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Have you ever wondered where the moon came from?
Have you ever contemplated how the asteroid belt Came to be?
These are basic things to WONDER about!! We need everyone’s help!! Do your part!!
When the student is ready, the teacher will present one’s self.
Come help us figure this mystery OUT!!!!
No matter what your color or belief or age, YOU can be a scientist!!
Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science!!
TRUE POSITIVE things happen all around YOU!!!
Your Children, (ARE) Tomorrow's LEADERS!!!-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>
These are for Comet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!
NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!
We are here for Research ONLY!!
If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!
Scientific Evidences Concerning the End of our Existence.Siegfried Bok.2009
(in flv format)
3 Hours 8 minutes
by S.W.Bok:
Head and chairman of the Research Insitute of Revelation
Ex cancer- and illnesse-researcher and ...
A disciple of the Ancient Oriental Wisdom
concerning the cosmic laws of matter.
Disorientated from the orient
Owing to a coincidence - finding the origin of cancer-development [1985] - I came in contact with Ancient Oriental Wisdom.
Besides cancer was found to be described in detail the ancient doctrine about the laws of matter let us: "All cycles in the Universe are equal ones and everything happens at the same moment".
-Doesn't this implies that one can reconstruct all cycles of the immense Universe as soon as we know one cycle completely?
-Doesn't this imply as well, that one can see in the past, the present and the future also by knowing one cycle in its perfection?
Then it should be as easy as well to predict our predicted Apocalypse or even the Big Bang and Big Crunch.
From that time I became fascinated / even obsessed by this seemingly simple proposition.
Now -about 20 years later - I can state, that this ancient inheritance of about 6000 years old is "Nothing but the Truth"
Hundreds and hundreds equal cycles were found during time.
Now I can state that our evolutionary process of life on earth or mankind's evolution of thinking, our cultures which appear and disappear follow the same and predictable cycles of the Universal Law of matter.
Even the cosmic changes in our expanding part of the Universe as well as the processes in the center of our universe are part of this simple doctrine.
It is absolutely amazing how these Ancient Scientists let us this know-how in such a simple way.
Recently one was able to prove my earlier supposition that even in an electron -turning around its "black hole" its nucleus our entire evolutionary process inclusively a micro-micro Big Bang was found. [Koltick 2003]
During time I found hundreds of equal cycles and nearly all showed me, that we stay on the eve of an earthly Big Bang and mentioned in the Bible as "Uranus" or "Hell-Fire".
We stay at the end of evolution as well as at the day before a Big Bang and Big Crunch.
I found even cosmic evidences concerning the predicted 1000 years after re-finding the Paradise and the Universal Apocalypse [about in the year 3012].
Mankind will abandon this sinking ship first [24-12-2012] , after which all life inclusively water will disappear slowly during this interim period.
This process of revolution to an empty earth is again equal to what happens during the last breath, in which the film of our individual walk through life is turned back in an extreme speed. [see : the last breath]
Nearly all re-found cycles showed me the same evidence except two of them.
Even this was part of the Ancient Wisdom by stating "The biggest and smallest did find the Golden Grail of Eternity and all in between is be cursed with temporality". These were found to be the entire universe and the atom.
I write this website for the "Research Institute Revelation".
This independent Institute is a persiflage and/or black humor concerning our "Pride before the Fall".
It is gallows humor to all leading cartels in our sophisticated world of science.
This Research Institute of Revelation is donated by our system-dictatorship completely.
It is donated on the initiative of the Royal Dutch Society of Medicine [KNMG] and the Dutch Government.
It was their homage about my scientific disclosures of the cycle-waves of illnesses and wars during every Zodiac.
Owing to this generous offer I was able to every free minute to re-open the "black box of Ancient Wisdom".
Now I can state that our renewed Testament is a real testament and the bible is a purely scientific book of the laws of matter in the Universe.
It was written in incomprehensible comparisons in order to give us hope until the end of our days and that we should fulfill our cosmic task as well: a nuclear war and/or the earthly Big Bang.
Unfortunately most of the stories concerning these cycles are written I Dutch. I will try to translate them all as long as Internet gives us the possibility.
On a previous separate website more English articles can be found and there you will find also a recent book about Christianity, entitled: "Christianity, a perfect crime passionnelle".
We really are disorientated from the Orient!!!
