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material included:
1. Runic amulets and magic objects - by Mindy MacLeod, Bernard Mees 2006
The runic alphabet, in use for well over a thousand years, was employed by various Germanic groups in a variety of ways, including, inevitably, for superstitious and magical rites. Formulaic runic words were inscribed onto small items that could be carried for good luck; runic charms were carved on metal or wooden amulets to ensure peace or prosperity. There are invocations and allusions to pagan and Christian gods and heroes, to spirits of disease, and even to potential lovers. Few such texts are completely unique to Germanic society, and in fact, most of the runic amulets considered in this book show wide-ranging parallels from a variety of European cultures.The question of whether runes were magical or not has divided scholarship in the area. Early criticism embraced fantastic notions of runic magic - leading not just to a healthy scepticism, but in some cases to a complete denial of any magical element whatsoever in the runic inscriptions. This book seeks to re-evaulate the whole question of runic sorcery, attested to not only in the medieval Norse literature dealing with runes but primarily in the fascinating magical texts of the runic inscriptions themselves.Dr MINDY MCLEOD teaches in the Department of Linguistics, Deakin University, Melbourne; Dr BERNARD MEES teaches in the Department of History at the University of Melbourne.
2. The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy - by Ingo Swann 1998 ...($400.00)
This book by one time CIA "psychic spy" Ingo Swann is divided into three parts. The first part describes experiences with an ultra secret government agency. This includes remote viewing of the lunar surface where mining and manufacturing operations are observed along with human looking extraterrestials. Part II discusses lunar anomalies. Much of this second section overlaps Chapter 1 of Jim Marrs' ALIEN AGENDA. Part III deals with the government-military-science-media cover up of UFOs, lunar activity and psychic phenomena (telepathy, in particular). Twenty publishers rejected this manuascript which would have benefited from a proofreading by big-time editors. It was, nevertheless, a clear, logical and very interesting presentation. Put it on your bookshelf between ALIEN AGENDA and William Bramley's GODS OF EDEN.
3. Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry
GUIDE TO THE THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES OF THE ANCIENT YORK RITE AND TO THE DEGREES OF MARK MASTER, PAST MASTER, MOST EXCELLENT MASTER, AND THE ROYAL ARCH. The purpose of this work is not so much to gratify the curiosity of the uninitiated as to furnish a guide for the neophytes of the Order, by means of which their progress from grade to grade may be facilitated. Every statement in the book is authentic, as every proficient Mason will admit to himself, if not to be public, as he turns over its pages. The non-Masonic reader, as he peruses them, will perhaps be puzzled to imagine why matters of so little real importance to society at large should have been so industriously concealed for centuries, and still more surprised that society should have been so extremely inquisitive about them. Complete with over 100 illustrations showing the signs, emblems, handshakes, postions, ect...
4. Savages and Scoundrels: The Untold Story of America's Road to Empire through Indian Territory - Paul VanDevelde 2009
What really happened in the early days of our nation? How was it possible for white settlers to march across the entire continent, inexorably claiming Native American lands for themselves? Who made it happen, and why? This gripping book tells America’s story from a new perspective, chronicling the adventures of our forefathers and showing how a legacy of repeated betrayals became the bedrock on which the republic was built.
Paul VanDevelder takes as his focal point the epic federal treaty ratified in 1851 at Horse Creek, formally recognizing perpetual ownership by a dozen Native American tribes of 1.1 million square miles of the American West. The astonishing and shameful story of this broken treaty—one of 371 Indian treaties signed during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries—reveals a pattern of fraudulent government behavior that again and again displaced Native Americans from their lands. VanDevelder describes the path that led to the genocide of the American Indian; those who participated in it, from cowboys and common folk to aristocrats and presidents; and how the history of the immoral treatment of Indians through the twentieth century has profound social, economic, and political implications for America even today.
5. Hovercraft Construction Manual 2003
You have selected a project which will change your life. Building the DiscoverHover Onepresents opportunities to experience many new ideas and to learn or perfect new skills.
Bob Windt originally designed this machine as an entry level project for students and enthusiasts who belonged to the Hoverclub of America, Inc. After watching how practical and well received this project was, the World Hovecraft Organisation decided to improve the drawings, add teacher training ideas, and make plans available to students and clubs without charge.
