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1. Empty Justice: One Hundred Years of Law, Literature and Philosophy 2002

Utilising literature as a serious source of challenges to questions in philosophy and law, this book provides a fresh perspective upon the creation of moral and legal personhood. The interdisciplinary network creates fresh approaches to issues such as the 'reasonable man', provocation, rape, treason, abortion, and the social contract. Individual theorists such as John Finnis, Ronald Dworkin, Judith Jarvis Thomson and Christine Korsgaard are juxtaposed with philosophically linked texts by writers such as J.G. Ballard, J.M. Coetzee, Iris Murdoch, John Fowles, Graham Greene, Elizabeth Bowen, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and Thomas Hardy. Central themes in law and philosophy are made accessible and entertaining yet remain challenging in this novel approach to the subject.

2. Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age By Alasdair Roberts

The conflict between expanding national security measures and preserving civil rights gets an extended examination in this timely history of the right to know. Lawyer and public policy scholar Roberts's occasionally exhausting book covers the right to know movement in a global and historical sense, touching on transparency movements and backlash domestically and internationally (the Freedom of Information Act's 1966 passing, Roberts notes, spurred the creation of similar laws in 60 countries) to show how governments across the world go to great lengths to dip, dodge, skirt and subvert openness laws. His account of the post-9/11 Bush administration depicts a secretive administration that bristles at attempts to reduce the secrecy under which it has conducted the war on terror. As Roberts demonstrates through countless examples, there are various ways for a government to subvert its own right-to-know laws without technically breaking any (classifying non-sensitive information, outsourcing operations, charging fees for information requests), sullying any optimism about the "rhetoric of transparency" that has been spreading as far as China in the past few decades. Roberts remains mindful that the "right to know" isn't a guarantee, but a struggle worth pursuing.

3. Mormon Latter Day Saints LDS Preparedness Manual

004 Preface
006 Book of Gomer Parable, Author Unknown
014 Preparing for a repeat of Haun’s Mill, By Roger K. Young
022 Preparedness Test, by One Heart Inc.
023 Deluxe 96 Hour Kit, By Glenn A. Anderson

026 Food Storage, by Chris Parrett
028 BARE-MINIMUM Food Storage Requirements, by Chris Parrett
029 Do you Really have a Year’s Supply??, By Chris Parrett
030 Basic Food List, Lynette B. Crockett
034 Monthly Food Storage Purchasing Calendar, by Andrea Chapman
038 The Seven Major Mistakes in Food Storage, By Vickie Tate
040 Common Storage Foods, By Alan T. Hagan
041 Grains & Flours, By Alan T. Hagan
051 Legume Varieties, By Alan T. Hagan T. Hagan
053 Availability of Grains & Legumes, By Alan T. Hagan Alan T. Hagan
056 Moisture Content in Grains & Legumes, By Alan T. Hagan
058 Dairy Products, By Alan T. Hagan
061 Canned Fluid Milks and Cremes, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, By Alan T. Hagan
064 Sugar, Honey and Sweeteners, By Alan T. Hagan
069 Fats and Oils, By Alan T. Hagan
071 Cooking Adjuncts, By Alan T. Hagan
075 Infant Formula, By Alan T. Hagan
077 Growing and Using Sprouts, by Al Durtschi
079 Pros & Cons of Freeze-Dried, Dehydrated, MRE, etc.., by Skipper Clark
080 MREs, Meal
Ready to Eat, By Alan T. Hagan
087 Storage Containers, By Alan T. Hagan
099 Oxygen Absorbers, By Alan T. Hagan
099 Moisture Control, By Alan T. Hagan
105 Spoilage, By Alan T. Hagan
111 Storage Lives of Dehydrated Food, By Al Durtschi
116 Water, by Paton Turner
130 Master Food
List, by Chris Parrett
134 Master Seed List, by Chris Parrett

135 OK, But what do I prepare for?, by Capt. Dave
138 Surviving in the City, Edited by Chris Parrett
148 Money, Edited by Chris Parrett
151 Defence, Edited by Chris Parrett
153 Clothing, Edited by Chris Parrett
154 Emergency Heating & Cooking, by Greg Pope
158 Emergency Light, by Robert Roskind & Brandon Mansfield
164 Emergency Shelter, by Larry Bethers
165 Master Preparedness List, by Chris Parrett
179 Space Cramp, Where do I Put it all?? by Kim Hicken
181 Emergency Sanitation, by Greg Pope.
182 Emergency Toilets & Garbage Disposal, by Alan T. Hagan
184 Emergency Generators, By Steve Dunlop