The life-cycle of Mother Earth
I presented this article in OhmyNews as being a reaction of the biggest manifestation ever [Live 8] as well as the G8 conference. Then 8 leaders make decisions about the future for all of us.
In my humble opinion this manifestation is not only a commitment concerning the poverty, but also a deep feeling of fear that it goes wrong.
This replacement of fear is such a typical mankind's attitude, that I think that this is the main reason for this manifestation.
Where I can put this unbelievable story about "the pregnancy of Mother Earth" better than in an oriental journal?
There lies the cradle of wisdom!
There lies the cradle of ancient oriental wisdom, that stated: "All cycles in the Universe are equal ones and everything happens at the same time in these cycles"
It is the cosmic play of these 1001 cycles from which 50% turn "Uni" and 50% "Versum".
This very old doctrine symbolized in the so-called cycle of the 5-elements is still used by practitioners of acupuncture and electro-acupuncture. It is an old vision of the interaction between all organs in our body.
Owing to an absurd coincidence I can tell you now, that our period of pregnancy as well as the trigger for delivery are completely equal to the life cycle under the coat of Mother Earth.
Curiously our Bible let us an exact description of this process.
It was the ancient monks of about 6000 - 8000 years ago, about which I published recent in the article "The origin of Faith".
It is from which the Bible states that we should "re"-find or "re"-search this wisdom at the end of our days.
The fact that the Mayan calendar stops at the metaphoric birth of Jesus Christ at 2012 is part of this ancient wisdom as well.
A search into the labyrinth of our being
I was a medical specialist and after a "Universal" study of about 12 years I had the feeling that I only learned empirically found tricks to counteract a unique quality of mankind: illness.
The more I learned, even more I had the feeling of knowing nothing.
This was my trigger to start a fundamental study of biology of one cellular organisms and general cell-behaviours. It was my knowing that we all developed once from one-cellular organism.
The first eye-opener was to see that our general behaviours are exactly equal to the behaviours of one cellular organism.
I give you some aspects.
As long as nutrients are abundant these omnipotent cells proliferate.
In case of nutrient shortage they melt together in "communities" in order to ensure their heat. If energy shortage aggravates (necessity break laws!) cell-specialization originates. This means that cells start doing one function and/or become unipotent cells.
From that time collaboration is an absolute necessity to survive, because the way back to omnipotent cells is blocked! He lost the qualities and only has interest in his own specialty.
Without knowing at that time, this was my first contact with this old oriental wisdom of equality for everything that exists.
A second remarkable discovery was that the general life-time of mammals were found to be exactly related to the phase of pregnancy in a relation of 52 : 1.
Isn't that also compared with our year with its 52 weeks?
This implies for mankind a general life-time of 40 years and "coincidentally" we speak about a second life-time after 40 years, sometimes marked by a midlife crises!
As pregnancy starts with an "uncontrolled" growth to a "morula stage" (= cancer), I became fascinated by this process and also why this foreign body wasn't rejected immediately!
Without going in detail here about the long-lasting investigations, I can tell you that delivery is the result of a foreign body reaction.
It is a real fight between mother and child and originates at the moment that the unborn baby starts its own and specific metabolism, induced by its own brain activity.
May I introduce you now to the equal cycle of Mother Earth?
The Genesis
May I ask you?
What is genesis even more than a process of nascent or "in the making"?
This is really the story about pregnancy.
This should imply that our whole evolutionary process - resulting in 1001 different specimen or different specialized organism - is a true copy of our body with all different cells!
In this huge pregnancy mankind is the crown as being the latest species with the most specialized and/or sophisticated brain-function.
Mankind is the brain of evolution.
He is the crown of this evolutionary process and like in pregnancy he is the only one that became able to create his own metabolism by controlling "Luz" an "Fire" as being artificial heat to keep Us warm.
He is the Lucifer" of evolution.
Without going in detail here about the ice-periods between these 6 huge "Genesis"-days, I can tell you that these periods of extreme shortage of energy were - as in pregnancy - the trigger for further specialization.
Without going in detail here about the cosmic reason of this temporary pregnancy of Mother Earth or why we suffer cancer at the end of our days, I can say that it is the beginning and the end of every cycle in the Universe.
We now stay in the middle of the labor pains of Mother Earth.
It is not only that we grew out to a human plague, which induced this process as being part of this ancient oriental vision.
