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Militia Army Minuteman SHTF Survival Training video pack

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Militia Army Minuteman SHTF Survival Training video pack Militia A militia is generally an army or some other type of fighting unit that is composed of non-professional fighters, citizens of a nation or subjects of a state or government who can be called upon to enter a combat situation, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel, or historically, members of the warrior nobility class (e.g., knights or samurai). Unable to hold their own against properly trained and equipped professional forces, it is common for militias to engage in guerrilla warfare or defense instead of being used in open attacks and offensive actions. With the emergence of professional forces (in the form of mercenaries whose livelihood was military service) during the Renaissance, Western European militias wilted; later however, they would be revived as part of Florentine civic humanism, which held that professional militaries were a result of corruption, and admired the Roman model. The civic humanist ideal of the militia was spread through Europe by the writings of Niccolò Machiavelli (According to Hörnqvist, The Prince, ch. 12 and 13, Discourses on Livy, and The Art of War.) Beginning in the late 20th century, some militias (in particular officially recognized and sanctioned militias of a government) act as professional forces, while still being "part-time" or "on-call" organizations. For instance, the members of some U.S. Army National Guard units are considered professional soldiers, as they are trained to maintain the same standards as their "full-time" (active duty) counterparts. Minutemen Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They were also known for being ready at a minute's notice, hence the name. They provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that allowed the colonies to respond immediately to war threats. The minutemen were among the first to fight in the American Revolution. Their teams constituted about a quarter of the entire militia. They were generally younger and more mobile, and served as part of a network for early response. Minuteman and Sons of Liberty member Paul Revere was among those who spread the news that the British Regulars (soldiers) were coming out from Boston. Revere was captured before completing his mission when the British marched toward the arsenal in Concord to confiscate the weapons and ammunition that were stored there. The term has also been applied to various later United States civilian-based paramilitary forces to recall the success and patriotism of the originals. 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Feds Forced to Surrender to American Ctizens.mp4 The Seven Step Survival Plan - With David Kobler AKA SouthernPrepper1.mp4 TRADERS - TRAITORS.mp4 Training the Minuteman of today.mp4 UPDATE and Clarifying on last video.mp4 Using a reverse slope defense in a WROL situation.mp4 WROL Pre-Combat inspection for the prepper.mp4 Your WROL extended defense is about to fall Help.mp4 Scenario Scenario - A large cache made from a large oil drum.mp4 Scenario - Conflicit,Mr Peterson,Ak or AR or better yet more ammo.mp4 Scenario - Contact with a city survivor.mp4 Scenario - Deadly Force is used to protect our food.mp4 Scenario - How does our retreat community prepare for a possible new government.mp4 Scenario - I put the weight of the world on my sons shoulders.mp4 Scenario - Our community takes the good with the bad.mp4 Scenario - The aftermath of the wrol shooting.mp4 Scenario - The nightmare of wrol is getting worse.mp4 Scenario 1 - Tracking humans in WROL.mp4 Scenario 2 - What to do with your dead during a wrol situation.mp4 Scenario 3 - Another day in the life of our retreat School,Library and the attack.mp4 Scenario 4 - The nightmare of WROL.mp4 Scenario video Illness within and theTown of Kiellier ready to attack.mp4 Scenario video The little things will kill us.mp4 Scenario video The Run in with a Lazy Neighbor.mp4 Scenario video The second winter brings more problems for our community.mp4 Scenario video Your first day on radio watch in SHTF.mp4 tags: militias, military, army, guns, weapons, resistance, self-defense, survival
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