190 Biological and Chemical Agent Dispersion, By Kenneth B. Moravec
196 Protecting Yourself From Terrorism, By Kenneth B. Moravec
200 Homeland Security Advisory System.
202 Nuclear - Chemical Decontamination Kit, By Kenneth B. Moravec
204 Nuclear Disaster and Warfare, By Kenneth B. Moravec

212 Why Tent Cities, By Roger K. Young

4. Zips Pipes and Pens (Improvised Weaponry)

In this book, J. David Truby demonstrates why gun control simply doesn't work. Features rare photos of remarkably ingenious and very deadly improvised weapons made by guerrillas, secret agents, criminals and freedom fighters, all collected from prisons, police departments and Third World countries. For information purposes only."

5. To Break a Tyrant's Chains

This book has been created to help put tyrants and would-be-tyrants on notice that a rag-tag band of neo-guerrilla fighters can bring the strongest of armies or police states to their knees. With this in mind, Duncan Long reveals the secrets of how to secure and create weapons and the tactics to use them when fighting almost anything imaginable ? from attack helicopters to tanks.
You?ll learn how to avoid being injured by deadly chemical agents ? even if you don?t have a gas mask or other protective equipment. Long gives you straight, no holds barred assessment of the shortcomings of guerrilla warfare conflicts, updates guerrilla strategies to fit today?s level of technology, and takes a look at the historical mistakes of many rebel groups who tried to adopt conventional strategies to their movement often with the loss of many men and without winning their war."for information purposes only

6. Six-Legged Soldiers - Using Insects as Weapons of War

Now this is good stuff right here. Sure, we've all heard about how the ancients used to launch jars filled with scorpions or how the Plains Indians would torture enemies by burying them up to their neck near a fire ant nest, but who would have thought that insects could be used as weapons in the modern era? This book takes a look at an odd, but surprisingly effective, history of insects and their military applications, both experimental and in practice, as well as some less than savory miscellanea.

The book starts off from the beginning, approrpirately enough, looking at a wide variety of insects (and other arthropods) being used by various generals throughout antiquity. The above mentioned examples are par for the course, but we also get mention of other anecdotes, such as the mythical venomous dikairon bird of India (which Lockwood identifies as a particularly nasty rove beetle), the use of bees and wasps to deter invaders, launching plague infected cadavers from trebuchet, and my personal favorite, the story of Nasrullah Bahadur-Shah, the Emir of Bukhara in Central Asia, who used assassin bugs and sheep ticks to torture his enemies. Lockwood is very attentive to the role that plagues, disease and poisons from insects have played in military history as well.

He continues on, however, into more recent historical applications of insects in warfare, going through the various attempts by the United Sates, Japan and Soviet Russia to use insects during World War II and the Cold War. In particular, he examines attempts to use insect vectors to spread the bubonic plague and malaria in Asia. Even so, older tactics remained in use, as he points out that the Viet Cong would set off explosives near bee hives to get them to attack American troops. The American response? Try and develop chemical phermones that would turn bees into allies against the Communists! This is all fascinating stuff, some of which worked out better than other applications, but all innovative nonetheless. The real meat of the book, the REALLY scary stuff, is what he gets to by the end of the book.

The latter chapters start going into today's uses of insects, including the very real concern that insects could be used as agents of biological terrorism. Think that's far-fetched? Lockwood cites not only how easy it would be to reintroduce the exterminated screw worm to the United States, but also points out that domestic terrorists extorted the government in the late '80s by threatening to release the medfly into California. Insect pests cause billions of dollars of damage each year, and as the author notes, terrorist groups might very well consider destructive scenarios that conventional governments and militaries would never engage in in. Equally fascinating (and scary), he also takes a look at government experiments into controlling insects through cybernetics, and the potential ramifications of such practices. Cutting edge stuff that!

The entire book is absolutely fascinating, and completely understandable from the civilian and/or layperson end of things. At the same time, he is very careful to use proper Latin names for all of the medically significant insects (and occasionally, arachnids) mentioned in this book. Lockwood writes on a very captivating subject; I was so into this book that I think I read through it in only a few hours. Whether you are into entomology or military history, this book will be right up your alley. But what really wins him points is that Lockwood not only wrote a fascinating book, but also has a recommended reading list at the end, citing articles and books that will keep you up to date on much of the material that he writes about.

