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World Religions; Comparative Studies - A Collection

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World Religions; Comparative Studies - A Collection:

This upload reviews the histories and basic beliefs of the different world religions. It also introduces comparative analysis to some of its key concepts. We have 18 titles here:

- Browning (eds.) - Sex, Marriage, and Family in World Religions (2006)

- DeLaTorre (ed.) - The Hope of Liberation in World Religions (2008)

- Kung & Bowden - Tracing the Way; Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions (2002)

- Kvam - Eve and Adam; Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender (1999)

- Machacek & Wilcox (eds.) - Sexuality and the World’s Religions (2003)

- Moreman - Beyond the Threshold; Afterlife Beliefs and Experiences in World Religions (2008)

- Oldmeadow (ed.) - Crossing Religious Frontiers; Studies in Comparative Religion (2010)

- O'Neal & Jones - World Religions Almanac; Vol. 1 (2007)

- O'Neal & Jones - World Religions Almanac; Vol. 2 (2007)

- O'Neal & Jones - World Religions; Biographies; Vol. 3 (2007)

- O'Neal & Jones - World Religions; Biographies; Vol. 4 (2007)

- O'Neal & Jones - World Religions; Primary Sources; Vol. 5 (2007)

- Palmer - World Religions (2002)

- Papovski (eds.) - World Religions and Norms of War (2009)

- Parrinder - Sexual Morality in the World's Religions (1996)

- Prothero - God is not One; The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World, and why their Differences Matter (2010)

- Religious Systems of the World; a Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion, 3rd ed. (1899)

- Rosen (ed.) - Ultimate Journey; Death and Dying in World's Major Religions (2008)