic tombs
generate broad information and are of major importance for new knowledge about
Neolithic societies.

39. A Genetic Signal of Central European Celtic Ancestry: Preliminary Research Concerning Y-Chromosome Marker U152 - David K. Faux

The goal of the present study is to use historical references (via the Greco – Roman
Classical authors), plus linguistic and archaeological data, to link the Hallstatt and La
Tene Celtic people of Central Europe to a Y-chromosome marker, S28 / U152 (the latter
version will be used due to its acceptance by the Y Chromosome Consortium). The old
style phylogenetic category was haplogroup R1b1c10 (ISOGG, 2007), however today
both R1b1b2h (Karafet et al. 2008) and R1b1b2a1b4 (International Society of Genetic
Genealogists, 2008) are in common usage. The hypothesis under consideration is that
most who are U152 positive are living descendants of these ancient Celtic people who
emerged from an Alpine European homeland; with the possible exception of distantly
related folk who reside along the Mediterranean coast south to Sardinia. It is important to
note that it is not proposed that all Central European Celts were U152, only that there is a
strong correlation (which does not preclude a wide range of other haplotypes also being
found among the Celts)

40. Bodies...The Exhibition

BODIES... The Exhibition is a controversial exhibition showcasing preserved human bodies dissected to display bodily systems. It opened in Tampa, Florida on August 20, 2005. It is similar to, though not affiliated with, the exhibition Body Worlds (which opened in 1995). BODIES... is currently showing in Copenhagen, Vienna, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Cincinnati, Santiago de Chile, Branson, Prague, Lisbon, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Las Vegas, New York, Fort Lauderdale, Hartford, and Washington D.C.

41. Crimes & Trials of the Century: This download contains both Vol.1 & 2....($199.95)

Volume 1: From the Black Sox Scandal to the Attica Prison Riots
Volume 2: From Pine Ridge to Abu Ghraib

The public seems fascinated by crime. News and popular media sources provide a steady diet of stories, footage, and photographs about the misfortunes of others in order to satisfy this appetite. Murder, rape, terrorism, gang-related activities, and other violent crimes are staples. Various crime events are presented in the news every day, but most of what is covered is quickly forgotten.

In contrast, some crimes left a lasting impression on the American psyche. Some examples include the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, and the September 11th attacks. These events, and other significant cases, are immediately or on reflection talked about as "crimes of the century." They "earn" this title not only because they generate enormous publicity, but because of their impact on American culture: they help define historical eras, influence public opinion about crime, change legal process, and focus concern about important social issues. They seep into many other shared aspects of social life: public conversation, fiction and nonfiction, songs, poems, films, and folk tales.

This set focuses on the many "crimes of the century" of the last 100 years. In vivid detail, each crime is laid out, the investigation is discussed, the media reaction is described, the trial (if there was one) is narrated, the resolution is explored, and the significance of the case in terms of its social, political, popular, and legal relevance is examined. Illustrations and sidebars are scattered throughout to enliven the text; print and electronic resources for further reading and research are offered for those wishing to dig deeper.

Cases include the Scopes Monkey trial, Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, O.J. Simpson, Leopold and Loeb, Fatty Arbuckle, Al Capone, JonBenet Ramsey, the Lacy Peterson murder, Abu Ghraib, Columbine and more.

42. Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt - James H. Breasted 1972...($22.50)

A monument and a classic. . . . In this book we find the impact of nature upon religion in the abounding land of Egypt; the first skepticism and questionings of the system; the search for social justice as an answer to social woes, and the consequent seizure of royal privileges by lesser men; the attempt to assert monotheism; humble trust in a forgiving god; and the final triumph of priestly rule over religion. Because it is remote from us in time and place, we can look at it in detachment. And yet, in its cadences and in its stresses, it is our own story."--John A. Wilson, from the Introduction
A masterly study of the development of religion and thought in ancient Egypt. . . . No better attempt has been made to trace from beginning to end the leading categories of life, thought, and civilization as they successfully made their mark on religion, or to follow religion from age to age, disclosing especially how it was shaped by these influences, and how in turn it reacted to society

43. Megaliths of Western Europe - David Lieberman

44. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia - by Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha 1998...($24.00)

Discover the secrets of natural healing through stress-reduction techniques, personalized health programs, purposeful career, deepening spirituality, herbs, nutrition, aromas, yoga, meditation, music, colors, massage, and more. This is the most complete and in-depth book on Ayurveda with photographs of 85 major Ayurvedic herbs, and 89 photographs on Ayurvedic hatha yoga
for general health, pregnancy, and seniors. This authoritative guide covers the whole field of Ayurveda in its 686 pages (8-1/2 x 11). There is a simple, yet detailed discussion of how Ayurveda works so anyone can understand this unique healing process. Maintaining its simple style, it thoroughly covers pathology and diagnosis techniques so the lay person can understand the cause and development of disorders, and so medical professionals can appreciate the medical insights offered through Ayurveda. The book appeals to lay persons, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health practitioners.

45. The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments. How to Set Up a Home Laboratory - Robert Brent 1960...($499.99)

More than 200 color pictures and clear, easy-to-follow directions show junior chemists how to prepare a laboratory at home, how to buy and make apparatus, and how to set up fascinating, informative experiments. In addition, there are facts about famous chemists, their contributions, and chemistry in nature and industry.

46. how to make bombs 1995

The trouble with chemical books these days, is that they never explain
in detail how to make something that you want. Sure, they tell you how the
Chinese did it in 1500 or ten centuries ago. But now days, that does not
help. Even some of the army manuals don't even give you enough
informationon HOW-TO-DO it.
It's a fun game to search out the materials that can be put together to
make something go "BOOM". An interesting point to remember that it is much