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The Truth About McCarthyism - Modern Parallels [pack]

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The Truth About McCarthyism - Modern Parallels [pack] Joseph Raymond "Joe" McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who was a U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in which Cold War tensions fuelled fears of widespread Communist subversion. He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Ultimately, the controversy he generated led him to be censured by the United States Senate. The term "McCarthyism", coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today, the term is used by critics of McCarthy in reference to what they consider demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents. The mainstream narrative would tell you that from 1950 to 1954, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy unjustly accused a wide variety of Americans of being communist spies, creating a hysterical witch-hunt that destroyed the lives of innocent people. What is the truth about Sen. Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism? What are the modern parallels between mid-1950s McCarthyism and the events of today? Listen to the brilliant lecture by Stefan Molyneux teaching you the deep truth about McCarthyism, the truth you've never been told before by your socialist education system. This isn't about the past but about the next few years: They will use the same dirty tricks against Trump they have been using against McCarthy, back in the 1950s. The massive demonization of McCarthy just proves how deeply the US has been infiltrated by the Marxist network. But the Marxist conspiracy goes much deeper, being a manifestation of an underlying conspiracy by secret societies, such as Masonry and the Knights Templars. McCarthy got some support by fellow politicians back in the 1950s, until he started realizing that the entire Marxist Communist network had been set up by the western oligarchy, right from the get-go, including the 1917 Russian Revolution - read Antony Sutton's "Wall Street the Bolshevik Revolution". That's when the American press started demonizing McCarthy - he simply had figured out too much. The massive, seemingly highly irrational and well coordinated attacks going on against Donald Trump today clearly show to what degree this Marxist network is still active today, probably more so than ever before. Do I have to tell you what forces are behind the flooding of Germany with Muslim migrants to eventually bring down western culture? If you think that McCarthy was one of the bad guys, then this simply proves to what degree the western education system, and therefore your mind has been infiltrated by the Marxist network. What is the New World Order all about? Yes, exactly, it's about setting up a global totalitarian socialist one world government. If you thought that Marxism and McCarthyism were merely historical issues of an age long gone by, then think again. You may be up for a rude awakening. The philosophies of socialist collectivism on one side, and freedom and individuality on the other side are directly opposed to each other. Roosevelt's New Deal socialism, Hitler's national socialism, and Marxist international socialism, it's just different sides of the same coin, and they're all fiercely opposed to true Christianity and GOD - it's mystery Babylon in disguise versus Jesus Christ. Do I have to tell you that Karl Marx, Hitler and Roosevelt were all high-degree Masons? I've included all the books necessary for you to truly understand history, and learn how the deepest US atomic bomb secrets were directly given to the USSR - by order from the US President. The entire Rosenberg story was a total hoax to cover up treason of the highest order right from the top of the US government - see the included book "From Major Jordan's Diaries". When McCarthy died in 1957 he was only 49 years of age - some have suspected foul play. Just like William Cooper who was murdered in 2001 after exposing the WTC 9-11 false flag, he had discovered too much. Over a hundred million people (SIC!) have been murdered by world-socialism so far, and a few wore won't make any difference to the leftist-occult coterie - and they've already expressed their wish to get rid of Donald Trump as well. mccarthy audio From Major Jordan's Diaries.mp3 audiobook From Major Jordan's Diaries 001 From Major Jordan's Diaries.mp3 002 From Major Jordan's Diaries.mp3 ebooks Aleksei Myagkov - Inside the KGB.pdf Anatoliy Golitsyn - New Lies For Old The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation.pdf Anatoliy Golitsyn - The Perestroika Deception, Memoranda to the CIA (1998).pdf Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America.pdf Antony Sutton - Wall Street and FDR.pdf Antony Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.pdf Antony Sutton - Wall Street the Bolshevik Revolution.pdf Antony Sutton - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945.pdf Antony Sutton - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945 to 1965.pdf Carroll Quigley - The Anglo American Establishment 370p.pdf Carroll Quigley - The Anglo American Establishment.pdf Carroll Quigley - The Federal Reserve Conspiracy.pdf Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope 1091p 1966.pdf Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope 1367p 1966.pdf Cecil Rhodes - Last Will and Testament.pdf Cleon Skousen - The Naked Capitalist 1970.pdf Dieter Rüggeberg - Secret Politics The Schedule to World Domination.pdf Edward Mandell House - Philip Dru Administrator 1998.pdf From Major Jordan's Diaries - The Truth about the US and USSR.pdf From Major Jordan's Diaries 269p.pdf From Major Jordans Diaries George Racey Jordan with Richard L Stokes 1952 278pg.pdf Gary Allen - None Dare Call It Conspiracy 1971.pdf Griffin G Edward - The Capitalist Conspiracy OCR.pdf Griffin G Edward - The Creature From Jekyll Island.pdf Griffin G Edward - World Without Cancer The Story of Vitamin B17.pdf M Stanton Evans - Blacklisted by History - Excerpt.pdf Major George Racey Jordan - From Major Jordans Diaries 131p 1952.pdf Major George Racey Jordan Diaries - From Russia with Thanks.pdf Mandell House - Phillip Dru Administrator.pdf Sarah Gertrude Millin - Cecil Rhodes.pdf Seymour - The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Vol 1 1912-1915 518p.pdf Seymour - The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Vol 2 1915-1917 542p.pdf Suvorov, Viktor - Inside Soviet Military Intelligence.pdf Viereck - The Strangest Friendship in History Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House 1932.pdf pics Anti-communist Heroes Comrade-Brunton.jpg mccarthy joseph.jpg nytimes_mccarthy Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal arriving at the White House for a Cabinet meeting.jpg whittaker chambers quote.jpg whittaker chambers.jpg Masonic Flag of Eastern Germany GDR Masonic Flag of Eastern Germany GDR.pdf text The VENONA Files 01 The VENONA Files.pdf 02 The VENONA Files.pdf 04 The VENONA Files.pdf 05 The VENONA Files.pdf 06 The VENONA Files.pdf 07 The VENONA Files.pdf 08 The VENONA Files.pdf 09 The VENONA Files.pdf 10 The VENONA Files.pdf 11 The VENONA Files.pdf 12 The VENONA Files.pdf 13 The VENONA Files.pdf 14 The VENONA Files.pdf 15 The VENONA Files.pdf 16 The VENONA Files.pdf 17 The VENONA Files.pdf 18 The VENONA Files.pdf 19 The VENONA Files.pdf 20 The VENONA Files.pdf 21 The VENONA Files.pdf 22 The VENONA Files.pdf 23 The VENONA Files.pdf 24 The VENONA Files.pdf US Cryptologic History - The Capture of the USS Pueblo.pdf The Venona Papers Communism Cold War L One.pdf Details of the Venona Papers.pdf Rosenberg Spy Case - Was Justice Fairly Served.pdf The Venona Story.pdf Venona - Soviet Espionage and the American Response, 1939-1957.pdf Venona Arthur J Goldberg and the Reds in the OSS.pdf Venona New York KGB 1944.pdf Verona Project - Paul Frazier.pdf videos The Truth About McCarthyism - Modern Parallels by Stefan Molyneux (480p).mp4 mccarthy.jpg Torrent downloaded from Torrent downloaded from - Demonoid.txt tags: history, McCarthyism, conspiracy, socialism, Marxism, NWO, treason, spies, communism, infiltration
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