6. Solar House: A Guide for the Solar Designer - by Terry Galloway PhD 2004
A practical guide to creating a solar-powered home
7. Capturing Heat: Solar Ovens, Rocket Stoves - Dean Still & Jim Kness
Five earth-friendly cooking technologies and how to build thm
8. Measure Solar System Objects and Their Movements for Yoursel 2009
Instead of taking somebody's word for it about the basic size and distance statistics for the solar system, this book shows amateur astronomers how to measure these things for themselves. This is an enriching experience for any amateur astronomer - to understand and personally measure some fundamental astronomical quantities and distances.
A basic knowledge of geometry is required, but it is amazing how simple the geometry can be. Readers are led through the geometry as gently as possible - and in a light-hearted way - presuming that most non-academics will have half-forgotten most of their mathematics.
The practical astronomical equipment recommended is no more than a typical commercially-made amateur telescope and a camera of some sort - these days a webcam works very well. Apart from that all the reader will need is access to a computer
, the know-how to download free
software, and an enthusiasm to expand his knowledge of the basis of scientific astronomy.
9. Home Power Magazine 2008
Home Power Magazine Solar, wind and renewable energy systems Issues 122 to 128
10. The Sun - A User's Manual - by Claudio Vita-Finzi 2008
The Sun" is an account of the many ways in which our nearest star affects our planet, how its influence has changed over the last few centuries and millennia, and the extent to which we can predict its future impact. The Sun's rays foster the formation of Vitamin D by our bodies, but it can also promote skin cancer, cataracts, and mutations in our DNA. Besides providing the warmth and light essential to most animal and plant life, solar energy contributes substantially to global warming. Although the charged particles of the solar wind shield us from harmful cosmic rays, solar storms may damage artificial satellites and cripple communication systems and computer networks. The Sun is the ideal renewable energy source, but its exploitation is still bedevilled by the problems of storage and distribution. Our nearest star, in short, is a complex machine which needs to be treated with caution, and this book will equip every reader with the knowledge that is required to understand the benefits and dangers it can bring.
11. 46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius - Bob Bonnet & Dan King
Want to win first place in the next science fair? 46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius has everything you need to create amazing, sophisticated projects that will wow the judges and keep everyone talking long after the awards are handed out.
12. Astrology Ebook Collection - 2008
Alan Leo - Astrology for All
Judith Bennett - Sex Signs
Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology
David Frawley - Ayurvedic Astrology
Rae Orion - Astrology for Dummies
Mary Shea - Solar Returns A Study
Raphael's - Mundane Astrology
Unknown Author - The Art of Astrology
Astrological Analysis
An Astrological Guide to Self Awareness
How to Read Your Astrological Chart
The Outer Planets and Inner Life
13. Altar Magic - by D.J. Conway
The purpose of any altar, says D. J. Conway, is to symbolize what we want to attract into our lives. In A Little Book of Altar Magic, she shows how, without knowing they are doing so, people are constantly building altars around them, and she encourages readers to make altars consciously, using them to create a sacred space in the home. The very act of creating an altar teaches the builder to listen to the subconscious and become receptive to the sacred in life, Conway suggests. She explains the process in simple terms: planning the project, acknowledging the emotions behind the decision, and doing the actual building. The book guides the reader to what items to look for in furnishing an altar, giving information gleaned from historical and modern approaches on the use of colors, the elements, objects, and symbols.
14. When Giants Fall: An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era - Michael J.Panzner 2009
In When Giants Fall, Panzner makes his case for the turbulent economic changes that will be occurring over the next few years and examines the resulting economic opportunities.
According to Panzner, the economic changes will be widespread. Businesses will struggle amid wars, shortages, logistical disruptions, and a breakdown of the established monetary order. Individuals will be forced to rethink livelihoods, lifestyles, living arrangements, and locales. Political structures will be in flux, as local leaders gain influence at the expense of national authorities. For many people, it will be nothing short of a modern Dark Ages, where each day brings fresh anxieties, unfamiliar risks, and a sense of foreboding.
However, for those enlightened few who understand what is really going on and what happens next, the chaotic years ahead represent the opportunity of a lifetime - a time when they can realize goals they never thought possible and achieve a level of wealth, security, and inner peace that will leave them head-and-shoulders above everyone else. In this book, Panzner offers cutting-edge insights and strategies that will enable readers to stay well ahead of the game during the uniquely unsettling period ahead.
