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William Cooper (Clip) Lindsey Williams exposed, Freemason Allegation
William Cooper's allegation that Lindsey Williams is a Mason. From 36 seconds onward. Transcript below from that William Cooper excerpt.
"When I was in Salt Lake City speaking at Prepardness Expo. Lindsey Williams approached me, shook my hand and said he heard my talk and asked me if I was a 'Traveling Man'. I said what you mean 'Do you travel'. I said..uh Can You Elaborate A little bit. He said 'Have You ever been to the East'. I said I understand what you are talking about and I am not a member of your brotherhood. He gave me one each of his books and I gave him my book. He told me if I needed any help to let him know. I told him I surely would. He not realizing he already helped me extensively (Long Pause) by revealing this to you I am helping you"