7. Under a Green Sky: Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future

Popular science writer and paleontologist Ward presents breaking news about the link between past mass extinctions and global warming. Disarmingly engaging, Ward combines tales of his own punishing fieldwork with a piquant history of the controversies that have dogged scientists seeking the cause of the "mother of all extinctions" in the Permian period. This provides the foundation for a stunning discovery: evidence of past greenhouse extinctions. As Ward carefully parses the data and its implications, he observes, "the key to climate change seems to be both the level and the rate at which carbon dioxide rises in the atmosphere," no matter its source. Ward also illuminates the symbiosis between ocean currents and climate change, then explains why, as the northern ice cap melts, it is likely that the Atlantic conveyor current system will be altered, thus accelerating climate change. Ward asserts that humankind has flourished during a remarkable period of climatic stability and notes how tragic it will be if our carbon habit brings this boon to a catastrophic end. An important addition to the necessary literature of global warming

8. Bones, Stones and Molecules: "Out of Africa" and Human Origins

"Bones, Stones and Molecules" covers all of the latest anthropological discoveries and developments. Sahelanthropus and Orrorin are breaking news in paleoanthropology and are covered early in the book. These two new fossils are from the "wrong" side of the Great Rift Valley and neatly dispense with another recent favorite theory of human origins that involved the stranding of Old World and New World monkeys on either side of the Great Rift.

"Out of Africa" versus the "Multiregional" hypothesis are the book's main focus, and "Out of Africa" comes out the clear winner. David Cameron and Colin Groves each have their own slant on human origins, and these are clearly depicted in dozens of cladograms, each co-author posing variations. There are numerous sketches and photographs, and brief boxed interludes that also display a sense of humor.

"Bones, Stones and Molecules" introduces Groves' strong background in Australian fossils, the controversy over the timeline of Australian colonization has ramifications that affect much of anthropology. This is a solid book best suited to those with previous knowledge of the field. The appendix provides mathematical proof of assertions made in the book, hundreds of anatomical measurements are detailed. There are very few works that achieve such an excellent balance between mathematical rigor and literary readability.

9. Dragon Bone Hill

Dragon Bone Hill is the name of the archeological site in China where Peking Man was found in the 1920s. Although all of the original Peking Man fossils were lost during the Japanese occupation of China, casts remain and have shown that Peking Man should be classified as Homo erectus, an early ancestor of humans. Ross University anatomist Boaz (Evolving Health) and University of Iowa anthropologist Ciochon (The Human Evolution Source Book) tell two entertaining tales as they explore many facets of the Homo erectus story. The first deals with the discovery of Peking Man and provides much insight into the politics of early paleoanthropology. As part of this story, the authors also attempt to resolve the oft-examined question of what happened to the original fossils. They don't present a great deal of new information and come to the same conclusion as many others (notably Nicole Mones in her novel Lost in Translation), suggesting that, after being discarded by Japanese troops, the fossils were ground up and turned into medicinal products by Chinese locals. Their second story addresses the evolutionary place of Peking Man and presents "hypotheses on the origins of the use of fire, the beginnings of human language, the evolution of the brain, hunting, cannibalism, stone and bone tool use and ancient human diet." They conclude that Homo erectus was primarily a scavenger incapable of speech who had learned to tame but not fully control fire. Accessible to the general reader, this volume provides a nice overview of the subject.

10. Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe

Cambridge paleontologist Simon Conway Morris in this book covers convergence and its implications for understanding evolution. Convergence (also called homoplasy) is the independent evolution of similar traits among distantly related organisms such as humans and octopi have similar eye anatomy (although one is inverted, the other verted). Life is replete with examples of convergence on every level: molecular, cellular, even behavioral. Convergence is the key to understanding that evolution, despite its tremendous variety, is fraught with direction, or shall we dare say, purpose. It is a bold statement that will undoubtedly receive a strong reaction from the bulk of the evolutionary community. Morris uses almost half of the book to discuss the building blocks of life (DNA, RNA, proteins, and sugars such as ribose) .He shows that, although these building blocks are very easy to synthesize, this does not help us to understand the origin of life, which, he argues persuasively, is about as unlikely an event as can be conceived. Every approach we have taken to understand how life could have originated now seems at a dead end. Morris spends one chapter looking at the uniqueness of our planet and concludes, as does Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, that life of any kind is a phenomenally unlikely state of affairs anywhere in the universe. While upholding an adaptationist view, Morris labels adherents of the cold, ruthless, and ultimately purposeless evolutionary reality, such as Huxley, Simpson, Mayr, Ernst Haeckel, Clarence Darrow, and even Richard Dawkins as "ultra-Darwinists". He finds fault with the religious fervor of their pronouncements, and their utter ignorance of theology. Convergence, argues Morris, tells us that a Higher Purpose controls Nature. Morris is also as critical of those who harbor doubts about evolution as he is of those who seek to glorify it, but the criticism of ID and creationism is brief compared to the time spent against "ultra-Darwinists". Morris, no doubt, realizes that he left himself open to the charge of being a creationist, and so makes a few remarks castigating them.

