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Michael Hoffman II - Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (1992)

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Reseed requested1

In reference:

Best I can come up with - the 1992 edition.
I think the focus of Hoffman's interests may have changed since then.
See .nfo included.
Please post 2001 edition anyone who has it.


Reseeded, minus .nfo - pdf will still work...

ConCen wrote:

In reference:
Best I can come up with - the 1992 edition.
I think the focus of Hoffman's interests may have changed since then.
See .nfo included.
Please post 2001 edition anyone who has it.

I've tried grabbing that a week ago or so - it says there's 3 peers but the file remained stalled.

It's Twighlight language I was after really.

It looks like I'll have to save my paper round money and buy it again.... :-(

It has seeded, but it will be an incomplete download, at 99.4% because I seeded the pdf without the original .nfo file that came with it. Check your download folder, and open the pdf, it should still work...

p.s. If you have PayPal, message me your info and I can donate to your fundraiser. I don't see Twilight Language anywhere online...

you're right - once i remove the temp file ending of my torrent client - it opens ok.

Scanning the index - it's more covering areas I've done previously.

Twighlight Language is him branching off into Dr John Dee and esoterica - which is more my thing.

My finances can usually manage a book a week - but for the last few months i've been working gratis for the divine cosmos - assuming i'll get a karmic reward later :-D - adding half a book to a coming publication with a Kiwi dude for the famous Nexus Mag publishing network....
It's been intense summing up 12 years work and FOIA costs and to ensure it's as good as poss - i stopping working at my organic veg hippy delivery job. Hope they have me back in a few weeks when its published.