15. Build This Bong: Instructions and Diagrams for 40 Bongs, Pipes, and Hookahs - Randy Stratton 2007
The first book ever to feature detailed directions for bongs, pipes, hookahs, and more, Build This Bong brings both the classics and entirely original showstoppers to the home workshop. Projects of all sorts from a standard gravity bong to a rubber ducky hookah and a state of the art vaporizer come to life with Popular Mechanics-inspired illustrations and simple instructions. No fancy materials necessary: handyman Randy Stratton shows how to construct everything from common household goods. Build This Bong's 40 inventive projects made from melons, coconuts, snow-globes, teapots, and more are sure to be a big, mind-blowing hit.
16. More Harm Than Good: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Common Treatments and Procedures - Alan Zelicoff, Michael Bellomo 2008
Patients today expect their every last ache and pain to be immediately cataloged and cured. They want the pill they just saw advertised, or the latest, greatest procedure. Many doctors, reluctant to tell patients that waiting or doing nothing is often better, are all too willing to accommodate. As a result, we are becoming a nation of over-diagnosed and over-treated people. But how can we know how much medicine is good medicine? And how do we know which treatments might actually work?
In More Harm Than Good, Michael Bellomo and Dr. Alan Zelicoff offer a compelling look at medical care today and explore how common conditions like prostate cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are being over-treated, wasting billions of healthcare dollars and producing less than ideal, if not detrimental results. The authors arm readers with the facts and questions they need to better discuss options with their doctors, and examine the way doctors select treatments in the first place.
Based on solid scientific and medical research as well as interviews with surgeons, internists, and general practitioners, More Harm Than Good will empower readers to make better health decisions. Revealing and impeccably researched, this is a revolutionary book that will change how we look at being sick.
17. Tobacco use : health & behaviour 2008
Smoking is injurious to health. It has been estimated that about 1.3 billion are addicted to smoking and unless steps are taken to make people aware of the growing menace, 650 million people are likely to die prematurely due to the extensive use of tobacco.
The book, Tobacco Use: Health and Behaviour, in twelve chapters, deals with a wide range of issues concerning its cultivation and its impact on the health of its users. It provides a critical test for our concepts of reality; discusses how it has assumed political, economic and medical importance since its introduction; magnitude of its use and its global trend; how the sophisticated, wealthy and powerful drug cartel, based on the western world, is dictating its availability in the developing countries; its effect and its addiction potential; and the treatment of tobacco cessation.
It is a valuable book to understand the use of tobacco, and plan strategies to curb the growing menace. It is meant for students and practitioners of public health, community and preventive medicine, psychiatry, psychology and those involved in the study and planning in the field of addiction, particularly tobacco addiction
18. How to Steal Food from the Supermarket 1992
How the System Screws You 2. Reasonably Legal Methods of Reducing Your Grocery Bill 3. Illegal (But Low-Risk) Methods of Saving Money 4. Illegal Methods Short of Outright Shoplifting 5. Scamming the Scanner 6. Full-Fledged, Hard-Core, Stick-It-In-Your-Pants-And-Walk-Out-The-Door Shoplifting 7. Don't Look Like A Shoplifter 8. Supermarket Security 9. If You Get Caught ”
19. Customizing the Body: The Art and Culture of Tattooing - Clinton Sanders, D Angus Vail 2008
Originally published in 1989, this ground-breaking ethnographic exploration of tattooing - and the art world surrounding it - covers the history, anthropology, and sociology of body modification practices; the occupational experience of the tattooist; the process and social consequences of becoming a tattooed person; and the prospects of "serious" tattooing becoming an accepted art form. Curiously, despite the greater prevalence of tattoos and body modification in today's society, there is still a stigma of deviance associated with people who get or ink tattoos.Retaining the core of the original book, this revised and expanded edition offers a new preface by the author and a new chapter focusing on the changes that have occurred in the tattoo world. A section on the new scholarly literature that has emerged, as well as the new modes of body modification that have come into vogue, are included along with a new gallery of photographs that show some splendid examples of contemporary tattoo art. A directory of artists' websites invites readers to discover the range of work being done around the world from "suits" (full body tattoos) to skulls.
