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1.26 GiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Minus the movies. Future Torrent!
This is my first torrent, so please, if there are any prolems please tell me!
This is simply a collection of religious documents(pdfs) documentaries, pictures, etc. that i have collected from many torrents, over alot of time. They are from many religions around the world, and although i may have more info about some then others, i tried to include views from all parties.
As little bias as possible, except where obvious (some files may be a bit extreme for some, both the come from BOTH sides of the argument).
Also is any information that by any extent, MAY be related to scripture, historical account, or corspondence with any "prophecy" or religious faith also included.
I hold my own opinions about life, and religion, but i will not push them on you.
I strongly believe that in order to find real truth, you must see from all sides of battle yourself.
Know thyself,
Know thy enemy.
The Following is included In this package:
-Barbed Wire Over America(Con Camps, Lecture)
-Bohemian Club:
.Assorted Pictures
.jeff gannon male prostitute.flv
.Sociology of Bohemian Club.
(obviously missing alot, i know. Future torrent.)
.Wheeler-Frauds and Follies of Early Christian Fathers
.Beyond Belief-Vatican Perspective on Sexual Abuse Scandal
.Cooke-The Popes of Rome
.Poole-Benedict IX and Gregory VI
.Duchesne-Temporal Sovereignty of the Popes
.McCabe-Crisis in History of Papacy
.De La Gattina-Rome and Papacy
.Whately-Rise, Progress and Corruptions of Christianity
.Cornwell-Hitlers Pope_Secret History of Pius XII
.MacGrail-Curse of Rome
.Hogan-A Synopsis of Popery as It Was and as it is
.Yates-What Popery is When Armed with Power
.Sinclair-The Morals of the Church of Rome
.Horne-Romanism Contradictory to Bible
.The Absurdities of Popery
.Rose-The Churches and Usury
.Mystery of the Black Box
.Cooke-Papal Theonomy and America Today
.Corruption within Modern Christianity
.Christianity the Religion of Love
.Criminal History Papacy 1, 2, and 3
.The New Testament-A historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings
.The Vaticans Banker.flv
-Church and Religion (misc)
.A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cuneiform and Other Epic Fragments in the Pierpont Morgan Library
.Flying Serpents and Dragons
.Gershom Scholem-Origins of the Kabbalah
.God and the Reach of Reason
.Its All about the Control-The-god-jesus-and-ET-coverup-stubbs-2006
.Kerouac The word and the Way
.The Near Death Newsletter
.The Mahabharata and the Sindhu-Sarasvati tradition
-Egyption Mythology
.Albertus Magnus-Egyptian Secrets, or White and Black Art for Man and Beast
(more to come, Future torrents
-Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
.A Dictionary of Literary Symbols
.Demonology Revealed
.Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses
.Dictionary of Symbols
.Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters, and Animal Power Symbols-A handbook
.Mystics and Messiahs
.The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions
.Who's Who in Classical Mythology
-Forbidden Gospels
.The Apocalypse of Peter
(DEFINATELY more to come, future torrent)
.Assorted Pictures
.Alexander Lawrie-The History of Freemasonry
.Augustus Row-Masonic Biography and Dictionary
.Avery Allyn- A ritual of Freemasonry
.Cornelius Moore-The Crafstman and Freemasons Guide
.David Bernard-Light On Masonry
.Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry
.Ecclesiastical Record
.Emmanuel Rebold-A General History Of Freemasonry In Europe
.Freemasons Magazine Or general and complete library
.George Oliver-The Antiquities of Freemasonry
.George Oliver-The Revelations of A Square
.George Oliver-The Star in the East
.Henry Dana Ward-Freemasonry
.Henry Jones-Letters On Masonry
.Henry Parmele-Key to the First Chart of the Masonic Mirror
.James Creighton Odiorne-Opinions on Speculative Masonry
.James Hardie-The New Freemasons Monitor
.James Harper-The Ahiman Rezon
.James Moore-Masonic Consitutions of Illustrations of masonry
.Jeremy Ladd Cross-The True Masonic Chart
.John Monseley Dunham-The Vocal Companion and Masonic Register
.John Quincy Adams-Letter On The Masonic Institution
.Janothan Ashe-The Masonic Manual
.Janathan Scot-The Pocket Companion and History of Freemasons
.Joseph Emerson-Letter to the Members of teh Genesee Consociation NY
.Joshua Bradley-Some of the Beauties of Freemasonry