11. The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution - Richard Dawkins

Just as we trace our personal family trees from parents to grandparents and so on back in time, so in The Ancestor's Tale Richard Dawkins traces the ancestry of life. As he is at pains to point out, this is very much our human tale, our ancestry. Surprisingly, it is one that many otherwise literate people are largely unaware of. Hopefully Dawkins's name and well deserved reputation as a best selling writer will introduce them to this wonderful saga.

The Ancestor's Tale takes us from our immediate human ancestors back through what he calls ‘concestors,’ those shared with the apes, monkeys and other mammals and other vertebrates and beyond to the dim and distant microbial beginnings of life some 4 billion years ago. It is a remarkable story which is still very much in the process of being uncovered. And, of course from a scientist of Dawkins stature and reputation we get an insider's knowledge of the most up-to-date science and many of those involved in the research. And, as we have come to expect of Dawkins, it is told with a passionate commitment to scientific veracity and a nose for a good story. Dawkins's knowledge of the vast and wonderful sweep of life's diversity is admirable. Not only does it encompass the most interesting living representatives of so many groups of organisms but also the important and informative fossil ones, many of which have only been found in recent years.

Dawkins sees his journey with its reverse chronology as ‘cast in the form of an epic pilgrimage from the present to the past [and] all roads lead to the origin of life.’ It is, to my mind, a sensible and perfectly acceptable approach although some might complain about going against the grain of evolution. The great benefit for the general reader is that it begins with the more familiar present and the animals nearest and dearest to us—our immediate human ancestors. And then it delves back into the more remote and less familiar past with its droves of lesser known and extinct fossil forms. The whole pilgrimage is divided into 40 tales, each based around a group of organisms and discusses their role in the overall story. Genetic, morphological and fossil evidence is all taken into account and illustrated with a wealth of photos and drawings of living and fossils forms, evolutionary and distributional charts and maps through time, providing a visual compliment and complement to the text. The design also allows Dawkins to make numerous running comments and characteristic asides. There are also numerous references and a good index.-

12. The Quick and Dirty Guide to Learning Languages Fast

There are many reasons why you might need to learn a foreign language quickly. The author, a U.S. Army Green Beret, often travels to foreign countries on short notice and needs to be able to communicate with military and government officials, many of who do not speak English. He tried all types of schools, classes, books and tapes, but none delivered what he needed when he needed it. So he developed his own method for learning foreign languages. It proved so effective for him and his fellow Green Berets that he decided to share his method with others who need to learn a language quickly. The Quick and Dirty Guide to Learning Languages
Fast is designed for people who have no interest in learning complicated rules of grammar
. The author promises that his method will help anyone become functional in any language in seven days and proficient in 30. He's trimmed the fat, freeing your time for what's truly useful. Includes a day-by-day schedule, a handy workbook format and secret tips to help you master key elements quickly and easily."