Owing to our tremendous artificial heat production [our fight for survival] we polluted not only the "atmosphere between Mother and unborn child", but even Her temperature is rising now.
Owing to "Her restlessness" earthquakes increase in quality and quantity as well.
Finally the predicted "seeing blindness and hearing deafness" -as being typical also for the child in agony - that we really don't realize what we are doing.
Sooner or later "the amniotic fluid" will destroy even more that the tsunami of last year and finally we will see the light of "Uranus".
It is what it is.
May I stop here by saying: "All life cycles in the universe are equal ones and by knowing one cycle in its perfection one can see them all!"
I have to thank OhmyNews journal as being the first journal in the world without any censure.
It is not only the western fear for death, which made any discussion impossible.
The second reason is an unbelievable pride, that sooner or later technology will hand us the solution. Both aspects together made it impossible to break through the leading cartels. My continuous fight -started in 1985- only resulted in hush money and a general veto for publishing.
Looking back and knowing now about the essences of this period of pregnancy of our Mother for cosmic benefits, I found acceptance that it was not possible at another way.
We all are doing exactly what the oriental "Allah" and the western "God" had in mind.
We only could create eternal life by leveling the difference between cosmic inhalation and expiration. Even this cosmic phenomenon was found to be equal to our own respiration.
It was my own fear to take responsibility for others as being a doctor, which urged me to search for about 40 years in the labyrinth of our being.
I re-found part of the truth, but became a forerunner only.
History repeats on all levels and so I became an outcast.
I became an outcast because we think that we can propose.
Unfortunately we only react unconsciously on cosmic demands.
About 2½ years ago four Portuguese searchers in the Mayan Inheritance visited me.
They were interested to hear the discoveries concerning the Ancient know-how concerning the end of time in relation to the Maya's.
For me they were specialists because it was a nearly unknown subject for me.
My guests really believed that their Intelligent Design was immortal and that UFO's or other Intelligent Creatures should bring them to other planets before 21- 12 2012.
This Alien-believe is part of the predicted "Pride before the fall": a spirit of time, which colours every end of a culture.
It was really interesting to hear their story about the Maya's.
It was like I received the Crown of my long-lasting reconstruction of cosmic re-discoveries.
It was like the puzzle of thousands pieces received it brilliant colour.
At the end of their visit, they let me their 20 hand-written Mayan symbols and in here I will give you a brief explications of the Maya-visions about the last "day of life on earth".
For me it was clear, that the Maya religion was an inheritance of the ancient wisdom, which was researched by them on their know-how about astronomy.
It was an inheritance because all religions were found to find its cradle in the Oriental Wisdom.
Maya- symbols:
The whole vision of the Maya cultures was fundamented on the 4 elements like we have spring >summer > autumn > winter or east > south >west > north.
In the Chinese period it first also was a vision of 4 elements, but in a later period the theory of 5 elements was introduced. The 5th element was life on planets and/or the Universal growth to equality of yin and yang.
Strange enough they used the 4 elements and in the mean time described the growth from 12 to 13 baktums.
Relating to the knowing of evolution the following correlation I found in the symbols:
1. Dragon = dinosaur = the end of day 5 of Genesis. They grew to overgrowth > climat changes > acid rain
2. Wind = storm = destruction > new ice-period
3. Night 5 of the Genesis. The nights of the Genesis are always the periods of sampling energy and adaptation to new circumstances. Growth to day 6
4. Seed = new growth > different organisms = biologic balance
5. Snack = living for and from each other. It is the symbol of nature that is in balance.
6. Encalacador do mondos = connection to all star systems but also connection to all different life specimens. It's the beginning of consciousness that we are part of the cosmic watch of eternity.
7. Hand ?? Is this the helping hand or Lucifer that is born in the last moment of the lemniscate of life ? The warm blooded animals that finally will grow out to human beings ?
8. Star. The symbol is the symbol of the 4 elements and as far as I can see this can be the explanation of 4 different cosmic years of 12 star-periods (astrology) =12 x 2000 = 24000 year each. Together this then is 144000 years and then are an explanation for the 144000 angels. But I don't know for sure.
