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The recent Sep 11th Show of Rense with Rebekah Roth on 911 whodunit seems to have had a small follow up on the 17th Sep, hour 2 by Prof James Fetzer along with Preston James.
Whilst getting that show ready I thought it would be cool to put out the UFO type shows from Aug and then all of Sep up to today.
Go ahead and add for your commute to work or evening listening pleasure?
Also just on the topic of Rense, really feel that Jeff has provide some precious radio for the kind of community that is here and if any one has even a few bucks to spare a month you would be doing a really great thing by supporting Jeff, so basically if you dig Jeff go ahead and sign up for a month there is no real excuse?, he is a real light in a dark world of lies so lets support.
August 4
Hour 1 - George Filer - Filer's Files
August 7
Hour 1 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitness Sightings - Special Guests Scott & Suzanne Ramsey Dr. Frank Thayer
Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitness Sightings - Special Guests Scott & Suzanne Ramsey Dr. Frank Thayer
August 11
Hour 2 - James Roger Brown - ET Human Mutilations
August 18
Hour 2 - George Filer, Frank Chille - Special Guest Lt Col Don Ware - The UFO/ET Coverup
Hour 3 - George Filer, Frank Chille - Special Guest Lt Col Don Ware - The UFO/ET Coverup
August 21
Hour 1 - Harry Cooper - The Truth About WW2
Hour 2 - Harry Cooper - The Truth About WW2
Sept 1
Hour 1 - George Filer - Filer's Files
Hour 2 - Ann Serling - Rod 'Twilight Zone' Serling's Daughter
Hour 3 - Brother Nathanel - If I Were President
Sept 2
Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley -Geopolitical Analysis
Hour 2 - Gordon Duff
Hour 3 - Michael Cisternino -US Commercial Real Estate Dying?
Sept 3
Hour 1 - Andy Gause - US Gold Coins & The Economy
Hour 2 - James Fetzer - Updates - Special Guest Preston James
Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases
Sept 4
Hour 1 - Madeline Gerwick - Astrology And You
Hour 2 - Madeline Gerwick - Astrology And You
Hour 3 - Pete Santilli - On Location
Sept 7
Hour 1 - Dr Richard Sauder - The View From South Ameirca
Hour 2 - Joseph Curto - JoeTalk… The Peoples' Voice
Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report - & Richard Wilcox PhD
Sept 8
Hour 1 - Zachary King - 15 Times At Bohemian Grove
Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - GeoPolitical Analysis
Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
Sept 9
Hour 1 - James Wilburn Chauncey - Near Death Experiences
Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - Smoke & Mirrors
Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
Sept 10
Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends Come Home
Hour 2 - Blake Sawyer - A Most Unusual Conversation
Hour 3 - Blake Sawyer - A Most Unusual Conversation
Sept 11
Hour 1 - Dr. Judy Wood PhD - On 9/11
Hour 2 - Dr. Judy Wood PhD - On 9/11
Hour 3 - Rebekah Roth 9/11 - Whodunit?
Sept 14
Hour 1 - Jonathan Emord - The Trump Phenomenon
Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - A Conversation
Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report
Sept 15
Hour 1 - Harry Cooper & Clark McClelland - WW2 German UFO …'The Bell'
Hour 2 - Harry Cooper & Clark McClelland - WW2 German UFO …'The Bell'
Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan - The View From SF
Sept 16
Hour 1 - David Jacobs PhD - ETs Walking Among Us
Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical-Military Analysis
Hour 3 - Victor Fletcher & Windee
Sept 17
Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Back To School Flu Season
Hour 2 - Prof James Fetzer - Preston James - Current Events
Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - RENSE WORLD EXCLUSIVE! - Dr Doyle Confirms CDC Bringing Active XXDR TB HERE!
Sept 18
Hour 1 - George Filer & Frank Chille - Special Guest Brett Dieter
Hour 2 - George Filer & Frank Chille - Special Guest Brett Dieter
Hour 3 - David John Oates - Reverse Speech Newsmakers
Sept 21
Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - Ann Coulter and the Jews
Hour 2 - Ronnie McMullen - Hollywood Mind Control
Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu & Richard Wilcox PhD - Fukushima Report
If you enjoy Jeff Rense sign up for a subscription, support this great show for only a few dollars a month, if $6 a month cant leave your pocket for this kind of show were can it go?
Thanks so much for this
Thanks so much for this upload