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EMF Silent Weapon Mind Control System GWEN Cell Phone Towers [pack]

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EMF Silent Weapon Mind Control System GWEN Cell Phone Towers [pack] GWEN Towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network) This post is an overview of how we are controlled by technology – from having our brainwaves deliberately changed en masse by transmitters regulating our state of consciousness, to how we are victims of electromagnetic waves disrupting the state of our health and finally how many of us will die, as decided by our global masters. Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kms above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds. Natural waves are related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms. Collectively, these waves are called “The Schumann Resonance,” the current strongest at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth’s “electromagnetic” cavity, the space between the ground and the ionosphere. These “earth brainwaves” are identical to the spectrum of our brainwaves. (1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 kHz = 1000, 1 MHz =1 million. A 1 Hertz wave is 186,000 miles long; 10 Hz is 18,600 miles. Radio waves move at the speed of light.) The Creator designed living beings to resonate to this natural frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The ionosphere is being manipulated by US government scientists using an Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the ionosphere, which bounces power down again. ELF waves from HAARP, when targeted on certain areas, can engineer weather and create mood changes effecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power. A former govt. insider deduced they want to flip the world upside down. Sixty-four (64) elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The “earth’s natural brain rhythm” above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals as the red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms. These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created very low frequency (VLF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers. WHAT ARE GWEN TOWERS? GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters, placed 200 miles apart across the USA, allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the VLF range, with transmissions between VLF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit UHF waves of 225 – 400 MHz. The VLF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiate into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits up to a 300-mile radius, the signal dropping off sharply over distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters, spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. Three hundred (300) ft. of copper wire fans out in a spoke like fashion from the base of the underground system, interacting with the earth like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground. The USA bathes in this magnetic field which rises to 500 ft, even going down to basements, so everyone is subject to mind control. The whole artificial ground wave spreads out over USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic wave. Covering the entire floor with aluminum and buying a CET (Cosmic Energy Transformers) cylinder from various places - one of them, Nordic Living Water Systems – can help. Location of Gwen Towers in the U.S. [2001] GWEN transmitters have many different functions, including controlling the weather, mind, behavior and mood control of the populace. They are also used to send synthetic telepathy disguised as infrasound to those victims of US government mind-control implants. These towers work in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, a system similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. One such system operates at the Moscow airport. The GWEN Towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjunction with HAARP. The internet website:, published an expose on how the major floods of 1993 in the Mid-Western United States were instigated by these systems. How does this happen? Invisible, enormous rivers of water, consisting of vapours that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. They are 1.9 miles above the earth and move 340 lbs of water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP). The damming of the vapor rivers creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream. Again, these two major rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP also produces earthquakes by focusing on the fault lines. GWEN Towers are positioned on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northwest. In 1963, Dr. Robert Becker explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves, showing a relationship between psychiatric hospital admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic storms, and found a similar response. In the United States, sixty (60) Hz electric-power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. In the United Kingdom, fifty (50) Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid. Dr. Andrija Puharich (in the 1950 & 60s), found that a clairvoyant’s brainwaves turned to 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. In 1956, he observed an Indian Yogi controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people via bio-feedback to do this consciously, that is, creating 8 Hz waves with the technique of bio-feedback. A psychic healer generated 8 Hz waves through a hands-on healing process, actually alleviating that patient’s heart trouble; the healer’s brain emitting 8 Hz. One person, emitting a certain frequency, can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology that sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect. Puharich further experimented, discovering that, · 7.83 Hz (earth’s pulse rate) made a person “feel good,” producing an altered-state · 10.80 Hz causes riotous behavior · 6.6 Hz causes depression. Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA in the body, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person resonate at a higher vibratory rate. He really wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena. James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the vibratory rate. Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders, but they would not believe him. He then gave this information to certain dignitaries of other Western nations. The US Government burned down his home in New York to shut him up, whereas he then fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered which ELF frequencies affected what portion of the human brain; it was on July 4, 1976, that they began zapping the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal, also focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state). Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions. (This system can also be found in some American Churches to help the congregation believe!) This Russian “Woodpecker” signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound that the harmonic Woodpecker was sending through the earth and atmosphere. In 1901, Nikola Tesla, Nobel prize winner in Physics (shared with Einstein) revealed that power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla’s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death. audio CELL PHONE TOWERS - A STEALTH WEAPON USED FOR MIND & BEHAVIORAL CONTROL.mp3 Cell Phone Towers are for Mind Control, 1 of 3.mp3 Cell Phone Towers are for Mind Control, 2 of 3.mp3 Cell Phone Towers are for Mind Control, 3 of 3.mp3 Deborah Tavares Covers Shocking Document from NASA (Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars).mp3 Heads Up! More Spy Towers In Arizona, G-BOSS Surveillance Systems and Technology.mp3 Interview With a Death Tower Whistleblower Part 1 (Madison Star Moon).mp3 Interview with a Death Tower Whistleblower Part 2 (Madison Star Moon).mp3 Madison Star Moon Calls Crown Castle.mp3 MUST WATCH. 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