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Sins of Colonialism - Collection 14 (.. in Asia, Australia 3)

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Sins of Colonialism - Collection 14 (.. in Asia, Australia 3):

We have 35 titles here:
- Anderson - Subaltern Lives; Biographies of Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World, 1790-1920 (2012)
- Banivanua-Mar - Violence and Colonial Dialogue; the Australian-Pacific Indentured Labor Trade (2007)
- Blunt - India Under Ripon; a Private Diary (1909)
- Broome - Aboriginal Victorians, a History since 1800 (2005)
- Byrne - Criminal Law and Colonial Subject; New South Wales, 1810-1830 (1993)
- Clements - The Black War; Fear, Sex and Resistance in Tasmania (2014)
- Davis - The Empires' Edge; Militarization, Resistance, and Transcending Hegemony in the Pacific (2015)
- Dirks - Castes of Mind; Colonialism and the Making of Modern India (2001)
- Fels - I Succeeded Once; the Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula, 1839-1840 (2011)
- Gammage - The Biggest Estate on Earth; How Aborigines Made Australia (2011)
- Hagerman - Britain's Imperial Muse; the Classics, Imperialism, and the Indian Empire, 1784-1914 (2013)
- Hillemann - Asian Empire and British Knowledge; China and the Networks of British Imperial Expansion (2009)
- Jaffe - Ironies of Colonial Governance; Law, Custom and Justice in Colonial India (2015)
- Johns - Aboriginal Self-Determination; the Whiteman's Dream (2011)
- Keal - European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2003)
- Khan - The Politics of Language; Urdu-Hindi, an Artificial Divide; African Heritage, Mesopotamian Roots, .. (2006)
- Malleson - The Indian Mutiny of 1857, 10e (1912)
- McGregor - Indifferent Inclusion; Aboriginal People and the Australian Nation (2011)
- McKay (Ed.) - Gadi Mirrabooka; Australian Aboriginal Tales from the Dreaming (2001)
- Mishra - From the Ruins of Empire; the Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia (2012)
- Mohanty (Ed.) - Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature; a View from India (2011)
- Mukherjee - Colonializing Agriculture; the Myth of Punjab Exceptionalism (2005)
- Parthasarathi - Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not; Global Economic Divergence, 1600-1850 (2011)
- Pati (Ed.) - The Great Rebellion of 1857 in India; Exploring Transgressions, Contests and Diversities (2010)
- Prakash - Bonded Histories; Genealogies of Labor Servitude in Colonial India (1990)
- Rocher & Rocher - The Making of Western Indology; Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company (2012)
- Saethre - Illness Is a Weapon; Indigenous Identity and Enduring Afflictions (2013)
- Schwarz - Constructing the Criminal Tribe in Colonial India; Acting Like a Thief (2010)
- Vaidik - Imperial Andamans; Colonial Encounter and Island History (2010)
- Viswanath - The Pariah Problem; Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India (2014)
- Voss & Casella - The Archaeology of Colonialism; Intimate Encounters and Sexual Effects (2012)
- Weston - Exploration and Settlement in Colonial Australia (2011)
- Wood - The Revolt in Hindustan, 1857-59 (1908)
- Woollacott - Settler Society in the Australian Colonies; Self-Government and Imperial Culture (2015)
- Woosnam - The Pathan Revolt in North West India (1897)