9. Moon. This symbol is the symbol of growing out of the earth. It is known that the moon is an absolute condition to create life
10. Dog. This is the symbol of animal life. It is the symbol of warmblooded mammels walking on 4 feets
11. Monkey = first animal walking on 2 feets and this evolved to
12. Human . Evolution of thinking
13. Walking Sky. In my vision it is the symbol of the first exploration of / or investigation of everything that exists Then thinking leeds to explaning
14. Untitled. This leads to the following unnamed symbol that means in my idea the trilogy of life and mankind that with this "zeus"-symbol ( the Greeck God as being the opposite of deus) controling all other life on earth.
15. Eagle . The eagle plays a big influence in the mistic world of maya and indians, but still in our world. The Germans as well as the American people use it as their symbol. It is the condor and means in the portugese words condemnar.The eagle is the biggest bird of prey and overvieuws everything. They controll the world beneath them. Is this mankind's evolution ?
16. Worrier. Worry in the english means having problems. Having problems means suffering illnesses and wars. the problems are relating to the increasing controling of the for elements. The "snake" figure is the poison of our thinking that have its influences on all elements.
17. Wheat . In contrast to figure 4 seed wheat is the control of growth of nutrients. Together again with the snake is it- translated in this time also the genetic manipulation for all life on earth.
18. Mirror. The mirror is the chinese description of the cicle of contempt or the cicle of turning around. It's the cycle of cancer and for life on earth it is the growth to the human plague. This leads again to acid rain, but this time evolves in a much higher degree thatn in the "dragon"-period. Owing to this evolution the wind (figure 2 ) evolves to
19. Tormenta and or a hudge storm that destruct everything on earth.
20. Sun. I was amazed to see this symbol. The straight line with the two points is very similar to the end of the C-symbole with the two points. It is or the symbol of earth falling back on the sun of the roots where it came from or the sun that burn everything because the atmosphere is dissolved.. We interpreted this (thinking is the mirror of knowing and names wishfull thinking) as the growth to the light.
Dutch INFO:
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Hebt u ooit afgevraagd waar de maan vandaan komen? Hebt u ooit overwogen hoe de Kleine Belt kwam te staan? Deze zijn fundamentele zaken af te vragen over!! We moeten iedereen ’s helpen!! Nu uw deel!! Toen de student is klaar, de leraar zal presenteren één ’s zelf. Kom ons helpen figuur dit mysterie Out!!!! Wat uw kleur of geloof, zijn leeftijd, u mag een wetenschapper!! uitdaging uzelf, uw groepsgenoten, uw leerkrachten. deelnemen aan een revolutie in de wetenschap!! begrijp, is het uw wereld!!! -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>
Deze zijn voor Planeet X, Precession & Pool/het Magnetische SLECHTS onderzoek van de Omkering!
NIET!! Godsdienstig debat!! Uw geloof is uw EIGEN ZAKEN!!
Wij zijn hier voor SLECHTS Onderzoek!!
Als u een open mening hebt, zult u!! ver GAAN!!!
Wetenschappelijk Bewijsmateriaal betreffende het Eind van onze Existence.2009.DVD (in flvformaat)
3 Hours 8 minutes
Het afscheid van het tranendal des levens
Een wetenschappelijke ontrafeling over eindtijd-visies van Oude Oosterse Wijsheid
na medische research over onze aeonische lijdenscyclus.
Ooit werd ons nagelaten...
Alle cycli in het Universum zijn elkaars gelijke en
alles gebeurt tezelfdertijd.
Betekent dit niet, dat als wij één levenscyclus van dit immense HeelAl kennen, wij de andere hieruit kunnen afleiden?
Betekent dit niet tevens, dat men met dit weten ook kan zien in verleden, heden en toekomst?
Mag ik U meenemen in mijn kleinmenselijke ontrafeling van deze zo eenvoudig lijkende waarheid?
Het obsedeerde mijn leven in een zoektocht, die aanvankelijk begon met een zoektocht naar de oorsprong van het menselijk lijden en eindigde met de herontdekking van de zin van dit alles voor kosmisch welzijn en ons ooit nagelaten als "De Gulden Graal van Oneindigheid".
Ik kan U zeggen dat ware ik niet voor de volle 100 % zeker geweest van de Bijbelse voorzeggingen over het naderend einde, ik zo'n onheilsboodschap nooit had gepubliceerd.
Ten tweede had ik dit niet gedaan als dit moment niet zo nabij was en dat we nog slechts korte tijd in "schijnvrede" hadden te leven.
