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Get That Gold Fringe Off Your Flag
I'm watching the concen torrent "10 RULES FOR DEALING WITH POLICE" right now, and what I've noticed there is quite alarming: In the court room you can see a gold fringed US flag! This is an alarming sign. You can also see a typical fascist eagle on top of the flag - or is it a phoenix? It's the same type of symbolism you could also see in Nazi-Germany. Remember the fasces in Congress?
The flags displayed in State courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes. That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign enclave, the same as if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and you will be under the jurisdiction of that flag. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by any nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America. more information
When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered
into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you, because you may not be
coming back to the land of the free for a long time. The judge sitting under a gold or yellow
fringe flag becomes the "captain" or "master" of that ship or enclave and he has absolute
power to make the rules as he goes. The gold or yellow fringe flag is your warning that you
are leaving your Constitutionally secured RIGHTS on the floor outside the door to that
This is exactly why so many judges are appointed, and not elected by the people. The
Federal judges are appointed by the President, the national military commander in chief. The
State judges are appointed by the Governors, the state military commanders. The judges are
appointed because the courts are military courts and civilians do not "elect" military officers.
Government officials and judges adamantly refuse requests to remove the gold fringed
flag and replace it with the constitutional flag of the United States as defined in 4
U.S.C. Section 1,2, and 3 - which has NO fringe.
What does this all mean? This means that either the US or US courts only are under MARTIAL LAW right now!
It is commonplace to see a gold-fringed United States flag standing in the present-day freemasonic courtrooms. Is the gold fringe there for decoration only, or does it signify a certain jurisdiction? Make no mistake about it -- the American People have been put on notice that the normal constitutional functions of government have been suspended and that their Land has been placed under martial law.
There are those who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is a 'Law of Admiralty' Flag. This is mere myth. The truth is, admiralty is limited to only certain, very specific cases. I guess you may have been fooled by Jordan Maxwell.
The US people are so utterly mind-controlled, that when they are under martial law they don't even know this. Essentially what this all means is that when you're in a courtroom displaying a gold fringed flag, then you're just a slave without any rights whatsoever. Now, I'm not a lawyer, perhaps I'm wrong here, so do your own research.
When you get arrested by the luciferan freemasonic brotherhood called "the police", and when you're carried off to a courtroom, then it's as if a police force working for any dictatorship such as China worked inside the US and abducted you to their embassy and put you in front of a Chinese judge, judging you according to Chinese law. I know this sounds completely absurd, but let's face it, the world you live in is completely absurd. Have you not yet noticed this?
Essentially what this means is that the police working for unconstitutional courts under martial law are acting against the Constitution and therefore are completely illegal. Let me repeat this: The police are completely unconstitutional, and therefore merely a gang of criminals dressed up in nice looking uniforms, and thereby creating the illusion of legality. Remember, in Nazi-Germany there were also courts and laws and judges and policemen, and yet they served a completely criminal system, and therefore they were acting as criminals, sometimes without knowing. This system is quite ingenious when it comes to giving itself an appearance of formal legality. It's as if you took any criminal street gang and put them in nice uniforms and declared them enforcers of law, your law. From the Constitutional point of view, these "policemen" have to be arrested, their uniforms be seized, and they have to be put in front of a real, Constitutional court. So, essentially, what has to be done is a citizen's arrest of policemen!
In all fairness, it has to be stated that most police officers are nice people and that they don't have the slightest clue when acting against the Constitution. Therefore, the first thing that has to be done before arresting them, is to create a sense of guilt in them, make them aware that they're criminals without knowing, and that it is their patriotic duty to accept being arrested by patriotic US citizens. Unknowingly, they're a serious threat to the public and the Constitution, a threat to national security. Any human being acting against the US Constitution is a threat to national security. The US Constitution is the heart and soul of the American way of life.
Now let's ask ourselves: Do US soldiers also work under a fascist gold fringed flag? What kind of flag can we see on their uniforms? I remember from the many old movies with US soldiers I've watched, that twenty years ago, the little flags on their uniforms never displayed a golden fringe. Gold is such a nice color, but in this context, unfortunately, it symbolizes the decay of your esteemed Constitution, nothing less. Soldiers wearing a gold fringed flag are a serious threat to national security and, unknowingly, enemies of your beloved homeland. See them as military forces of a hostile foreign country. Most of them are completely unaware of this fact though. Tell them to replace their small gold fringed flag on their uniforms by a classic small US flag, and tell them to watch their officer's reaction. This could be quite revealing, especially to see who's in the know and who's not. Soldiers are not bound to follow orders when such orders are unconstitutional. Wearing a gold fringed flag truly is unconstitutional. Most of those Nazis condemned at the Nürnberg trials had followed orders, and they were condemned anyway.
Government officials and judges adamantly refuse requests to remove the gold fringed
flag and replace it with the constitutional flag of the United States as defined in 4
U.S.C. Section 1,2, and 3 - which has NO fringe.
Essentially what you have to understand is this: you are a child of GOD, a holy "citizen of this cosmos", and the government is here to serve you, judges, policemen, soldiers are your servants and you are their master. Your servants are being paid by your taxes or your parent's taxes. If your servants refuse to serve you, then they have to be rebuked by you. If they resist, then they have to be fired. Essentially, you have to regain your dignity. Have you not noticed yet that this system permanently tries to humiliate you, make you feel small, like a servant, like a slave? Most encounters with the police are rituals of humiliation, and that's exactly what they're meant to be. It's about time for you to wake up.