20. Secrets to Great Soil (Storey's Gardening Skills Illustrated) - By Elizabeth Stell 1998
Create productive soil anywhere with step-by-step instructions for making compost and fertilizers.
The previous reviewers are correct, this is a great book. Ever wonder why some plants grow and others won't even though the nurseries tell you that they will grow? This book will answer all those questions. This book goes thru a very methodical and thorough approach to educating one on how to build great soil and maintain it for any plant; from ornamental plants to vegetable gardens to fruit trees to lawns; from rebuilding a lawn to remediating a lawn. The tool chapter was a little redundant for me but this book is helpful to all; from the rookie gardener to the most experienced gardener. Most helpful to me were things like soil testing, top dressing solutions and organic composting. The format of the book is well done. Diagrams, text, master gardener tips, tables and illustrations. The greatest knowledge to me was that no matter what soil problem you have, the best solution is organic composting. Organically composted topsoil provides the greatest flexibility in terms of getting anything to not just grow but thrive!
21. How to Build Your Own Underground Home - Ray Scott 1985
This book will stimulate your thinking and give you a perspective on house-building design and construction
22. The Complete Book Of Underground Houses: How To Build A Low Cost Home - Rob Roy 1994
According to Roy, underground or "earth-sheltered" houses are unexpectedly livable. Judging by his book's attractive pictures, that's easy to believe. The house he bases his point-by-point guide on is indeed a showplace. Its homey touches are just that, though, and Roy's main concern is creating such a house, from drawing up the plans to surveying the site to the actual building. Roy's instruction is insightful and comprehensive; for example, he writes that he has poured the four-inch cement floor over the waste plumbing in all the houses he has built and has had no trouble yet, but he also suggests another strategy for those leery of not being able to get at the pipes in an emergency. Throughout, he covers construction and installation details that are extremely important for nonprofessionals brave enough to undertake building their own homes.
23. Mantrapping By Ragnar Benson 1981
This is the first book ever published to explain how to capture that most dangerous animal: man. Based on Ragnar's own mantrapping experiences while on special assignments in Asia, Africa, North and South America and Cuba, this gut-wrenching book covers such mantraps as the Malaysian Hawk, the Andes Mountain Trail Trap, the Sheepeater's Rock Fall and the Cuban Water Trap. To know how to trap your enemy is to know how to avoid being trapped yourself
24. The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening (DJVU) - By John Juranitch 2000
Universally recognized as "The Bible of The Cutting Edge", this book belongs in the library of anyone who is serious about sharpening. Written by Guinness world record holder John Juranitch, it contains all the knowledge and insights gained during his more than 40 years in the sharpening industry. The 145 page book is crammed with photos, illustrations and cutting edge secrets you won't find anywhere else. Its 14 chapters cover topics like how to choose a knife, sharpening theories nad applicaitons, steeling, using a hone and much, much more. You'll get answers to the most asked questions. You'll learn the truth about common myths like why you should never use oil on a hone. And you'll get the insights necessary to put a great edge on knives, axes, fish hooks, arrowheads, chain saws and other tools. It's a history, a handbook, a reference manual that is the simplest, most complete way to give yourself a razor edge on sharpening.
25. Body Tricks - by Stephen Ablett 2007
Body Tricks is an expanded collection of over 100 magical effects, tricks and stunts using the human body (No props required!). Learn how to remove your own thumb, grow an extra finger and make it grow in size. Twist your head all the way around and levitate in mid-air. There are over 200 full-color photographs detailing step-by-step instructions for each effect. This is the ultimate in impromptu magic effects.
No preparation, no props, just your body. Once you have learned a few of these effects, you will never have an excuse not to perform a trick because you 'forgot your pack of cards'. These tricks are great to entertain children and adults with or to burn the time waiting for the food to arrive in a restaurant. Several of these effects are very strong, some are more of the party game type, but all are fun and entertaining.
26. The Klutz Book of Knots - by John Cassidy 1985
Knot-tying for the landlubber. Nylon cord, color-coded to the illustrations, is tied through the holes on each heavy-stock page, allowing the reader to practice all 24 knots right there on the premises. A unique gift, intriguing puzzle, practical tool and entertaining book... all tied up together. Written by John Cassidy
27. Knots - by Adam Adamides 2008
An Illustrated Practical Guide to the Essential Knot Types and Their Uses
28. How to Make Knives - Richard W. Barney, Robert W. Loveless 1994
29. Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping 2002
First published in 1881, this complete guide is a practical addition to any outdoor lover's library.
This book is a treasure chest of 19th century bushcraft, hunting, and trapping methods that can be and are still useful today. Some of the hunting and trapping techniques may be considered illegal today and one can make more money off of trapping today but then again in 1881 there were no income taxes and the dollar was still on the gold standard $10.00 for an otter pelt weren't bad but still if fur companies paid for furs back then what they pay today a lot of them old time trappers would have been living in the lap of luxery. This book is an excellent look back into a era where things were a little less complicated.
30. Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Handbook - James Talmage Stevens 1975
Never mind all the year 2000-type scare scenarios. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine what would happen if you became ill and couldn't work, or if an earthquake or hurricane or bomb left your community devastated. It happens all the time. When unexpected disasters happen, people who are even a little prepared are much better off than those who have taken their dependence on outside resources for granted. When you imagine the security of not having to worry about going to the store for even a few weeks, a comprehensive storage system begins to make sense.
James Talmage Stevens's Making the Best of Basics, now in its 10th edition, is one of the best-known preparedness bibles around. Stevens lays out a yearlong storage program of 15 food and nonfood categories, six of which (water, wheat and grains, dairy products, sweeteners, "cooking catalysts" like salt and oil, and sprouting seeds) are capable of sustaining life indefinitely in a no-frills diet. The other 9 categories are designated "Building Blocks," and improve upon the basic diet and support a more routine, less Spartan existence while relying on stored supplies. (Some of them, such as medical supplies and fuel, will seem as essential to some readers as the first six.) The book's main messages--store what you eat, eat what you store, use it or lose it--are at the core of its calm advice and simple, nutritious recipes. The 10th edition has been updated with a yellow pages section that lists current preparedness resources throughout the U.S. and Canada, including Web resources.
31. The Survival Handbook - Peter Darman 1994
Provides advice on suriving in hostile environments and includes tips on shelters, traps, weapons, tools, food-finding, signaling, first aid, and other life-saving topics.
32. Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Woods - John McPherson, Geri McPherson 2008
Forget reality TV stunts like eating bugs, the Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living provides in-depth instructions and step-by-step photos of real survival skills--exactly what one needs to stay alive in the woods. The book first covers immediate needs like starting a fire, erecting temporary shelter, and finding food. Then it goes beyond other survival books by explaining advanced techniques for long-term living in the wild -- using only those things found in nature. The authors show how to make tools by chipping stones, fashion a bow-and-arrow out of tree branches, weave baskets, fire primitive pots, build a semi-permanent shelter, and even tan hides. Finally, the authors explain how to bring all these skills together to live in the wilderness for days, weeks, months, or even years.
33. Strange but True Teacher Resource Guide - Laurel and Associates 2006
Saddleback’s new series of STRANGE BUT TRUE STORIES sets a new standard for high-interest reading materials. It’s all here—stories ranging from the peculiar to the preposterous, from the fascinating to the downright frightening, from the odd to the awful. Yet all the selections are based on eyewitness accounts or the solid scholarship of serious investigators
34. Stupid White Men... And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation, - By Michael Moore 2002
Well, so much for the future. Michael Moore, the award–winning provocateur behind Roger & Me and the bestseller Downsize This!, now returns to size up the new century – and that big, ugly special–interest group that's laying waste to the world as we know it: stupid white men. Whether he's calling for United Nations action to overthrow the Bush Family Junta, calling on African–Americans to place 'whites only' signs over the entrances of unfriendly businesses, or praying that Jesse Helms will get kissed by a man, Stupid White Men is Mike's Manifesto on Malfeasance and Mediocrity. So if you're feeling the same way and you're wondering what's going to give out first – the economy, Dick Cheney's pacemaker, or your new VW Beetle – here's the book for you.