Het zal de komende jaren duidelijk worden dat het Oude Weten over ons Universum en zijn duizenden identieke cycli een nalatenschap is, waar onze huidige Re-search nog bij lange na niet aan kan tippen en nooit te evenaren valt.
Om in Bijbelse termen te spreken: We staan aan de vooravond van "openbaring" op veler terrein.
Het is allereerst openbaring van die wijsheid, die wij aan het einde der dagen door research zouden hervinden.
Het is daarnaast "openbaring" of loslating van het leven zelf.
Tenslotte werd voorzegd dat geloof en wetenschap elkaar aan het einde der dagen zouden hervinden als zijnde beide de illusie, waar de waarheid in het midden ligt. Dat dit rauw op de maag zal liggen moge duidelijk zijn.
Hoe triest het er menselijk gesproken ook uitziet, de reden van het geheim houden van die waarheid is zeker niet voor niets geweest.
Mag ik U meenemen in een zoektocht in de spelonken van ons zijn, die mij terugvoerden naar die Oude Wijsheid van weleer over "Waarom wij mensen uit kosmisch stof werden geboren en weer tot kosmisch stof zullen weerkeren" .
Een ding werd mij meer dan duidelijk!
De Bijbel is een ware biblografie des levens en geschreven op verschillende niveaus van kosmische cycli, die alle elkaars gelijke zijn.
Het beschrijft het pentagram des levens en niets meer.
Het leidde tot verwarring, die ons zodanig bezig hield dat wij tot het bittere einde bleven zoeken naar de onbuigzame waarheid
Deze website wordt U aangeboden door het Research Institute Revelation te Portugal.
Dit onafhankelijk onderzoekcentrum is een persiflage op de zichzelf in deze zichzelf opwaarderende wereld, want het is een eenmans-bedrijf.
Maar dit Research Insitute Revelation wordt wel gefinancierd door de systeemdictatuur en kwam tot stand op instigatie van De Koninklijke Maatschappij der Geneeskunst en de Nederlandse Regering.
Sedert begin 90-er jaren geniet dit RIR een financiele toezegging tot het einde der dagen en kan zich voor de volle 100% wijden aan Re-search in de ware zin des woords: "Het hervinden van de waarheid".
Het hield zich vele jaren bezig met een grote diversiteit van onderwerpen en beslaat behalve geneeskunde, biologie, evolutie, kosmologie, letteren en wijsbegeerte [sanskriet-symbolen], natuurkunde, cultuurgeschiedenis, geloof, politiek, vele oude wetenschappen zoals o.a. acupunctuur, astrologie, numerologie en handschriftkunde.
Deze site bevat de definitieve uitkomsten over de eindtijd na een research van ruim 30 jaar over bovengenoemde oeroude doctrine.
Aan een uitgebreidere meertalige versie wordt gewerkt.
Tevens staan er een veelheid van eerder gepubliceerde verhalen, die jaren geleden onder auspicien van de Stichting Confissius op internet verschenen.
Veel dankt aan alle Mensen Who vergde de vervelende tijd en het geduld om al dit Materiaal van INFO/Pics te creëren & van het Onderzoek!!
Veel dankt aan de originele mensen die UP'd deze!!! U die ons op Onze reizen! helpen!
Vergaar en controleer enorme hoeveelheden kennis op vele dozijn gespecialiseerde gebieden van wetenschappers en onderzoekers rond de bol naast het bestuderen van honderden historische documenten kruiselings die terug naar de dageraad van geschiedenis overspannen. Deze gebieden omvatten archeologie, de geologie, astro, geo & quantumfysica, oude talen & beschavingen, paleontologie, oude geschiedenis, genetica en anderen.
De gebeurtenissen geven ons leven, zelfs verre en donkere degenen gestalte. Van de tijd was ik wee kleine, heb ik mijn vrees voor donkere plaatsen tegengehouden. Ik neem mijn toorts en reis alleen door verdonkerde gangen op die neer in bodemloze holen van gebeurtenissen voorbij leiden. Ik struikel op de resten van een ingewikkeld raadsel, dat ik terug met me breng, en in stil van mijn dromen, word geassembleerd vóór me.
Het draaien van de sterren brengt een tijd wanneer mijn geheimen u immortality kunnen geven.
maar wanneer die tijd heeft overgegaan, die vluchtige notulen gegaan, is het geheim waardeloos.
tot nogmaals de sterren open zijn macht.
:wave: :wave: :wave: