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The Investigative Journal
- on special request -
Date: 2010-04-09
Host: Greg Szymanski
Guest: Barry Chamish []
Topic: The impending World War III
- the hypocrisy and treachery of the alleged "Zionist" Joe Biden
- follow money: how terrorist organisations were funded, how regimes were put into power
- non-Israelian member of the IMF and the Trilateral Commision nominated head of the Bank of Israel by Netanyahu
- media blackout on the kidnapping of a journalist by the Hamas, strange when compared to the Dubai incident
- Israel could seriously lose the upcoming rocket war
- false black-and-white picture drawn in the Western media about Israel
- Barry is reporting about what life is truely like in Israel
- the fifth column: antisemitic illegal aliens from Africa in Tel Aviv
- the ugly truth: not enough water in the middle East; agreement to export water to Jordan and the PLO attached to the Oslo peace treaty
- difference between Zionists and religious Jews
- the different views of Eric Jon Phelps and Barry Chamish on the upcoming war on Israel
Date: 2010-04-08
Host: Greg Szymanski
Guest: Cisco Wheeler
Topic: Excerpts of the book Behold A White Horse
- the role of humanism in the society of today
- euthanasia, abortion, forced sterilization as signs of liberalism
- liberal belief system: no accoutability before God
- increased socialism in the US: no independance anymore
- Edmund Walsh SJ being behind Stalin
- signs of total control in the USA
Date: 2010-04-07
Host: Greg Szymanski
Guest: John Daniel [The Grand Design Exposed]
Topic: The true background to the foundation of America (continuation)
- Hollywood not controlled by Jews
- the two popes looking down in the US House of Representatives
- the "New World Order": the abomination that desolates
- free reign of InterPol in the USA
- the great "Protestant" founding fathers controlled?
- Pope being set up in Jerusalem: completion of the "Great Work", the missing capstone on the pyramid
Date: 2010-04-06
Host: Greg Szymanski
Guest: Tom Friess [only 2nd half hour, host of the radio show The Inquisition Update]
Topic: The mission of Kevin Annett and others and the inadequate response to it
- Kevin Annett went to Rome to protest against the abuse cases
- estimate of over 50.000 children missing from the mission schools, mass graves, huge land grabs
- Pope asked for "forgiveness" during Easter time
- the outrageous comparison of the justified criticism of the Catholic Church to the Holocaust
- bubble gum machine Christianity and easy believism
- politicians and judges bowing down in the Red Mass in veneration of Thomas More really shows the current situation
- Ian Paisley, who called JPII the Antichrist, will come on the Investigative Journal
- hogwash of Obama being the Antichrist
- the ancient New Age movement, worship of the creation; the deception of the ecumenical movement
- the US being the second beast, making mankind worship the first beast, which is Rome
Date: 2010-04-05
Host: Greg Szymanski
Guest: John Daniel [The Grand Design Exposed]
Topic: The true background to the foundation of America
- wrong alternatives in the "alternative" media, wrong understanding of history
- executive order which gives InterPol free hand in the US
- missionary work is about to convert
- James J. Walsh: Jesuits were confessors to the most influential men in the history of the US