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120.63 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Monatomic m-State Gold and the Philosopher's Stone
Papyrus of Ani
Egyptian Book of the Dead
240 BC
Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge
"Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are
holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. Thou art the governor of Tattu (Busiris),
and also the mighty one in Sekhem (Letopolis). Thou art the Lord to whom praises are ascribed in the nome
of Ati, thou art the Prince of divine food in Anu. Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the
Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qerrt (Elephantine), the Ruler supreme in White Wall (Memphis). Thou art the
Soul of Ra, his own body, and hast thy place of rest in Henensu (Herakleopolis). Thou art the beneficent
one, and art praised in Nart. Thou makest thy soul to be raised up. Thou art the Lord of the Great House in
Khemenu (Hermopolis). Thou art the mighty one of victories in Shas-hetep, the Lord of eternity, the
Governor of Abydos. The path of his throne is in Ta-tcheser (a part of Abydos). Thy name is established in
the mouths of men. Thou art the substance of Two Lands (Egypt). Thou art Tem, the feeder of Kau
(Doubles), the Governor of the Companies of the gods. Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits. The
god of the Celestial Ocean (Nu) draweth from thee his waters. Thou sendest forth the north wind at
eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart. Thy heart reneweth its youth, thou
producest the.... The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open
themselves before thee. Thou art he to whom praises are ascribed in the southern heaven, and thanks are
given for thee in the northern heaven. The imperishable stars are under thy supervision, and the stars which
never set are thy thrones. Offerings appear before thee at the decree of Keb. The Companies of the Gods
praise thee, and the gods of the Tuat (Other World) smell the earth in paying homage to thee. The uttermost
parts of the earth bow before thee, and the limits of the skies entreat thee with supplications when they see
thee. The holy ones are overcome before thee, and all Egypt offereth thanksgiving unto thee when it meeteth
Thy Majesty. Thou art a shining Spirit-Body, the governor of Spirit-Bodies; permanent is thy rank,
established is thy rule. Thou art the well-doing Sekhem (Power) of the Company of the Gods, gracious is
thy face, and beloved by him that seeth it. Thy fear is set in all the lands by reason of thy perfect love, and
they cry out to thy name making it the first of names, and all people make offerings to thee. Thou art the
lord who art commemorated in heaven and upon earth. Many are the cries which are made to thee at the
Uak festival, and with one heart and voice Egypt raiseth cries of joy to thee.
The Secret Book
By Artephius
This treatise describes the entire process of preparing the philosopher's stone. There are three separate
operations described here:
The preparation of the 'secret fire' (the catalyst or solvent which is used throughout the whole work,
without which nothing can be achieved, but which is seldom if ever mentioned in any alchemical
The preparation of 'mercury' (a metallic vapor made from antimony and iron, said to resemble vulgar
mercury (Hg) in appearance, necessary in the preparation of the stone) and
The preparation of the stone itself.
These operations are not presented in sequence. The reader will note that the language is allusive and
recondite, that several names are used to refer to the same thing and that one name is used to refer to several
things. This is, however, an exceptionally clear alchemical text.
Artephius is said to have written this in the 12th century.
Armand Barbault - Gold of a Thousand Mornings (1969) (rare and expensive book)
Unique work of the French Alchemical Tradition
By Nigel C. Jackson "'Nigromancer700'" (Adocentyn)
It's over 20 years since I first read this tome, with a certain sense of wonder, and allowed its startling concepts to impregnate my imagination, inspiring and drawing me deeper into the enchanted labyrinth of mediaeval Alchemical texts, symbology and esoteric teachings - this unique and amazing book by the French astrologer and alchemist Armand Barbault made a lasting and deep impression - it is definitely a peculiarly brilliant exposition of the spagyric aspect of the alchemical opus and in particular the process of distilling the Aurum Potabile, in the Paracelsian medicinal tradition. The arcana of the Secret Fire, the Peat of the Philosophers, the Salt-key which opens the palace of the golden King and the curious properties of the Philosophical Dew are all examined in great detail. Barbault's text is wonderful in that it gives such a profound insight into the visionary modus operandi of the Ars Regia and many exquisite jewels of hermetic knowledge and technical praxis are imparted throughout. In particular the commentaries by Barbault on the enigmatic plates of the Mutus Liber are extremely illuminating. The photos in the book, illustrating the various stages of the work are truly fascinating. The sympathetic introduction by the eminent French esoterist Raymond Abellio, whose important ideas incidentally are still very little known in the English-speaking world, is also well worth reading. All in all a classic work illustrating the mysteries of preparing the 'liquor of gold' which casts much light on the phases and symbolism of the alchemical work. More than just another superficial book on alchemy, 'Gold of a Thousand Mornings' is a window into the work of an authentic 'Chymist' working in the traditional way and a veritable classic of the Hermetic Art.
