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Jack Blood - Deadline Live 2010.03.17

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03/17/2010 - Wednesday

First Hour: Hour One: Its St Paddy's day and Jack has his Green on! O'Bomba says he's Irish? Kucinich CAVES on Obomba Care - Will vote YES - Quid Pro Quo? DHS Rejects Texas Request To Activate 1,000 National Guard Troops For The Border Spillover - Border towns on edge over Mexican violence More on NO WORK LISTS: First we need Biometric ID cards, now we have to have good "Credit" 3:30 Jim Gilcrest from

Hour Two: "Hank" Albarelli author of the new Dynamite Expose' of CIA / Govt MKULTRA / ARTICHOKE experiments, Ft Detrick germ warfare experiments, and wholesale murder and assassinations of US citizens... HP Albarelli joins us. His book "A Terrible Mistake - The murder of Frank Olson, and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments" logs in at over 800 pages and is a MUST read! This interview might completely BLOW YOUR MIND!