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Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 17 (American Issues revisited)

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Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 17 (American Issues revisited):

We have 40 titles in this upload:

- Ackerman - The Decline and Fall of the American Republic (2010)

- Berg - Popular Justice; a History of Lynching in America (2011)

- Boyett - Won't Get Fooled Again; a Voter’s Guide to Seeing through the Lies, and Choosing the Best Leaders (2008)

- Chambliss - Power, Politics, and Crime (2001)

- Chinni & Gimpel - Our Patchwork Nation; the Surprising Truth about the Real America (2010)

- Clarke - Your Government Failed You; Breaking the Cycle of National Security Disasters (2008)

- Courtwright - Dark Paradise; a History of Opiate Addiction in America (2001)

- Denby - American Sucker (2004)

- Denson - Reassessing the Presidency; the Rise of Executive State and the Decline of Freedom (2001)

- Dueck - Reluctant Crusaders; Power, Culture, and Change in American Grand Strategy (2006)

- Dworkin - Is Democracy Possible Here; Principles for a New Political Debate (2006)

- Fellman - In the Name of God and Country; Reconsidering Terrorism in American History (2010)

- Fraser & Gerstle (eds.) - Ruling America; a History of Wealth and Power in a Democracy (2005)

- Goodman - Breaking the Sound Barrier (2009)

- Goodman - The Exception to the Rulers; Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media that Love Them (2004)

- Green - Politics and America in Crisis; the Coming of the Civil War (2010)

- Griffiths & Luciani (Eds.) - North America's Lost Decade; the Munk Debate on the North American Economy (2012)

- Hofstadter - Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1963)

- Jacobs & King (Eds.) - The Unsustainable American State (2009)

- Jasper - Restless Nation; Starting Over in America (2000)

- Ledbetter - Globocop; How America Sold Its Soul and Lost Its Way (2009)

- Leon - The American Dream; Walking in the Shoes of Carnies, Arms Dealers, Immigrant Dreamers, Pot Farmers, and Christian Believers (2008)

- Lessig - One Way Forward; the Outsider's Guide to Fixing the Republic (2012)

- Levin - Ameritopia; the Unmaking of America (2012)

- Lim - The Anti-Intellectual Presidency; The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush (2008)

- Marrs - The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy; How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks are Destroying America (2010)

- No Safe Harbor; Essays about Pirate Politics (The U.S. Pirate Party, 2011)

Nobe - Death of a Nation; American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism (2002)

- Olberman - Truth and Consequences; Special Comments on the Bush Administration’s War on American Values (2007)

- O'Reilly - The No Spin Zone; Confrontations with the Rich and Powerful in America (2001)

-Perrucci - America at Risk; the Crisis of Hope, Trust, and Caring (2009)

- Pieterse - Is There Hope for Uncle Sam; Beyond the American Bubble (2008)

- Priest & Arken - Top Secret America; the Rise of the New American Security State (2011)

- Regan - Joint Ventures; Inside America’s Almost Legal Marijuana Industry (2011)

- Sidlow & Henschen - America at Odds, 6th ed. (2009)

- Stossel - Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity (2006)

- Suskind - Confidence Men; Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President (2011)

- Talbott - Where America Went Wrong, and How to Regain Her Democratic Ideals (2004)

- Wallace - The Decline and Fall of The U.S. Economy ; How Liberals and Conservatives Both Got It Wrong (2010)

- Zavodnyik - The Rise of the Federal Colossus; the Growth of Federal Power from Lincoln to F.D.R. (2011)