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JFK John F Kennedy Assassination Research Archive (2016)
On November 22, 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while traveling down Elm
Street, Dallas, Texas, in an open car in a motorcade. Everyone agrees about that. Many people think
that agencies of the U.S. Government have lied about or covered up details of the assassination.
For three decades, people thought the best proof of foul play was a 27- second home movie of the
assassination taken by a Dallas dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder. It shows JFK’s head being blasted
backwards and to his left: This seems to tell us that the shooter was in front of the car on the
right side, on the “grassy knoll” (small hill) next to Elm Street. But the U.S. Government
insisted that JFK was shot by just one man hiding in a building far behind the limousine.
Things get more complicated when we look at the film frame-by-frame. As the bullet hits, JFK’s
head first moves forwards. This makes things confusing. There seemed to be three possible
explanations: He was hit by two bullets at almost the same time (one from behind and then one from
the front). He was hit from behind, and a jet of brain matter exploding from the front caused his
head to recoil backwards. He was hit from behind and some sort of muscle reaction caused his head to
fly backwards. People tried to figure this out for three decades. Instead of clearing up the
mystery, Zapruder’s film just made things more confusing.
In the 1990s, researchers started to realize that there was a fourth possible explanation.
Zapruder’s film might also be a part of the lies and cover-up that agencies of the U.S. Government
had weaved around the JFK assassination! The Zapruder film was scientifically examined. It was found
that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the
laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruder’s home movie camera. Zapruder’s film is
a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find. It was
scientifically proven that Zapruder’s film could not be just changed a little bit. For any of it
to be altered in this way, the whole film must be created. The whole film is a fake!
A movie film is just a strip of little photos (“frames”). The fake film was made by cutting and
pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames. Because the Zapruder film is only
27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had at least several months to
create them. Most were not published for a year after the assassination. This would require
sophisticated photographic work, but well within the technological capabilities of 1963 and 1964.
People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!
But what about the people who watched Zapruder’s film in the days after the assassination? Film
experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the
assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins,
created in 1964). Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people
saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November
1964 as the “Zapruder film”!
In May 2003, scientists and researchers presented their latest findings at a conference in Duluth,
Minnesota. This has now been described in a book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, published in
September 2003. The entire conference can also be viewed on YouTube. The web pages below describe
the best proofs that the Zapruder film is a fake. They describe some of the mistakes that the
forgers made. You can save any of these web pages from your web browser. The images and small movie
clips shown on each page will also be automatically saved with each web page. In the end, you have
to decide for yourself what to believe. But don’t just believe what the U.S. Government tells you!
Courtney Brown - Death in Dallas, Remote Viewing JFK.ogg
JFK audio archive
JFK pics
JFK pics 2
JFK pics 3
Final Judgment Mossad and the JFK Assassination.pdf
George de Mohrenschildt and the Kennedy Assassination.pdf
John F Kennedy Assassination Organized Crime Part 1.pdf
John F Kennedy Assassination Organized Crime Part 2.pdf
John F Kennedy Assassination Organized Crime.pdf
Kennedy Assassination Cover Up.pdf
Kennedy Assassination Final Report.pdf
Official Assassination of JFK.pdf
Twyman Bloody Treason The Assassination of John F Kennedy 2010.pdf
JFK Assassination Film Hoax.pdf
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History Channel banned censored episode The Men Who Killed Kennedy 7 Smoking Guns.3gp
JFK - The Medical Cover Up.webm
JFK Assassination - Nothing but the Truth.webm
JFK Assassination - The Clues.webm
JFK Assassination Conspiracy and the Mary Pinchot Meyer Connection.3gp
JFK Assassination Medical Evidence
JFK the original Zapruder Film HD 720p best Version John F Kennedy 11_22_63.webm
Jim Fetzer - What Happened to JFK and Why It Matters Today.3gp
The JFK Assassination - What really happened.3gp
The JFK assassination The actual footage Rare Vintage.webm
Documentaries 2
Crossfire the Plot that Killed Kennedy - Jim Marrs Reveals NEW Facts and Evidence.webm
JFK - The Medical Cover Up.webm
Rush to Judgment (1966).webm
The JFK Assassination - The First 24 Hours Part 1.webm
The JFK Assassination - The First 24 Hours Part 2.webm
The JFK Assassination - The First 24 Hours Part 3.webm
The JFK Assassination - The First 24 Hours Part 4.webm
The JFK Chronology - Nov 22.webm
The Warren Commission (1999 History Channel Documentary).webm
Documentaries 3
The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 8 - The Love Affair (2003).3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 1 The Coup d'Etat.3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 2 The Forces of Darkness.3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 3 The Cover-Up.3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 4 The Patsy.3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 5 The Witnesses.3gp
The Men Who Killed Kennedy_ Part 6 The Truth Shall Set You Free.3gp
William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (Full Length).3gp
Documentaries 4
JFK Dallas Zapruder Films
Orville Nix film
Zapruder Documentaries
Zapruder Film
JFK Zapruder Hoax
JFK Zapruder Hoax - David Healy
JFK Zapruder Hoax - David Lifton
JFK Zapruder Hoax - David Mantik
JFK Zapruder Hoax - Jack White Interview
JFK Zapruder Hoax - Jim Fetzer
JFK Zapruder Hoax - John Costella
tags: JFK, assassination, conspiracy, John F Kennedy, USA, 1963, archive