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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Jan 2014 week 1

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Jan 2014 week 1

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Federal Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.

Mike Rivero launched What Really Happened [initially called Rancho Runamukka] as a subpage on his business web site in 1993 asking pointed questions about the death of White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster.
As more and more investigations revealed more government deceptions, the project grew in size and eventually moved to its own domain [] where it resides today.
His WRH website is among the top ten ranked daily political news sites on the Internet, with a global readership in the millions. What Really Happened is proud to be one of the oldest political blogs on the net.
Rivero runs the WhatReallyHappened radio show on the Republic Broadcasting Network now, and makes good use of his sharp wit to help his blog visitors and radio listeners not only to read/hear the news but to understand what IS really happening.

Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.

word of the year: Sayanim - 'Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.'

'Megaphone' - 2 Greek words 'mega' = big, 'phone' = voice/sound.
The name given to the Israeli/jewish program that provides money to mega-malakes (ie Israelis/jews) to search the net for information/posts/comments that are critical and not acceptable to Israel/jews. When such information is found, an 'instant message' is sent out to all other mega-malakes on the program, and the Israelis/jews then attack that site. It is in essence 'INTERNET TERRORISM'.

and remember: ALL RAW DATA collected by the NSA, is given to Israel.

Judaism = a religion of self worship.

'Jews think any 'non-Jew' is less than human'. Their word for a 'non-human' is Goyim (similar to cattle)

This is why we have so much trouble and wars on earth. Because these handful of mentally fucked criminals, believe that they are better than other humans, which then encourages them to lie & cheat & steal & kill other non-jews, without any feelings of guilt or remorse. Ironically, in having that fucked up belief and associated behaviour/actions, the Jews show themselves to be barbaric/ non-human (ie the jew is the real Goyim). QED. You have to love the irony.