Bardbault, Armand. Gold of a Thousand Mornings. Neville Spearman (1975)
review by Rawn Clark
This is a lovely volume. Of greatest importance is that it deals directly with one aspect of Alchemy that is often spoken of only in the most enigmatic terms. Namely, that we must capture the aliveness of things and we must enhance the materia with it, and with the Electric and Magnetic Fluids. This book is long out of print and a rare find, but if you do ever come across it, snatch it up immediately!
In Pursuit of Gold by Lapidus - Alchemy Today in Theory and Practice
(This book is rare and expensive)
Chapter 6 The Green Lion
It is said of "our mercury", the artificial mercury, that gold will dissolve in it as ice in warm
water, but the gold takes a long time, possibly a year, before this takes place. It is also called
the "dry water which will not wet the hand", and this because it arises as a vapour when
it is extracted from metals, and naturally distills into a liquid when it is cooled.
Before considering further quotations from a few treatises which bear out what has been
outlined in previous chapters, it is as well to investigate some more rather difficult
terminology. Prepared mercury is the vapour of metals, and extracted from antimony and iron.
Saturn, the planetary name given to lead in the old days, was never used to describe the metal.
It is a blind designed to mislead, and invented owing to its descriptively dark nature. The first
change the compound undergoes is that it becomes black in forty days or more (90 days are
optimum). But if this colouring was due to lead, nothing will come of the experiment.
Also note that antimony is not mentioned at all, but Mars (the name given for iron) is
Now to deal with the problem as to whether Venus (or copper) is to be used in the work of
preparing the " Secret Fire ".
Many alchemical adepts said that Venus is of no use for the purposes of alchemy, and looked
upon it with contempt. But Philalethes claims that without Venus nothing will be achieved.
We quote from his poem The Marrow of Alchemy. (Remember Saturn is really antimony,
Mars iron, and the sun gold.).
Mars is the stout and valiant god of war, His body vile, and little is esteemed,
He's fierce of courage, conquering near & far all sturdy opposites, and may be deemed,
that his rough outside hidden doth enclose, a spirit whose full virtue no man knows
Venus, the planet fair, the god of love, Whose beauty the stout god of war allures,
her central salt; whoso has wit to prove, shall find a key all secrets which assures
the owner for to find; I say no more, for this disclosed by none, hath been before.
To Saturn, Mars with bonds of love is tied, who is by him devoured of mighty force,
whose spirit Saturn's body doth divide, and both combining yield a secret source,
from whence doth flow a water wondrous bright, In which the sun doth set and lose its light.
The "bonds of love" which must be joined as a preliminary work indicate the use of Venus
(copper) to join the regulus of Saturn (antimony) and Mars (iron). More detail from
58. But of this mercury, if you desire, the secret for to learn, attend to me, for this is a water
which yet is fire, which conquers bodies from their fixed degree, and makes them fly much
like a spirit pure, this after fixing all flame to endure.
60. Tis Saturn's offspring who a well doth keep, in which cause Mars to be drowned, then let
Saturn in this well behold his face, which will seem fresh, young and tender, when the souls
of both are thus together blended, for each by the other needs to be amended.
The Philosopher's Stone by Colin Wilson
...There was no ‘unreality’ about all this. I could see it as clearly as I could see the actual faces in
Piccadilly a few hours before. A large number of the men wore beards, and the Henry the Eighth
beard seemed popular. An unusual number of the faces I saw seemed disfigured in various ways. A
girl of about sixteen was standing with her back to me, and looked trim and pretty. When she
turned, I saw that her left nostril was missing, as if it had been cut off with a knife. Many faces
were pock-marked. A large percentage of the women - even the young ones - had hair streaked with
grey, which may well have been due to some vitamin deficiency in their diet. I also noticed several
rats strolling across the street as casually as if they had been dogs, and this made me speculate
whether some of the disfigurements might not be due to rats attacking sleeping babies.
Perhaps one of the oddest features, to my eyes, was the juxtaposition of poverty and wealth. Some
houses were magnificent in a tall, Rembrandt-ish way, and these might be next door to hovels
whose floors were made of stamped earth. Elaborately painted coaches and crude farm carts drove
across the square, often at a pace that seemed highly dangerous for pedestrians. Beggars and well
dressed men with swords pushed against one another. I noted that the clothes seemed extremely
coarse by our modern standards. Most people, rich and poor, wore stockings of lumpy wool, and
the cloth of their garments struck me as little better than sacking. In spite of this, people looked
healthy enough, and there were a great many more obese men and women - grossly, wobbingly fat -
than could be seen in any modern city.