35. Ragnar's Big Book Of Homemade Weapons: Building And Keeping Your Arsenal Secure - Ragnar Benson 1992
Ragnar Benson is America's most-esteemed survival expert. He has written more than 20 books for Paladin throughout the years on a variety of topics covering everything from weapons to politics to survival medicine. In this book he gives all the info needed to build your own heavy weapons and explosives is now under one cover. Includes reprinted material on C-4, grenade launchers, flamethrowers and more, as well as new info on claymores, grenades and mortars.
Of course there is no need to say that all the informations given are for information purposes only. By following the instructions you could blow yourself up, or someone else.
36. A Walk through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends - Milton Heifetz, Wil Tirion 2007
What star is that? Where is the Southern Cross? Who was Orion? Answering these questions and many more, this book will become an essential traveling companion for amateur astronomers heading abroad. Its unique simplified maps make it easy to find the constellations in the southern hemisphere skies, and the stars within them. Clear instructions guide the user on how to gauge sizes and distances, and move easily between constellations. This new edition has been updated with additional mythology information, and a list of the planet positions up to 2016. Of value to all ages, this book introduces the patterns of the starry skies in a memorable way. No equipment is needed to use this practical guide: apart from normal sight and clear skies. Beautifully illustrated, this is an ideal introduction to unfamiliar stars that will have astronomers of all levels gazing at the skies with ease.
37. The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives - by Tenney L. Davis 1972
This is a chemistry book for all kinds of people interested in explosive chemistry.This book is not only for the advanced explosive expert,it is also written for the beginner,for learning the basic explosive characteristics. It provides us readers with a well rounded selection of high explosives,including dynamite,R.D.X,TNT,low explosives and propellants, Nitrosamines,primary explosives,the assembling of detonators,and a big chapter of Pyrotechnics is also include. And that is presented us all on 490 pp. for only $ 20.00.That's unbelivabely! He also tells us not only chemical and physical aspects,he discovers the manufacturing of explosives and pyrotechnic compositions through the past centuries and tells us historical facts about explosives.
38. Houses are Designed by Geniuses & Built by Gorillas: An Insider's Guide to Designing and Building a Home - (several files here,make a seperate folder when unraring this one) by Bob Johnson 1998
This book is a must for anyone planning to have a home built or contracting it themselves. Full of helpful hints,flow charts, and step-by-step planning advice, it shows a perspective seldom seen in home building. Written in a light-hearted manner with wit and wisdom, it is high-lighted by dozens of "war stories" of building problems and how they were solved. This book will keep you out of trouble while providing a fuller understanding of the building process and the home building industry.
39. Great Garden Formulas: The Ultimate Book of Mix-It-Yourself Concoctions for Gardeners - Joan Benjamin 1998
Most gardeners know that compost is good for their soil and have heard, at least vaguely, that a mixture containing baking soda is good for roses. But who knew that you could make fertilizer from soaking weeds in water? The editors have collected ideas from organic gardeners all over the country that will help even experienced gardeners improve their soil, fertilize their plants, reduce weeds and pests, and even concoct a soothing hand cream to use when the work is done.
Grouped thematically by chapter, these formulas employ either natural ingredients or simple chemicals such as Epsom salts, and most are easy to make and use. The word formula is used in its broadest sense, as there are suggestions for attracting butterflies and for making a wildflower meadow as well as creating fertilizer from Swiss chard or herbal candles. A source list for products and services ends the book. This will be a great source for crafters as well as for creative garden experimenters.
Whether you're looking for a quick-cooking compost recipe or a safe spray to stop garden-eating pests, you'll find all-new mixtures that really work to solve your garden problems in Great Garden Formulas!
More than 350 Formulas for a Great GardenCompost; Weed ControlFertilizer; Birds, Butterflies, and BeneficialsSoil Care; Herbs for Every PurposePest Control; Home Remedies Disease Control; Yard and Garden Designs
40. Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home - aul Stamets, J. S. Chilton 1983
This book does give you a lot of basic information. However, "Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms" would probably be a better choice if you intend on trying to grow mushrooms. Im very new to cultivating mushrooms at home. I tried many different approaches and information found on the web about the subject, but had many dissapointments. After I read this book I am now aware of the many bad turns you can take that will drive you mad. Now I am very happy, everything is going onroad, thanks to Paul Stamets and his knowledge. This book is a MUST buy for anyone interested in growing mushrooms in small or big scale.