.Laurence Dermott-Ahiman Rezon
.Lon Milo Duquette-The Key to Solomon_s_key
.Luther Pratt-The American Masonic Register
.Pamphlets on Freemasons Library and General Ahim Rezon
.Thaddues Mason Harris-Discourses Delievered On Public Occasion
.The Unauthorized Guide
.The Consitution and Regulations of the Society of Ancient Masons in Virginia
.The Freemasons Monthly Magazine IV
.The Freemasons Monthly Magazine XXII
.The Freemasons Monthly Magazine XXV
.The Freemasons Monthly Magazine XXVII
.The Masonic Miscellany and Ladies Literary Magazine
.The Templars Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor
.Thomas Smith Webb-The Freemasons Monitor
.William Preston-Illustrations of Masonry
.The Light Behind Masonry -Bill Schnoebelen.flv
-The Georgia Guidestones
.The Georgia Guidestones-A Warning.flv
.Assorted Pictures
.Constance A. Jones-Encylopedia of Hinduis,
-Islam Vs Islamists
.Islam Vs Islamists.avi
.The Divine Book(all parts,
.Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series
(obviously more to come, future torrent)
.Issac Myer-Qabbalah, The Philosophical Writings of Ibn Gebirol
.Kenneth Hanson-Kabbalah, 3000 years of mystic Tradition
.Rabbi Jacob I.Schochet-Deep Calling Unto Deep(The Mystical Dimension Vol.1)
.Rabbi Jacob I Schochet-The Mystical Tradition(The Mystical Dimension Vol.1)
S. Pancoast-The Kabbala or the True Science of Light
S.L. MacGragor Mathers-Kabbala Denudata
Sepharial-The Kabala of Numbers
Steven Ashe - The Qabalah of 50 Gates
.Codex Becker I-II
.Codex Borgia
.Codex Cospi
.Codex Dresden
.Codex Egerton 2895
.Codex Fejevary-Mayer
.Codex Grolier
.Codex Ixtlilxochitl
.Codex Laud
.Codex Madrid
.Codex Magliabechiano
.Codex Paris
.Explantion of Codexes
.Mayan Writing-Codices
.Rik Clay and 2012[uncencored].avi
.The Cosmic Mind Blog
.Alpha Mind Control
.GMS manual_public
.Assorted Pictures
(obviously more to come, future torrent, but the pictures tell their own story. Let those with eyes see. ;) )
.A.Crowley (funeral documents and such)
.Assorted Pictures
.DNA vs The Book of Mormon.flv
.The Antichrist
(more to come, future torrent)
.Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts
.Christian zionism
.AIPAC jew attacks Anti Zionist Jews.avi
(much more to come, future torrent)
-Extras Not in Folders
.2012 The End of the World Ebook
.Allen-Ancient Pyramid texts
.Judith Bennett-Sex Signs
.Conway-A Little Book of Altar Magic
.Customizing the Body-The Art and Culture of Tattooing
.Encyclopedia of Philosphy
.Enlightenment through orbs
.The American Attack on Christianity.avi
.Genevieve Lewis Paulson-Kundalini and the Chakras
.Gulag USA-Concentration Camps in America-Texe Marrs
.Kenneth Grant-The Ninth Arch
.Michael R Kellogg-Wondrous Wisdom
.Minds and Gods-Todd Tremlin
.Nosty Proven
.Persephone's Quest
.Religion as a Human Capacity
.Runic Amulets and Magic Objects-Malestrom
.Shamans Wisdom
.Skeptics guide to the paranormal
.The History of the Devil.avi
(Alright i need to explain a little something here. If your alctually reading all this, U are obviously in the know of the truth, so here this. I do think this movie is disinfo direct from the masons, so watch it carefully. Anyone with any real background will see why. Notice the checkered floors and pish posh opionions. I think youll see what i mean. I keep it in here on purpose, just for that. You have been warned)
.The Secret Origins of the Bible
.The Ultimate Encylopedia of Spells
.Transmission-A Meditation for the new age(...)
The Shortcuts in this torrent DO NOT WORK. I didnt want to tear apart the "database" ive set up on my own computer so instead ive decided to make a promise. Every non working shortcut included, will eventually be released as its own torrent. Thats my promise.
My goal here is not to infringe on copyrights.
It is not to take credit for others work or torrents.
I simply cannot remember where i found EVERY BIT of this info.
i know many many of the pdfs have come from gsrxjunkie, we all know who that is, thanks be to him.
If you have a problem with anything in this torrent, legitimately, please contact me through concen. My name is thatknifeguy. I will do what is right.
My goal is simply to do my part in the human hunt for truth.
Im sure we can all feel what is about to happen to our world, what is happening to our world.
the rules of man are obsolete.
The law of god is all that remains now.
Whatever that may be or mean to you, may god bless you, and everyone you peacefully come in contact with.
God bless