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Kundalini Tantra Yoga Chakra Meditation [book pack]
O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva.
Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. ‘Kundala’ means ‘coiled’. Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini.
All agree that the one aim which man has in all his acts is to secure happiness for himself. The highest as well as the ultimate end of man must, therefore, be to attain eternal, infinite,unbroken, supreme happiness. This happiness can be had in one’s own Self or Atman only. Therefore, search within to attain this eternal Bliss.
The thinking faculty is present only in human being. Man only can reason, reflect and exercise judgment. It is man only who can compare and contrast, who can think of pros and cons and who can draw inferences and conclusions. This is the reason why he alone is able to attain God-consciousness. That man who simply eats and drinks and who does not exercise his mental faculty in Self-realisation is only a brute.
O worldly-minded persons! Wake up from the sleep of Ajnana. Open your eyes. Stand up to acquire knowledge of Atman. Do spiritual Sadhana, awaken the Kundalini Sakti and get that ‘sleepless-sleep’ (Samadhi). Drown yourself in Atman.
Chitta is the mental substance. It takes various forms. These forms constitute Vrittis. It gets transformed (Parinama). These transformations or modifications are the thought-waves, whirlpools or Vrittis. If the Chitta thinks of a mango, the Vritti of a mango is formed in the lake of Chitta. This will subside and another Vritti will be formed when it thinks of milk. Countless Vrittis are rising and subsiding in the ocean of Chitta. These Vrittis cause restlessness of mind. Why do Vrittis arise from the Chitta? Because of Samskaras and Vasanas. If you annihilate all Vasanas, all Vrittis will subside by themselves.
Ajit Mookerjee - Kundalini.pdf
Anodea Judith - Wheels of Life.pdf
B S Goel - Kundalini.pdf
C W Leadbeater - Clairvoyance.pdf
C W Leadbeater - The Astral Plane.pdf
C W Leadbeater - The Chakras.pdf
C W Leadbeater - The Hidden Life in Freemasonry.pdf
Chia Mantak - Bone Marrow Nei Kung Ingles.pdf
Dimensional Beings.pdf
E J Gold - Tantric Sex.pdf
G. S. Arundale - Kundalini an Occult Experience.pdf
Gabriel Morris - Kundalini and the Art of Being.pdf
Genevieve Lewis Paulson - Kundalini Chakras Manual.pdf
Genevieve Lewis Paulson - Kundalini The Chakras (High Quality Version).pdf
Genevieve Lewis Paulson - The Kundalini Book.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Ancient Secrets of Kundalini.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Autobiography of a Spiritual Genius.pdf
Gopi Krishna - How to Verify Enightenment.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Kundalini Catechism.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Kundalini Path to Higher Consciousness.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Kundalini v2.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Kundalini.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Purpose of Yoga.pdf
Gopi Krishna - Riddle of Consciousness.pdf
Gopi Krishna - What Is Cosmic Consciousness.pdf
Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) - Kundalini.pdf
Hiroshi Motoyama - Theories of the Chakras.pdf
John R Cross - Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System.pdf
John White - Kundalini Evolution and Enlightenment.pdf
Kundalini - The Serpent of Fire.pdf
Kundalini Yoga Meditation.pdf
Ljubisa Stojanovic - Places of Power.pdf
Mumford - Chakra and Kundalini Workbook.pdf
Piyadhassi Bhikkhu - Vimuttidhamma - From Chakra to Dhammachakra.pdf
Rosalin R Bruyere - Wheels of Light.pdf
Shyam Sundar Goswami - Laya Yoga [reference work].pdf
Sivananda - Kundalini Yoga v1.pdf
Sivananda - Kundalini Yoga v2.pdf
Six Chakras.pdf
Swami Satyananda Saraswati - Kundalini Tantra v1.pdf
Swami Satyananda Saraswati - Kundalini Tantra v3.pdf
Swami Satyananda Saraswati - Taming the Kundalini - Bihar Yoga.pdf
Vivekananda - Raja Yoga.pdf
Woodroffe - Introduction to Tantra Sastra.pdf
Woodroffe - Kularnava Tantra.pdf
Woodroffe - Sakti and Sakta.pdf
Woodroffe - The Garland of Letters.pdf
Woodroffe - The Serpent Power - The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga 1950.pdf
Yogi Bhajan - Introduction to Kundalini.pdf
Yogi Bhajan - Sexuality and Spirituality Kundalini Yoga.pdf