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Criticism of the Bible - Collection 3:
This upload is actually the 4th one in the category of Criticism of the Bible. The previous three were:
- Criticism of the Bible -The Old Testament,
- Criticism of the Bible - The New Testament, and
- Criticism of the Bible - Collection 2.
In this upload, we have several titles that discuss the defamation of God's prophets and messengers in the Bible. As we know, the prophets and messengers are supposed to be God's mouth among people; they should be role models with the best characters. But, the Bible is full with stories that defame and slander many of God's prophets and messengers as well as their immediate family members.
In the Bible, we find a prophet who got so drunk that he exposed himself naked to others; another one committed incest with his daughters; another requested the services of a hooker, and slept with his son's wife; another fornicated with the wife of one of his followers and then conspired to get her husband killed in battle so that he can marry the woman. Telling lies and breaching contracts was widely spread among the Bible's prophets.
The families of the prophets got their full share from Bible slander and profanity. One prophet' son raped his half sister (from another mother); that resulted in him being killed by that girl's brother (also his half brother); another son deceived his father (with the help of his mother) to get the father's blessing instead of his brother. The women of the Bible (beginning with Eve) were portrayed as the source and cause of many evils. When you read the Bible's stories about the prophets and their families you get the feeling that you are reading a cheap erotic fiction.
It is interesting to note here that the Qur'an has many stories about many of the same prophets and messengers in the Bible. However, the Qur'an is completely free from the filthy stories about them. In the Qur'an the prophets and messenger have the best characters; they are indeed role models to other people; there is nothing but praise to them. For comparison purposes, the upload includes some books that demonstrate the Islamic view about God's prophets and messengers.
This upload includes a total of 18 titles. Eleven titles in the main directory as follows:
1- Good Book; by: David Plotz (2009).
2- The Uncensored Bible; by: John Kaltner and Others (2008).
3- Don't Know Much About the Bible; by: Kenneth Davis (1998).
4- Impeachment of the Bible; by: E.S. West (1923).
5- Is the Bible Indictable; by: Annie Besant (1877).
6- The Bible Exposed; by: Erasmus (1862).
7- The Woman's Bible - Part I: Comments on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; by: Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1892). Note that there is an error in the order of the pages; pages 13 and 14 were put after page 30.
8- The Woman's Bible - Part II: Comments on Judges, Kings, Prophets and Apostles; by: Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1892).
9- Traditions of the Bible – A Guide to the Bible As It Was at the Start of the Common Era; by: James Kugel (1998).
10- Legends of the Old Testament Traced to Their Apparent Primitive Sources; by: Thomas Lumisden Strange (1874).
11- A Handbook of Scientific and Literary Bible Difficulties; by: Robert Tuck (1890). Here and apologist attempts to explain or justify the difficulties in the Bible.
The upload also has 7 titles in the subdirectory: Islamic View of the Prophets:
1- Stories Of The Prophets; by: Ibn Kahir. Note here that the author of this book gives what the Qur'an says about a certain prophet, and then gives more details about the life the prophet. In the details, the author refers to some historical accounts in the Bible.
2- Prophet Abraham and Prophet Lot; by: Harun Yahya (2005).
3- Prophet Yusuf (Joseph); by: Harun Yahya (2003).
4- Prophet Solomon; by: Harun Yahya (2005).
5- Prophet Musa (Moses); by: Harun Yahya (2002).
6- Maryam (Mary) - An Exemplary Muslim Woman; by: Harun Yahya (2005).
7- The Status of Jesus in Islam; by: Rabee' Ibn Hadee Al-Madkhalee (2004).