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A NEW WORLD...if YOU can take it? Conference.2009 4 DAYS LONG!!!
---->>> includes: All 4 DAYS of the Conference!!!
+ Audio versions of all Lectures from the Conference!!!
+ Transcripts from Lectures!!! & other papers!!! & UPDATES
Let’s SEE if we all can SOLVE this problem. Together!!! Everyone from around the world!!!
All ideas and opinions combined. No matter what your color or belief or age, YOU can be a scientist!! Let’s CHOOSE the Positive TIMEline!!!
Have you ever wondered where the moon came from?
Have you ever contemplated how the asteroid belt Came to be?
These are basic things to WONDER about!! We need everyone’s help!! Do your part!!
When the student is ready, the teacher will present one’s self.
Come help us figure this mystery OUT!!!!
No matter what your color or belief or age, YOU can be a scientist!!
Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science!!
TRUE POSITIVE things happen all around YOU!!!
Your Children, (ARE) Tomorrow's LEADERS!!!-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>
These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!
NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!
We are here for Research ONLY!!
If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!
---->>> includes:
1.Bill Ryan's keynote introduction,10 July 2009.2h28m******* (PLEASE WATCH FIRST!!!)
(This may be the most important Lecture you watch all YEAR!!!
We Fully support the way Bill Ryan Handles all this information!!!
What an awesome presentation!!! Keep up the superb Work guys!!!
Both of you are our heroes!!!
Please watch this with your family!!! Under 16 not recommended.
If you want to hear someone be honest and upfront with the entire BIG PICTURE, if you want to truly understand your world, sit back make popcorn and settle in for 2 hours and 28 minutes of Pure Gold!!!
Team YMN)
Experienced presenters (and I consider myself to be one) may be amused to know what when I stepped on to the stage to open the conference, I had prepared nothing, had no PowerPoint slides, and had no clue what I was going to talk about for two hours. However, although my mind was blank, everything felt fine - and it turned out to be really quite a good presentation. Moral of the story, go with the Force. Enjoy :) Bill Ryan
Bill Ryan's keynote introduction,10 July 2009.2h28m/the big picture.FRENCH.docx
Bill Ryan's keynote introduction,10 July 2009.2h28m/the big picture.Finnish.docx
2.Dan Burisch & Marci McDowell Workshop.2009.2h14m
Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell's main presentation on the evening of the first day of the conference.Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell gave a two hour, personalized workshop to a group of 50 delegates from the Zurich Conference.(A new world if you can take it) on 12 July 2009, in which they present and discuss, in considerable depth, many details of their work and experience.We were delighted to have the chance to interview Dan again almost a year after our first meeting -- for details of which please see below. In this second in-depth interview, which arose from our having presented him with a long list of questions of our own, Dan goes into great detail about both the technology and the politics of the Stargates and the Looking Glass. He also discusses the 'Cube', which may or may not be the same device as the fabled 'Yellow Book', or the 'Black Box' reported by our important witness Henry Deacon.
In this fascinating Lecture we found Dan once more to be outspoken, challenging, informed, values-driven, mischievous, human and likeable.
We also want to take this opportunity to publish an announcement, as supplied by Marci McDowell, who works closely with Dan. Marci asked us to make the following formal statement on Dan's behalf:
Dr. Dan Burisch is on a necessary hiatus from official public contact until later this year [December 2007]. Unfortunately, there is very little that I am allowed to say, regarding what Dan is doing. We have informed the public that he is NOT working for Majestic. Majestic no longer exists. Dan retired from that group in September, 2006. Majestic sat formally adjourned in October, 2005.
I can say that Dan's present activities are so important, pressing and secret that those in the new group, the group which took over from Majestic at the end of 2006, the group for whom he has agreed to make himself available, sought him out for this assignment and insisted that he is limited to no public contact until after December 14, 2007. This will provide the time for him to complete his activities with them, and be debriefed from the assignment. His present assignment is National Security related. Due to the nature of the assignment, Dan has accepted and been sworn to a National Security Oath.