I came back to the manuscript room with immense relief. It was like returning from a long - and
rather unpleasant - journey. I looked at the clock; it was only four fifteen. It seemed to me that I had
been away for hours. I touched Littleway’s arm and whispered ‘Come on’. We handed in the
manuscript and edition of the sonnets, and left. As we came into the courtyard of the museum, with
its noise of pigeons and the sunlight on trees, I felt a great wave of satisfaction, and found myself
looking with delight at the unlittered ground, the neat house fronts opposite, the light summer
dresses of girls.
As we climbed into the car, I told Littleway briefly what I had experienced. He was more excited
about it than I was - I was now feeling oddly tired and flat. He asked me at least half a dozen times:
‘Are you sure it wasn’t a dream.’ I said I was quite certain it wasn’t, because I had opened my eyes
and looked around me before sinking back to this ‘visionary’ level....
Edward Kelly's the Stone of the Philosophers
...Persons who have fallen into this fatal error may also derive benefit from the teaching of Avicenna on this point:
"Quicksilver is cold and humid, and of it, or with it, God had created all metals. It is aerial, and becomes volatile by
the action of fire, but when it has withstood the fire a little time, it accomplishes geat marvels, and is itself only a
living spirit of unexampled potency. It enters and penetrates all bodies, passes through them, and is their ferment. It
is then the White and the Red Elixir and is an everlasting water, the water of life, the Virgin's milk, the spring, and
that Alum of which whosoever drinks cannot die, etc. It is the wanton serpent that conceives of its own seed, and
brings forth on the same day. With its poison it destroys all things. It is volatile, but the wise make it to abide the
fire, and then it transmutes as it has been transmuted, and tinges as it has been tinged, and coagulates as it has been
coagulated. Therefore is the generation of quicksilver to be preferred before all minerals; it is found in all ores, and
has its sign with all. Quicksilver is that which saves metals from combustion, and renders them fusible. It is the Red
Tincture which enters into the most intimate union with metals, because it is of their own nature, mingles with them
indissolubly in all their smallest parts, and, being homogeneous, naturally adheres to them. Mercury receives all
homogeneous substances, but rejects all that is heterogeneous, because it delights in its own nature, but recoils from
whatsoever is strange. How foolish, then, to spoil and destroy that which Nature made the seed of all metallic virtue
by elaborate chemical operations!"...
------- - ORME
Monoatomic elements are nothing more than elements which are chemically
isolated, i.e. instead of 60 atoms of Carbon are 34 atoms of Silicon being bound
together in something called a Buckministerfullerene or a knobbier version of the
same. The significance lies in the fact that when a single element metal progresses
from a normal metallic state to a monoatomic state, it passes through a series of
chemically different states. These include:
· An alloy of numerous atoms of the same element, which exhibit all the
characteristics normally associated with the metal: electrical conductivity, color,
specific gravity, density, and so forth. The atom’s intrinsic temperature might be
room temperature.
· A combination of significantly fewer atoms of the same element, which no longer
exhibit all of the characteristics normally associated with the metal. For example,
the electrical conductivity or color might change. The atom’s intrinsic
temperature drops, for example, to 50 to 100 oK (or about two hundred degrees
below zero oC).
· A Microcluster of far few atoms -- typically on the order of less than one hundred
atoms, and as few as a dozen or so atoms. The metal characteristics begin to
fall off one by one until the so-called metal is hardly recognized. The intrinsic
temperature has now fallen to the range of 10 to 20 oK, only slightly above
Absolute Zero.
· A Monoatomic form of the element -- in which each single atom is chemically
inert and no longer possesses normal metallic characteristics; and in fact, may
exhibit extraordinary properties. The atom’s intrinsic temperature is now about 1
K, or close enough to Absolute Zero that Superconductivity is a virtually
automatic condition.
A case in point is Gold. Normally a yellow metal with a precise electrical
conductivity and other metallic characteristics, the metallic nature of gold begins to
change as the individual gold atoms form chemical combinations of increasingly
small numbers. At a microcluster stage, there might be 13 atoms of gold in a single
asc-alchemy - White Powder Gold
White powder gold (monoatomic gold), rediscovered by David Hudson and popularized by Laurence
Gardner, has been used for ages on this planet to greatly accelerate the ascension process. Lemuria,
Egypt, and other sacred civilizations and spiritual sects have utilized this little-known spiritual
White powder gold as well as monoatomic rhodium and monoatomic iridium are unique in form and
function. David Hudson theorized that the elongated nuclei (2:1 height/width ratio)* of monoatomic
elements allowing for a high spin state, along with "paired" electrons, makes them
biosuperconductors. White powder gold together with white powder rhodium/iridium facilitate a flow
of energy thru the body with little or no resistance: and that light continues to flow, even without
additional external potential.