13. Viet Cong Boobytraps - by Kurt Saxon

14. Death By Deception - Advanced Improvised Booby Traps - Jo Jo Gonzales

15. Backyard Rocketry - Converting Model Rockets Into Explosive Missiles

16. Understanding Surveillance Technologies Spy Devices Their Origins and Applications

17. How To Win In Hand To Hand Fighting

18. Acoustic Weapons

19. Mad About Modern Physics - Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities

20. Offensive Weapons for Sale! - P A Luty

21. Pocket Painfield Generator

22. Sonic Nausea Generator

23. nuclear weapons effects

24. Scientific Principles to Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 5 Chemical Weapons

25. High­Power Microwaves

26. CAHRA: Russian Book Translation Project Results Psychotronic Weapons and the Security of Russia

With related background information on Russian/U.S. mind control technology

27. Microwave News Vol. XXVI No. 1 - 10-Year Latency

28. Electromagnetic Aspect of Mind Control: A Scientific Analysis

Many publications, primarily in newspapers and popular magazines, discuss so called “Electromagnetic
Mind Control” and “Electromagnetic Weapons”. This controversial theme originates from two well
known facts: (i) electromagnetic (EM) fields and radiations can affect the human organism and (ii) the
impact of EM fields occurs invisibly and so it may be organized in a way that people do not know about
it. Particularly intriguing is the idea that relatively weak EM radiations can affect human brain causing
some specific mental processes, conscious or subconscious, which means the principal possibility to
control the human mind. The fundamental scientific basis underlying this particular type of mind control
is biological effects of weak EM fields. Since I have been engaging in such studies for decades, I was
invited by Cheryl Welsh, J.D., director of the Mind Justice Org., to opine on this matter.
In this article, are considered general questions associated with the concept of EMF control of the
human organism and particularly of the human mind. The definition of EM mind control is specified first.
A brief historical overview is further presented showing main milestones of the development of this
concept in the USA and in Russia. Then, we analyze known methods that allow extracting information
about brain processes. Other methods are reviewed as well, which in contrast allow delivery of
information into the human brain, by exposing it to EM fields and radiations. Any EM mind control,
whatever it would be, should be based on general principles of EMF interaction with living objects.
Therefore, also considered are scientific grounds for possible EM mind control. They include (i) a variety
of biological effects of superweak MFs and EM radiations, and neurological effects among them; (ii)
some theoretical grounds that give examples of molecular and subcellular mechanisms validating the
effects of superweak EMFs, and (iii) technical limitations of the targeted exposure of humans to EM
fields and radiations. Also, a comment is given to the microwave hearing effect with regard to its potential
for EM mind control. Finally, conclusive remarks are focused on what is possible and what is not possible
in the EM mind control area. In particular, based on the review of literature made, we deduce which kind
of mind reading is scientifically grounded and in what sense we may speak about mind control.

29. From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory

30. US Bioelectromagnetic Weapons Research

31. Moscow's Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks

The American military may want to attack the nervous system, with pain rays and laser plasma
pulses. But they're not the only ones. The Russians have long studied such systems, too -- including
one weapon that could, in theory, remotely trigger heart attacks.
In 2003, at the 2nd European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, Anatoly Korolev and his
colleagues from Moscow State University presented a paper with the snappy title "Bioelectrodynamic
Criterion of the NLW Effectiveness Estimation and the Interaction mechanisms of the multilayer Skin
Tissues with electromagnetic Radiation." This is a study of how radio-frequency weapons -- like the
American Active Denial System -- affect the skin. After wading through a mass of technical data
showing how complex the interactions are we reach the punch line:

32. Air Force Plan Hack Your Nervous System


34. 1993 America's Latest Development - the Non-Lethal Weapons Concept

35. Magician's Arsenal, Professional Tricks Of The Trade

Fire Flower 1
Hand Flasher 2
Impact Smoke Bomb 4
Gravity Holdout 5
Hot Shot I 7
Hot Shot II 9
Flash Fire 10
Shotgun-Shell Devices 12
Ballistic Cane or Umbrella 14
Sleeve Cannon 16
Spit Fire 18
Self-Lighting Match 19
Exploding Balloons 20
Exploding Balloons II 22
Human Blowtorch 23
Bottle Rocket Gun 24
Digital Time-Delay Weapon-Firing System 25
Psychokinetic Scrambler 27
Fog Machine and F/X Effect with
Fog Machine and Movie Projector 29
Remote-Controlled Weapon-Firing System 31
Rattrap Cigarette Weapon-Firing System 32
Up to One-Hour Time-Delay
Weapon-Firing Method 33
F/X Remote-Controlled Pull/Reel 34
Telephone Remote Control
Weapon-Fuzing System 35
Shocker 36
Shocker Deluxe 38
Squib Work 39
Squib Vest 42
Whiz Bang I & II 46
Death Cards 48
Flamethrower 50
Ignitor 51
Lit Candle from Coat 53
Flash Pots and Flash Pans... ...54
Escape Tools 56
Escape Tricks 58
Thermite Escape Methods 62
Rope Work 64
Magician's Escape-and-Evasion Kit 65
Lock Pick Guns (Improvised) 70
Sparks 72
Shooting Wand, Cane, or Staff 74
Self-Lighting Fuze Principle 76
Miscellaneous Weapons and Effects 78
Gas Jet 80
Secret Hiding Places 81
Burglar Deterrent I 83
Burglar Deterrent II 85
Sleeve Darts 87
Unbelievable 89
Flame-Lifting Methods 90
Selected Flames and Fires 92
Utility Device 95
Firecracker Devices 97
Pick-a-Card 99
Impact Smoke Bomb II 101
Appendix A
How to Make Flash
Paper and Flash Powder 103
Appendix B
Improvised Radio Detonation Devices 104
Appendix C
Initiating Actions 105
Appendix D
Supply Sources 106
Appendix E
Magic Dealers 107
Bibliography 108