Following his activities for the new group, Dan and I will be publishing our new book, 'Emanation of the Solfeggio', which will detail cutting edge discoveries in the area of acoustics. Next year, he and I will be speaking publicly (in person) about Project Lotus - the groundbreaking investigation into a strange silicate-associated phenomenon which may be altering the genomes of every living organism on planet earth. We are presently scheduled for an academic venue and planning a general audience presentation. (Introductory video trailers are already on Google.) A new edition of our work on Mars and Earth anomalies is also underway.
3.Dud, Disaster or Divine.David Wilcock.2009.5h40m
David Wilcock's all-day presentation on the second day of the presentation.
"Alcyone is precisely, the principal sun of the pleiades and its orbit gravitate seven suns, our sun being the seventh which circles Alcyone."
"Is good to know that Alcyone has rings like Saturn, and, unlike those of saturn
(which are made of rock, meteoric stones of a distinct kind), those of Alcione
form a whole and are made radiactive; they are made of radiation.
But, to what kind of radiation do I refer? Simply to the radiation which the splitting of the electron produces.
The fractional electrons release an energy which some author call manasic."
"It is a radioactive ring that brings many surprises to the men of Jinns Science.
Incredible things will be seen at the moment when Earth enters into the Rings of “Alcyone”:
"All the matter will become phosphorescent and the molecules will alter their movement, therefore, the mathematical formulas in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, will be altered; medicine will have to change its formulas because they will be useless; new species of animals will appear and this is something unavoidable... Matter will be strongly radioactive; many people will not resist the radiation of the “Alcyon's” Rings and will die."
"I repeat, we are about to enter in that ring. As a matter of fact, if the Sun enters first, there will be darkness that will last 110 hours. If Earth enters first into the ring of “Alcion”, it will happen that Earth will seem to be burning, but it only be fires of colors. Earth can enter anytime into the ring of “Alcyon”…
…As a matter of fact, a very long day which will last 2.000 years is coming, this means that night will disappear and the luminous radiation of “Alcyon” will penetrate all the tenebrous caverns of Earth and cover the planet
everywhere, shining miraculously; its emanations will amaze the people of other inhabited worlds of the unalterable infinite. In this manner will come the marvelous resplendence of the stars which will come accompanied by the melodies of the Macrocosm... Very soon, an estrange world will appear: that world is called Earth!"
Samael Aun Weor.
4.Brian O'Leary on Free Energy, 12 July.2009.2h43m
Half way through Brian O'Leary's presentation on Free Energy, Henry Deacon - who had been present throughout as an anonymous delegate - asked if he could join Brian to support his testimony on the reality of Free Energy technology.
This video fully captures this surprising (and historic!) moment and Henry, in his very first public appearance, speaking nervously but with great courage, outlines a little of his experience and testifies to the reality of a Free Energy device, based on the Casimir Effect, which he worked with in the 1980s at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey and which at that time was accessible in the public domain. The video continues to the formal end of the Conference. Enjoy Brian's wonderful jazz piano...!
5.Panel Discussion, 11 July A New world if you can take it conference
The now-famous Zurich Conference panel discussion. The subject was the panel members' views on compulsory vaccination. Taking part were Dan Burisch, Marci McDowell, David Wilcock, Brian O'Leary and Bill Ryan.
The vaccine question starts at 7:35 minutes; the prior question is about themes in movies and TV.
5.Sunday morning workshops, 12 July A New world if you can take it conference
Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell
a two hour, personalized workshop to a group of 50 delegates from the Zurich Conference ('A NEW WORLD - IF YOU CAN TAKE IT') on 12 July 2009, in which they present and discuss, in considerable depth, many details of their work and experience.
6.Bob Dean.Exopolitics Summit.Barcelona 25 July 2009.1h7m
In this historical presentation, Bob Dean is at his very finest - and shows a number of previously suppressed NASA images which have impressed us at Project Camelot.
