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COSMOSpolitan III of 5

Movies : Documentary
TV Rip : English

I do not know why war is inevitable...?
and what for...?

looks to me that we still live in prehistoric time... see caveman serie... with more modern tools.
In the 21 century, we do not fare better... and worst we still have our objective mixed up... completely.
Except for too few of US.

Rather than puting the money in saving the genetics of our biomass, from which we come from...and we do descend from sponges(we have its DNA in our genes),
see "shape of life" and the "X & Y" Eve search for Adam... they should have told you something by now.

We need that biomass for our descendants to survive.
Oh, it will take a long time to get there....yes and this is no excuse for the extinction of species.

Those species may help us adapt genetically further down the line... you may be dead, I will certainly be as well
but I am very concern as to our capacity of survival.

Mind you, we could develop new DNA sequencing on our own...we have the technology...
but generally, humans...if they do not have a model in front of their nose... they do not know what to do.
I do not take the little few on Earth that know what to your model, they are way to few, and you much too numerous.

To the younger generation... learn as much as you can
To my generation... can it!

My stats do not do politics, religious bigotry, revenge or jealousy, greed...but they show me that what ever you do or say is no better than baboon.
From the most lowly to the highest of us...

Facts are facts... this documentary tells you how it will be if we make it to then.
magavolcano human genetic bottlenecks type of surprises could always happen before then and we are all genetically reduced enough already...
let alone other animal, plants, insects and the rest of shape of Solar lifes.

Shouldn't we start preparing ourselves to launch our biomass in other solar will not be done in 1 day, or in 7, nor in years...
It will take a tiny bit more than the little few, worldwide, who are working at it.

If you think that a super-canon will ship your descendants to an other galaxy... russian roulette with you Colt 45 is a suggested game... and do not stop keep on pressing know what.

We still live in prehistoric time whether you agree or not... the human race is only reaching best.
That is in the 21st century.

I have a few more documentaries to show you on this serie....yet; and I am scratching my brain as to which new serie I should put up for you to see the light and decide to mature some.

I do not bake in illusions, I have seen too much realities... no Gods either, but shire stupidities.
I view of how Life develop itself... I trust that and only that.
Mature or disappear...for ever.
We still have time, and it is going shorter.

Going back to the 1st of this serie the electromagnetics... we could very well be in the middle of the poles reversal...the process takes 2 to 3,000 years...and the solar ray shield will be fluctuating...

Size: 333.48 MB
