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Deek Jackson : LIBYA LOCKERBIE MEGRAHI & OIL Fkn Newz 4th Sept 09

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Libyan Oil free from prison early on commercial er compassionate grounds
Europe celebrates outbreak , continuation and profit from war on the world
Afghan election marred by difficult questions, crumbling fantasy and death

Hello consenting adults welcome to the fkn newz im sucking pish from the big cock of are the headlies tonight…

Outrage has erupted in the wake of the scottish governments decision to release
Libyan oil on commercial grounds. Western oil companies had been unable to exploit er

explore libyan oil since it was framed for the murder of 270 people when Pan-Am flight was

blown up over Lockerbie. Here is our
lying corespondent Hugh couldn’t make this shit up – with the story. Pan am flight 177 was

blown up over lockerbie in the scottish borders in 1988 of that we can be sure..almost

everything else we are told about the case is total bollox, dreamt up by fantasists to

obscure from view the kind of duplicitous international double dealing, propaganda and

vested interest that our world leaders engage in every single day..but who gives a fuk about

that, id be lying if i said i did.

Ali abracadabra open sesame scapegoat Meghrahi was convicted of planting the bomb and

sentenced to life , even though the case against him is known to be total frame up with the

CIA planting the evidence from the maltese clothes shop weeks after the event, paying

witnesses millions of dollars and suppressing evidence that supported his defence..Now he

has been released on compassionate grounds and returned to libya after being diagnosed with

terminal cancer, here he is receiving treatment and taking some light exercise.

With Megrahis release the way is now open for western oil companies to do business in Libya

whose oil reserves are said to be worth 40 billion a year , and for libya to buy our

weapons. It seems Propping up murdering regimes with oil wealth is ok with us and Colonel

Gadaffi joins an illustrious list of tyrants doing business with the UK and US. However

Politicians on both side of the Atlantic have had to walk a difficult path , simultaneously

sucking Libya’s oil rich cock , whilst also pishing lies into the mouths of their own people

Gordon brown didn’t say – “There was a conspiracy, and a cover-up, some double dealing, a

deal on oil, I instructed Scottish ministers to release Magrahi, and I gave private massages

er assurances to Colonel Gaddafi…Tony blair visited him in 2004 and 7 sucking the same oily

cock as me and returning to pish the same hot steamy untruths into your mouths… In america

President Obama made this imaginary statement – I am outraged that american companies must

now make billions from libyan oil , it is inappropriate that the victims families cannot be

told the truth because it would embarrass the CIA, and I will do absolutely nothing about

this as soon as i can , no one is more aware of the potential profit er I mean pain and

suffering this decisions causes ..blab blab blab etc.

This is hugh cant make this stuff up for fkn news in lockerbie, back to you sucking pish

from the big cock of lies…

In a totally unrelated story

European leaders met in Gdansk in poland to commemorate the start of the second world war…On

a wind-swept peninsula where a German battleship ignited World War II 70 years ago, European

leaders vowed yesterday never to forget the lessons of the 20th century’s bloodiest

conflict. There’s money in War!! whoa ho’s Grafting Profit monger with the

story…There are no true losers in war. Sure there are always the dead and maimed but fuk em

there just collateral damage, only 50 million died in the entire second world war which is

fine when you consider it cost $2,091.3 billion (adjusted for 1990 dollar values). money

which th epeasants borrowwed then paid back with interest hahah ya gotta luv those bankers…

America profited well financially from the war. The Soviet Union profited well

territorially. Switzerland profited from staying neutral, hoarding Nazi gold and looted

belongings the Germans had placed there for safe keeping. Japan is now a major economic

power based on America’s model of capitalism and so is Germanys the leaders gathered to

remember the good old days and pat each other on the back for fighting new wars in brown

peoples countries..animosity was not far from the surface, as Russia , Germany , Poland

France and Britain , bitched about who was the biggest loser but it was only for the benefit

of the peasants back home..shhhh don’t let on about how banks lend to all sides so our

countries can buy weapons from a bunch of people whose families history is a litany of

profit from slaughter , shhh oohh yes oh that war was terrible , of h we must never think

about the money made , er i mean forget the people who died dead people , ohh the sacrifice

yadyadyad..moron that story

Elections in Afganistsan have almost concluded and America is preparing to call them an

unqualified success no matter what happens , Here is President Obama rehearsing his excuses

er speech- The People of Afghanistan are brave and courageous millions of them have spoken

in free and fair elections ,10% of a population of 32 million voted for Mohammed kharzi top

be president and if that isn’t a democratic mandate worth killing to defend I don’t know

what is…. as a result of these historic events in the country and because of the new found

stability and peace bought to Afghanistan by our occupation, We need to send more troops to

the country. Yes more troops and more american taxpayers money that’s what we must do in

order to protect the democratic rights of the 10 % who voted for our puppet mr kharzi . We

must also uphold the laws of Afghanistan as implemented by the medieval voodoo nutters in Mr

Kharzis party, the right to beat women , prevent them having an education , marry children

as young as seven and rape them 4 times a week , er im sorry not rape them that would be

barbaric , just starve them and lock them up till they agree to have sex 4 times a week..

Its is a noble and expensive thing we the american people are doing , I commend you on your

intelligence , commitment and fortitude, and I give your money to my corporate backers who

are murdering lying scum and they use it to wage war in countries far enough away that you

don’t have to give a fuk…thank you and god bless america and fuk the rest of you ha ahahah

this is how i laff , i bet you never heard me laff before , that’s because i am a robot
thanks now the weather..quite a lot of drivel over libya and lockerbie, some slavers in

europe mostly about ww2 , with a very long period of drool in Afghanistan probably ending

with slack jawed dribbling..democracy , peace, freedom , brbrbr rbi