Bob concluded his delivery by stating that there are bases on Mars... and then Henry Deacon (supported by Kerry Cassidy) went up to the stage to state publicly, for the first time, that he had been on Mars. Enjoy...
7.Bill Ryan's workshop, 12 July 2009.Sunday.2h VIDEO
8.Dr Brian O'Leary's workshop, 12 July 2009.1h40m.Sunday VIDEO
Maurice Cotterell and Adrian Gilbert - The Mayan Prophecies.EBOOK 337 PAGES
One of the most scientific books on the mayan 2012 prophecy.
book in jpg (read with CDisplay
Maurice M. Cotterell is an engineer, scientist and author who found a way of calculating the duration
of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of
ancient sun-worshipping civilisations, In 'The Mayan Prophecies' he revealed how the mysterious
beliefs of the ancient Mayas, who believed we are living in the fifth and final age of the Sun,
were based on sound scientific principles.
How did a people living more than a thousand years ago in the jungles of Central
America come to possess such extraordinary prophetic insights? His research reveals
incredible pictorial evidence that proves the man in the tomb at Palenque,
Lord Pacal, priest-king leader of the Maya concealed his knowledge in his tomb in an
extraordinary way... and shared this knowledge and the higher orders of spirituality with his people.
The tomb contains the Temple of Inscriptions which houses the famous "Lid of Palenque"
(Which remains there because it weighs tons). When you look at the lid you just see a big
picture. But when you overlay transparent copies at the right angles, more than 100 secret
pictures of encoded knowledge appear! (The jade mask of Pacal found in the tomb can also be
transformed.) This ancient knowledge is known and thrives today, concealed in sacred geometry,
cherished by the Roman Catholic Church and the higher orders of Freemasonry.
WHAT'S REALLY AMAZING THOUGH, is that this knowledge is not just encoded in the tomb of Pacal,
but also in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, the decoded treasures found in the tomb of
Tutankhamun (Which wasn't 'partially robbed and resealed' but the chaos was part of the riddle.),
the statue and Tomb of Viracocha in Peru, Stonehenge and the huge Terracotta Warriors tomb of the
first Emperor of China (Shi Huang-Di, who was said to be part Dragon. It was also said that his
mother was impregnated by a beam of light emanating from the star Alpha Draconis. There are
more than 8.000 life-sized soldiers in the tomb!)
The Big Picture.Project Camelot.2009.pdf
The Roswell Catastrophe
The visitors who crashed at Roswell were future humans1. They were not from another planet2, but from a future Earth – stepping (which may be a better word than traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious problems which had occurred in their history3. Their mission was to try to change their past by creating an alternative branch of their own timeline, so that particular events – about to happen to us in our very near future – would not actually occur.
The Roswell visitors were on a purely altruistic mission. They did not have to do this, but chose to... out of compassion. But the mission went disastrously wrong – not just because they crashed (an accident caused by high-powered radar – later the military realized this and made use of radar as a weapon), but because they had a device with them which was their only means, as an orientation device in time and space, to get them home and back to their own time.
The device was a little box, highly advanced and multifunctional in nature, and was far smaller than the "Looking Glass" that Dan Burisch4 and Bill Hamilton5 describe as being subsequently utilized by military scientists in various experiments. When the box was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a catastrophe in itself. It made the timeline problem many times worse, because this both introduced time manipulation technology to us at the wrong time... and also told the military what lay ahead.
It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was. It was a major, major setback, right at the start of the future humans' project to help fix the problem. Acquiring a device such as that which the Roswell visitors carried would immediately alter the timeline which the future humans were trying to change in the first place... so there would then be two timelines that need fixing, and not just one.
NOAA, the Dark Star, and Global Warming
A small organization within NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is aware of what scientists there sometimes call the “second sun”. This is a massive astronomical object, possibly a brown dwarf6, which is on a long elliptical orbit around our own sun on an inclined plane to the rest of the planets. To align with other researchers7, we'll refer to this as the Dark Star.