As you move from 3rd-4th to 5th dimensional beings of light the innate resistances (some call karma)
to the higher dimensional frequencies can cause discomfort, imbalance, and even disease. These
resistances are reflected on many levels: as physical tension and organic disturbances, as convoluted
core beliefs and emotional imbalance, as samskaras or seed blocks in the chakras, as aberrant DNA.
White powder gold together with white powder rhodium and iridium can supersede these resistances
by allowing a continual flow of light that ultimately washes away and heals, all the way down to the
sub-atomic level.
The elements that comprise all matter at and above the atomic level are composed of atoms with
electrons that are effectively free of each other; the total energy of the electron system is the sum of
the energies of the individual electrons, the charge. In white powder gold, indeed in all monatomic
elements, electrons can bond together by their mutual interaction. These electrons are spinning at very
high speeds with equal and opposite momentum. Monoatomic gold creates a light vortex that is
spinning, or spiraling at tremendous speed with zero momentum, a null particle/wave. (A particle is a
wave that is brought into form by attention and observation)
The vortex created is no longer truly a particle or wave in space/time. These "null waves" exist in a
state beyond your blockages, yet they intersect physical reality carrying more and more Light thru
your bodies. White powder gold allows for the path of growth thru struggle to fall away, opening
you to a more joyous process.
------- - ORMUS
ORMUS and Pyramids
by Barry Carter
Pyramid Energy
According to Dr. Philip Callahan, rose granite -- which was used in the construction
of the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid -- is one of the most paramagnetic
substances he has measured. Limestone, which covered the Great Pyramid, is
diamagnetic. The cone shape and the pyramid shape are often considered to be
energetically equivalent. Both are said to generate a spin field from the apex.
The story accompanying the pyramid image is about the pyramid energy research
of Mary and Dean Hardy of Allegan, Michigan. The Hardys once took a gold coin
and hung at the King's Chamber level of a Great Pyramid scale replica. After some
time the gold coin got a clear "oil" on it and the gold was etched away under the
drops of oil. Another pyramid experimenter replicated the Hardy's experiment.
Joshua Gulick suggests that the pyramid is the alchemists "secret fire". He says
that he has used this secret fire to dissolve metallic gold into the alchemical/m-
state oil of gold and that this oil of gold dried into, first a white powder, then a red
powder. These products of gold are well described in the alchemical literature as
steps toward the Philosopher's Stone. You can read Joshua's account of his
experiments at...
Instruction Manuals: How to create m-state gold.
All magnetic traps rely somewhat on vortex effects but this particular trap uses a vortex a bit
more actively. The vortex trap uses something called the "vortex tube phenomenon".
Following is a description of the vortex tube phenomenon from the Vortec web site at:
"Vortex Tube Phenomenon
The vortex tube was discovered in 1930 by French physicist Georges
Ranque. Vortec was the first company to develop this phenomenon
into practical, effective cooling solutions for industrial appliacations.
Here's how it works.
Fluid that rotates about an axis -- like a tornado -- is called a vortex.
A vortex tube creates a vortex from compressed air and separates it
into two air streams -- one hot and one cold. Compressed air enters a
cylindrical generator which is proportionately larger than the hot
(long) tube where it causes the air to rotate. Then, the rotating air is
forced down the inner walls of the hot tube at speeds reaching
1,000,000 rpm. At the end of the hot tube, a small portion of this air
exits through a needle valve as hot air exhaust. The remaining air is
forced back through the center of the incoming air stream at a slower speed. The heat
in the slower moving air is transferred to the faster moving incoming air. This super-
cooled air flows through the center of the generator and exits through the cold air
exhaust port."
Vortex tubes can also be used to separate oil from water. When oil and water are spun together
in a vortex tube the water, being heavier tends to follow the path of the hot air in the example
cited above and the oil being lighter follows the cold air path and exits through the cold air
exhaust port.
A magnetic ORMUS trap separates the portion of water which is superconducting ORMUS
material from that portion which is just plain water. In the example above, the water would
follow the hot air path and the ORMUS water would follow the cold air path. This effect is
induced by spinning the water in a tube which has magnetic tape or other magnetic structures
attached to it. Here is a vortex trap made of transparent acrylic with the inner vortex clearly visible.
The materials used to make a non-transparent PVC version of this trap cost less than $20.
Comment: Never stop trying.