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The 2017 Arthritis Summit, 9th - 15th October 2017

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Is joint pain hampering your life? Have you been told your pain is permanent?

Fortunately, we’ve discovered many of the reasons why people get inflammation (and arthritis, which isn’t just a condition in our older population).

Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed or have been living with joint pain for decades - especially those with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis - join us to regain hope that pain is not your destiny!

The Arthritis Summit will teach you about:
+ Nutritional advice and the role of the microbiome
+ Stress and inflammation connection (and what to do about it!)
+ Infections and toxins that might be triggering symptoms
+ How to avoid unnecessary medications (and regain hope!)
+ Supplements and treatments that can truly be helpful
+ And more!

Day 1: October 9, 2017
The Roots of Inflammation and Arthritis
Systems Biology, Epigenetics and the Future of Medicine - Jeffrey Bland, PhD
Functional Medicine Approach to Arthritis - Kristi Hughes, ND
Modern Epidemic of Inflammatory Arthritis - David Brady, ND, CCN
Lab Testing for Arthritis, Autoimmunity and Inflammation - Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Reversing Arthritis at the Lowest Possible Cost - James Maskell

Day 2: October 10, 2017
Understanding and Treating Autoimmune Arthritis
Finding and Treating the Causes of Your Arthritis - Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment - Amy Myers, MD
Autoimmunity, Arthritis and The Paleo Approach - Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
Thyroid as Gateway to Autoimmunity and Arthritis - Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
Advocate for Yourself in the World of Autoimmunity - Dr. Bonnie 360

Day 3: October 11, 2017
Understanding and Treating Osteoarthritis
Lifestyle and Regenerative Medicine for Osteoarthritis - Andre Panagos, MD, MSc, FAAPMR
EcoSystems Approach to Treating Arthritis - Frank Lipman, MD
Most Common Myths Linked to Arthritis - Jonathan Landsman
Osteoarthritis: Why Losing Body Fat Matters - Robert Silverman, DC, MS, CNS
Using NES to Repair Joint Damage - Wendy Myers, FDN-P, CHHC

Day 4: October 12, 2017
Root Causes of Arthritis: Imbalances in the Gut and Oral Microbiome
The Gut-Joint-Brain Connection - David Perlmutter, MD
Factors Needed to Create Gut Balance - Patrick Hanaway, MD, FAAFP, FACN
Treat the Gut, Heal the Joints - Raphael Kellman, MD
Role of Imbalanced Gut, Oral Bacteria and Viruses - Todd LePine, MD
Oral Microbiome as a Trigger for Systemic Inflammation - Mark Burhenne, DDS

Day 5: October 13, 2017
Root Causes of Arthritis: Infections and Toxins
Mold, CIRS and Water-Damaged Buildings - Jill Carnahan, MD, ABFM, ABIHM, IFMCP
Environmental Toxins and Inflammatory Arthritis - Aly Cohen, MD, FACR
Autonomic Response Testing to Diagnose/Treat Arthritis - David Minkoff, MD
Lyme Diagnosis and Treating the Whole Person - Jay Davidson, DC, PScD
Managing Lyme and other Tick-Borne Diseases - Richard Horowitz, MD

Day 6: October 14, 2017
Root Causes of Arthritis: Using Food as Medicine to Treat Arthritis and Improve Gut Health
Common Sense Approach to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Kathie Madonna Swift, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND
Using Food As Medicine to Support Gut Health - John Bagnulo, MPH, PhD
How Emotions, Stress and Self-Awareness Influence Diet - Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, IFMCP
Gluten, Food Sensitivities and Arthritis - Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP
Health Coaching Tips to Support Lifestyle Change - Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD

Day 7: October 15, 2017
Root Causes of Arthritis: The Role of Stress and Trauma in Arthritis and Chronic Illness
Role of Adrenals in Regulating Inflammation - Aviva Romm, MD
Connection Between Stress, Trauma and Illness - James S. Gordon, MD
Tools to Improve Communication and Reduce Stress - Neha Sangwan, MD
5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Stress - Heidi Hanna, PhD
Transforming Personal Challenge into Positive Change - Amy Oestreicher, PTSD Specialist

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