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The 2017 Autoimmune Revolution, 30th January - 5th February 2017

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The average lifespan of someone with an autoimmune disease is 10 years shorter than a healthy person. It doesn't have to be this way! Learn to break the cycle of autoimmune pain at Dr. Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Revolution!

Autoimmune diseases and the physical, chemical and emotional pain they create impacts millions around the world. The primary way doctors treat these diseases today is to prescribe immune suppressing drugs. Unfortunately, this approach has failed to achieve a meaningful outcome and has created an even greater health crisis — what Dr. Peter Osborne calls “The Prescription Pain Trap” — which you will learn more about during this event.

During The Autoimmune Revolution, you’ll learn about:

+ Conquering chronic pain and autoimmune conditions
+ The connection between autoimmune diseases, diet and lifestyle choices
+ 6 diet and behavior changes you need to make to radically improve health
+ Breaking the cycle of medications and dependency on allopathic treatments

Dr. Osborne created The Autoimmune Revolution to help you prevent and reverse autoimmune pain. It’s time to achieve greater health and improved happiness so you can break the cycle of pain and start living again!

Day 1: January 30, 2017
1. Alan Christianson, ND - Adrenal Recovery: A Necessary Step to Overcoming Autoimmunity
2. Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD - Eliminating Autoimmune Pain Once and for All
3. Izabella Wentz, PharmD - Overcoming the Pain of Hypothyroid Disease
4. Brian Mowll, DC, IFMCP - Blood Sugar Control to Reduce Pain, Inflammation and Aid Healing
5. David Perlmutter, MD - Brain Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease and Nutrition

Day 2: January 31, 2017
1. Kellyann Petrucci, ND - The Ultimate Food for Autoimmune Recovery
2. Donna Gates MEd, ABAAHP - Using Fermented Foods to Restore Gut Function
3. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN - Gluten and Autoimmunity
4. Mark Hyman, MD - A Functional Medicine Approach to Autoimmunity
5. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CNS - Food, Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity

Day 3: February 1, 2017
1. Jesse Cannone, PT - Overcoming the Physical Pain of Autoimmunity
2. Dan Ritchie, PhD - Physical Activity: A Necessity for Autoimmune Recovery
3. Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS - Using Lab Tests to Identify and Predict Autoimmune Diseases
4. Mark Sisson - Exercise, Diet and Chronic Autoimmune Pain
5. Andrea Gruszecki, ND - Neuroinflammation: Conquering Autoimmunity Without Guessing

Day 4: February 2, 2017
1. Christopher Shade - Heavy Metals and Autoimmune Diseases
2. Dave Asprey - Hidden Danger in Your Food: Mycotoxins and Autoimmune Diseases
3. Trevor Cates, ND - Overcoming Psoriasis, Eczema and Other Skin-Based Diseases
4. Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c) - Overcoming the “Chemical Soup” of Autoimmune Diseases
5. Mike Mutzel, MS - Bacterial Endotoxins and Other Unconventional Mechanisms

Day 5: February 3, 2017
1. Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS - Parasites and Autoimmune Disease
2. Bradley Bush, ND - Functional Medicine Approach to Infections and Autoimmunity
3. Jay Davidson - Lyme Disease: Infections and Autoimmune Diseases
4. Raphael Kellman, MD - The Microbiome and Autoimmune Diseases
5. Amy Myers, MD - The Yeast-Autoimmune Connection

Day 6: February 4, 2017
1. Pedram Shojai, OMD - Obtaining Inner Peace to Tame Autoimmunity
2. Kim D’Eramo, DO - Mind-Body Medicine: Surrender to Win the Autoimmune Battle
3. John Assaraf - The Power Within Yourself to Overcome Autoimmune Pain
4. Niki Gratrix, mBANT CNHC - Emotional Trauma and Autoimmune Pain
5. Sayer Ji Founder of GreenMedInfo - Using Self-Awareness, Common Sense and Good Judgement

Day 7: February 5, 2017
1. John Immel - Ayurvedic Medicine: Simple Approaches to Autoimmune Resolution
2. Michael Holick, PhD, MD - Vitamin D Deficiency and Autoimmunity
3. Jill Carnahan, MD - CIRS: Mold Toxicity, Hormone Disruption and Autoimmunity
4. Jonathan Landsman - Inexpensive Ways to Reduce Autoimmune Pain and Inflammation
5. Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD - Autoimmune Recovery: Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together

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