The Dark Star is now approaching, and is causing resonance effects on our sun in various ways8. This is the cause of the warming of all the planets, not just the Earth9. This information is classified, but has been known for a number of years10.
This issue is connected with the Roswell catastrophe described above. The problems the future humans were attempting to address were multiple, but principally featured a possible event triggered by a massive 'spike' of solar activity at some point in our currently near future.
We emphasize most strongly that this event is only possible (having been observed in Looking Glass devices in a possible future)... and, importantly, is now evaluated to be unlikely11.
The increase in solar activity is caused only in part by the Dark Star, multiple factors being at play. These are complex. Some of them are on a galactic scale12, and are associated with natural, periodic events which the Earth has suffered through a number of times previously. What makes this particular time completely unique for our planet is that there is a convergence of serious factors – such as global warming13, overpopulation, and our propensity for choreographing war14 – all of which combine with these major, cyclic and solar events to simultaneously threaten the well-being of ourselves and the biosphere.
The large-scale events are unstoppable. It's also unclear when the 'spike' of solar activity is due to be - though our understanding is that this is imminent, and could occur at any time in the next ten years or so. Although the issue has been considerably hyped, it's impossible not to observe that the year 201215 is right in the middle of this bell-curve of probability.
What is possible, however, is to minimize the effects of the solar event. Evaluated Looking Glass data concludes that there is a 19% probability of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence that that 19% figure is correct16. It seems we're off the hook... although no matter what timeline one is on, significant problems lie ahead with the man-made crises that surround us (exacerbated by solar activity).
Insurance: Underground Bases, Project Preserve Destiny, and the Martian Colony
Readers may by now have made the connection with the trillions of dollars17 spent in recent decades by various military agencies on underground bases in a number of different countries18. Given the possibility of an imminent near-ELE (extinction level event)19, a cynic would argue that it's a smart use of our tax dollars to ensure that at least some humans survive20.
Other readers will connect this potential scenario with the story told by Dan Sherman21, in straightforward, unassuming and sober fashion, in which he was trained as an IC (Intuitive Communicator) as a preparation for an unknown future event that would include all electronic communications being rendered unusable22. The project he was part of was called Project Preserve Destiny... the title of which gives us a very heavy clue to what this was all about23.
Researchers who have looked into the claims of the infamous TV program Alternative 3 24 conclude in the main that the show was a hoax. There is clear evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably fictional events. However, it would appear that it may have been accidental disinformation rather than a hoax per se. Certain events portrayed in the program25 are markedly similar to the scenario presented here.
Among those is the existence of a substantial Mars base, established in the early 1960s and supplied by a combination of stargates26 and an advanced, classified space program codenamed SOLAR WARDEN27. The Mars base apparently has a number of functions28 but among those would certainly be the ensured survival of the human species should anything untoward happen on or to our home planet.
What Can Be Done?
As has been written above, the major, cyclic large-scale events that are set to occur are unstoppable by us or any other race, no matter how advanced their technology. But what can be mitigated are certain effects. Much remains under our control, although as every day passes the clock is ticking: carbon emissions are not helping13; choreographed and orchestrated war14 adds to the chaos; and new diseases and possible pandemics29 may be controllable if we act in harness.
This is no different a warning than has been stated by many other messengers in recent years, but we place this in a context where the stakes are rather higher than usually recognized. It IS possible to work together to make a difference in a situation in which the backs of the human race may be up against the wall.
On an individual level, more is possible. Michael St Clair30 says simply: find a safe place, and do it now. Many others agree. It may be smart to avoid living on the coast, on low-lying land, on a fault zone, in a major city, or on the sides of a volcano. Fresh water is likely to be a major issue. Some analysts consider the southern hemisphere (Australia?) to be safer than the north, as the craziness of orchestrated war threatens.
Remember that global warming will really start to bite in the near future. The Atlantic Conveyor31 may conceivably shut down, plunging Europe into a deep freeze. The warmer the Earth gets, the more evaporation there will be from the sea; so expect Katrina-scale hurricanes (in the west) and cyclones (in the east - they're pretty much the same thing), and disrupted and extreme weather patterns everywhere.
