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John Stadtmiller 2012.09.20 John Gets Upset - CF

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John Stadtmiller Sep 20 2012 John Gets Upset - CF

Edited by Shortwave from a stream capture and uploaded to Concen.Org

In three days of fund-raising, only $800 was collected for the network. He needs donations to keep the network running. Paul Drockton joins him later on in the broadcast.

I hope he doesn't fold the network, I'd rather listen to Stadtmiller over Jones any day. Maybe people don't have the money to donate, archives are $72 a year and maybe whatever donations that would have come in, went to pay for the archives.

In addition, maybe whatever money people have left after paying the bills are going into survival items. Maybe keeping a network going is not as much a priority to some as having some extra food and water set aside is more important.

Still, John Stadtmiller needs your support to keep the network running, if you can.