There is a metaphysical approach, too. Lynne McTaggart32 in her new book The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life argues as she did in her previous work, The Field, that consciousness is a factor that can and does affect macro-scale events. We would wholeheartedly agree. Morphic fields33 – templates or patterns of manifestations yet to unfold – are as powerful and influential as they are invisible; and morphic resonance is also amenable to the power of thought34.
It's even possible to bootstrap oneself into an optimum (least worst) timeline... though there's no instruction book on a mechanical means to do this. Spiritual methodologies such as the many forms of Meditation and other Yogic practice, Buddhism, Sufiism and Shamanism can assist one here. (This is far from an exclusive list, and may include some of the major organized religions. Prayer, if well understood and applied by a mature and aware spirit, is certainly capable of working miracles.)
Times are changing, and global awareness (actually, a large morphic field) is gradually being heightened. The real question is, how fast? The way to put one's shoulder to the wheel is to add one's own strong and optimistic intention to the concept of the positive outcome. And like all such mental or spiritual gymnastics, this has to be real: it cannot be faked.
Some Awesome Liquid chill Drum and Bass to listen to!!!
VINYL AND CIRCUITRY with METHOD ONE live from SF.mp3 2 hours
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Mindscape-Planet X
Drum&Bass (SONG) Come listen:
These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!
NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!
We are here for Research ONLY!!
If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!
Much thanks to the original people who UP'd these!!! You who help Us on Our journeys!!
We WANT to:
Gather and cross-check vast amounts of knowledge in many dozen specialized fields from scientists and researchers around the globe in addition to studying hundreds of historical documents spanning back to the dawn of history. These fields include archeology, geology, astro, geo & quantum physics, ancient languages & civilizations, paleontology, ancient history, genetics and others.
Events shape our lives, even distant and dark ones. From the time I was a wee little one, I have stopped my fear of dark places. I pick up my torch and journey alone through darkened corridors leading down into bottomless caverns of events past. I stumble upon the remnants of an intricate puzzle, which I bring back with me, and in the quiet of my dreams, are assembled before me.
The turning of the stars bring a time when my secrets can give you immortality.
but when that time has passed, those fleeting minutes gone, the secret is worthless.
until once again the stars unlock its power.
Lassen Sie uns SEHEN, wenn alle wir dieses Problem LÖSEN können. Zusammen!!! Jeder aus der ganzen Welt!!! Alle Ideen und Meinungen kombiniert. Egal was Ihre Farbe oder Glaube oder Alter, SIE ein Wissenschaftler sein können!! Lassen Sie uns die positive Zeitachse WÄHLEN!!! Haben Sie überhaupt sich gewundert, wohin der Mond von kam? Haben Sie überhaupt erwogen, wie der Asteroidengürtel kam zu sein? Diese sind die grundlegenden Sachen, zum sich ungefähr ZU WUNDERN!! Wir benötigen jeder zu helfen!! Tun Sie Ihr Teil!! Wenn der Kursteilnehmer bereit ist, stellt der Lehrer irgendjemandes Selbst dar. Gekommen helfen Sie uns, dieses Geheimnis herauszufinden!!!! Egal was Ihre Farbe oder Glaube oder Alter, SIE ein Wissenschaftler sein können!! Fordern Sie sich, Ihre Gleichen, Ihre Lehrer heraus. Nehmen Sie an einer Revolution in der Wissenschaft! teil! VERSTEHEN SIE, ES IST IHRE WELT!!! & ZUSAMMEN können wir es herausfinden!!! Wenn alle WIR VERSTEHEN, WIE VIEL WIR DIE SELBEN SIND, ZUTREFFENDE POSITIVE Sachen geschehen ganz um SIE!!! Ihre Kinder, (SEIEN Sie), Tomorrow' s-FÜHRER!!! --------------> > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------->